Facility & Company Information > UK


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If anyone has lodging information for this facility, please post it here.

This is the place to talk about how your outage is going or other general discussions related to this facility. You can talk about most anything directly related to this facility, as long as is complies with the forum rules. 
Don't forget to rate this facility, and discuss your vote. Keep it positive and civil. Use your head when posting a comment; you don't want to get the corporate lawyers after either of us. If this section gets abused, it will be removed. Review the forum rules before posting here.

Reply with 'local flavor'. This would include places to eat, as well as other points of interest.  If you have a weekly get together, post it here and invite other NukeWorkers in the area.

Hunterston 'A' was my home plant before I moved to the US.

The one thing I'll say (from an HP point of view) is the guys who work there are great!!  Something that really helps when you have to work so many hours in one place!

I also worked a couple of Outages in Hunterston 'B' and enjoyed it very much!!

One thing I'd say to them, though, is they'd love it here in the States.

Looks like some forced outage money to be made....who will get the contract?


has the story...


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