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Nuclear - The Next Generation

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nah.... we need alla fossil burners we kin git so's dat we kin keep our vegatative co-inhabitors alive via da co2 emissions.  'sides, once we burn up alla fossil remains, den we gotz ta split atoms to maintain the electric demand that well bee in place at dat time.... see rblinc previous entry on dis thread.

The Old USA must get off it's butt and not worrry about the oil boys. The general pubic is misinformed of the current situation. Blackouts ocurr at an alarming rate. With the current population growth we will have rolling blackouts to most of the the USA in the next decade, unless congress decides that nukes is the gig!

but the oil boys are in the white house and are the party leaders- hmmm something aint right.

binc ya preachin to he choir... no one here will admit that the administation needs to change...  the leaders that  made the statement that coal is our best hope... did ya mention the mercury discharge from fossil plants too??? Global warming is in the fossil record and is part of history.. it happens often and will always happen.. somethings just bring it about faster.. oh if u lived on the gulf u would know about global warming-the ocean is rising folks.. no matter what u believe its a fact. 

Rain Man:
It will all be driven by Moe-Nay.  If the money leans towards fossil burners that is what will be developed.  If it leans toward nukes it will go there.  The US energy policy will follow the same trend that many programs follow.  The USG will pay it lip service and throw token funds at it until something catastrophic happens (Nero fiddles while Rome burns??).  It's a little hard to tie the horse up in the barn after the barn has burned down.  As far a global warming, there is evidence from "experts" that it might or might not be happening.  The problem is that once definitive proof is found we have passed the point of no return.  The world may have passed that point already.


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