I guess where I am coming from is slightly different. I am not in commercial nuclear power, or any nuclear power for that matter. I work for a fixed gauge manufacturer, we use sealed radioactive sources similar to those used in radiography and irradiators. Once a customer is done with said source they typically send them back to us, the manufacturer, for disposal. Sometimes we attempt to reuse them, but the amount of dirt and grime and corrosion gives us a not so happy feeling. So rather than wash these by hand, j/k, we would like to find a small US cleaner. I have even dreamnt up an idea of using a golf ball washer
The capsules we use are typically 1/2 inch dia. by 3/4 in length, so imagine something in reference to some pocket change. I dont know if something would be available to decon something this size, as it seems you are working with large items.
I dont want you to think like you have to post a book or anything, but you do post mostly relevant info. I need a starting point and reading it from the horse's mouth is pretty good for me. I will try the manufacturers you listed and avoid the nuclear suppliers.