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Re: Pay for Junior Decon Tech
« Reply #25 on: May 24, 2005, 03:52 »
my perspective is from the reviewer of contractor resumes and utility side using INPO approved task performance manuals with typical guidelines established by SAT and accreditation guidelines. Deconners are only qualified when they meet the task qualifications established by that utility and that includes (eg)  operating a meter to dose rate garbage which ties into DOT and part 61 regulations for radioactive waste management. And yes, after a certain time period technicians and operators are expected to meet certain specifications and training. This is required to maintain accreditation from ACAD and INPO. the criteria established by contractor companys for marketing purposes may be somewhat different than what a utility considers prudent to manage risk associated with co-employer situations, so checks and balances are established.

Qualified competent means SAT, testing, certification, and task performance with verification and documentation of such. Tasks may be transfered depending of the degree of detail the utility wishes to undergo. We buy that method from vendors all the time...

feget the road stuff what u gets from the road is what u gets... caveat emptor
« Last Edit: May 24, 2005, 03:56 by alphadude »

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Re: Pay for Junior Decon Tech
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2005, 05:27 »
my perspective is from the reviewer of contractor resumes and utility side using INPO approved task performance manuals with typical guidelines established by SAT and accreditation guidelines. Deconners are only qualified when they meet the task qualifications established by that utility and that includes (eg)  operating a meter to dose rate garbage which ties into DOT and part 61 regulations for radioactive waste management.

My perspective is from that of an INPO Certified Instructor... deconners are not (or at least were not as of 2002) in the accredited training program and therefore had no SAT analysys done. If your program spent the time and money for it, good for you. It was not an industry practice at the time, and I can see no valid reason for it now except to justify instructor hours.

feget the road stuff what u gets from the road is what u gets... caveat emptor

If that is an insult to road techs, thanks tons, but you are showing a distinct lack of experience (or maybe just tolerance). I have worked in a whole lot of plants as a contractor and as a house instructor (among other positions in-house), and I too, have reviewed a lot of resumes and I have seen good and bad techs on the road and in house. The house techs tend to know more about their plant and have less overall experience... not a slam, just a result of staying in one place all the time and dealing with a more limited set of problems.
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Re: Pay for Junior Decon Tech
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2005, 05:58 »
eric_bartlett.... t'anks fer yer input from a contracting office view, it's appreciated as it show that what the customer asks for, the customer gets, or in udder werds, ya gets what ya pays fer.   it also shows that what yer liability issues are, ya ensure against, or in udder werds, ya trains what ya needs.  althow this is a basic in the business werld, itz amazing that peeple still haven't got the hang of the philosophy.
rdtroja..... kudos fer yer amazing ability to show restraint and loving language usage. 

this place wood be a sad place without both yer inputs, 'n my hat's (or hood, as the case may be) off to the both of ya!
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!


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Re: Pay for Junior Decon Tech
« Reply #28 on: May 25, 2005, 08:03 »
decontamination is part of the health physics programs or can be part of maintenance programs, historically they have a tpm and are managed as part of the health physics/rad waste program. we included it as part of total risk assessment since decontamination can have effects on waste disposal, RCRA, and safety related equipment.  maybe im the only INPO certified instructor to include decontamination as part of the health physics since they perform special tasks on safety related items which if performed incorrectly welll...  and use meters to dose rate garbage. if your program doesnt have decontamination as part of the HP perhaps it should be included. When Bartlet techs were used we qualified them on the tpm and sent them to training just like the other plant deconners. the only time we waivered any training is when the vendor supplied training documentation on their equipment.  The program was accredited under Rad Waste and still is.

ok so i only have 35 years of nuke experience. worked 12 commercial facilities,4 DOE sites, 5 D&D, and 5 start ups... ill get the hang of it before i retire in 3 years.  :P oh i forgot the time i got arrested as a spy in nigeria during the gulf war too...

when in doubt-poke it with a stick
« Last Edit: May 25, 2005, 03:46 by alphadude »


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Re: Pay for Junior Decon Tech
« Reply #29 on: Mar 16, 2006, 01:07 »
Im  not sure what a jr should get,It really does depend on the plant and the contract, Just be careful because people will talk behind your back, and smile in your face . Education is the key, no one can deni that...


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