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Nuclear - The Next Generation

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RP Instructor:
"I would say the next generation of nuclear power plants began in the 1990s.  The problem is that it didn't get to a nuclear backwater like the United States".

Good point. Europe and Asia are taking advantage now, of the benefits of nuclear power, whereas the US continues to depend on fossil fuels. What precipitated the creation of this thread, is that I believe it's time we communicate to the Arab oil-producing nations, that we no longer need nor want their oil. September 11th was a wake-up call, that the US has no friends in the Arab world, and let's not kid ourselves into believing that we do. So I say: "stop trading with them". We are financing terrorism against the US by buying their oil - that's the bottomline. Use the technology that exists now, to free ourselves of our dependence on Middle East oil.

RP Instructor:
"A consortium of nuclear utilities will try to build a new plant and be sued to bankruptcy by clueless environmental activitsts"

Oh I'm sure the environmentalists (read, actors)will come out of the woodwork, and they'll drive-up in their Cadillac Escalades, Lincoln Navigators, Ford Excursions, Toyota Sequoias, etc. However, the energy issue will eventually become an energy crisis, like it was in 1973, and in order to ensure national security, the court cases will be dismissed and the plants will be built.

they will only be built because we are to lazy to turn off those flood lights, and to stop buying crap like fry daddys. (and big industry will lobby them to be built. $$)

a faulty energy policy should not be reason for a forced solution.  the energy-mainly electric- crisis is due to over solicitaton by utility market managers.. All utilities know this and gladly accept the profits that we rain down on them.  The NE power outage was not a lack of power problem it was profit taking-put off replacing old out of date infrastructure to keep stock prices high- the calif crisis was the result of free wheeling power brokerage.. BE ACTIVE, Read the facts, know why you pay tremendous fuel adjustments when fuel cost is the lowest in years- coal is low, uranium is almost free... can u say daisy chain?

RP Instructor:
"they will only be built because we are to lazy to turn off those flood lights, and to stop buying crap like fry daddys. (and big industry will lobby them to be built)."

True. Conversation would help alleviate our demand for electricity. However, considering every desktop has a PC, our reliance on the computer overall, and that every home and business is run on electricity, the demand for electricity will grow despite conservation.
My point is, the US needs to significantly reduce its' dependence on fossil fuels by moving people into mass transportation (i.e. trains and trolleys), reduce dependence on the personal automobile, and not risk its' economy to the volatility of the Middle East, nor finance terrorism against its' own interests worldwide. Nuclear can help achieve that goal.

"a faulty energy policy should not be reason for a forced solution.  the energy-mainly electric- crisis is due to over solicitaton by utility market managers.. All utilities know this and gladly accept the profits that we rain down on them.  The NE power outage was not a lack of power problem it was profit taking-put off replacing old out of date infrastructure to keep stock prices high- the calif crisis was the result of free wheeling power brokerage.. BE ACTIVE, Read the facts, know why you pay tremendous fuel adjustments when fuel cost is the lowest in years- coal is low, uranium is almost free... "

You appear to have issues with the workings of capitalism. Unless the US plans on throwing itself back to the 19th century, heating homes with wood, lighting them with lanterns, curing food with salt, and riding in horse-and-buggy, the increased demand for electricity will force the US to seek a solution, and (rightfully) consumers will pay for that solution. (For the umpteenth-time) Nuclear needs to be part of that solution. As stated in the companion thread, Europe and Asia have made nuclear power an intricate part of their energy policy - the US needs to as well.


--- Quote ---can u say daisy chain?
--- End quote ---

the only thing wrong with a daisy chain is when yer not invited.


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