Career Path > Outages
Raising the Bar
or i could ask, has anyone had unusual experiences with P-10 at lower temperatures (0 deg. C) and what effects have u encountered with the lower grades of gas?
hey does anyone know the "claw". story goes he picked up a fuel pellet and threw it down the drain when he saw his RO2 go off scale!! bout blowed the meter outta his hand!! not that is a RAT to be hanging with!!!! ahh nuke history!!!
--- Quote ---ok i give! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!! So, which side do i go with this week?
or i could ask, has anyone had unusual experiences with P-10 at lower temperatures (0 deg. C) and what effects have u encountered with the lower grades of gas?
--- End quote ---
never did 0 degrees C with p-10 instrumentation, but then i figger i'm a young man still, p'rhaps there's still time. however, i have noticed that when temps drop below 32 degrees farenheit, accuracy is enhanced by re-plateau maneuvers. i ony use industrial/instrumentation grade of p-10 gas, as is commonly available. haven't had any experience with pharmaceutical grade.
boyoboyoboy.... cain't wait to find out wut is in store fer next week :-?
naaaa i've used large p detectors in all type of temps, well below 0 C, and never had problems. its those feekin ludlums that seems to give fits. typically though i use u-p grade and like i said never had problems. i'm thinkin that junk grade p-10 may be the issue. (technical)
wouldnt a denser gas induce a multipication factor??? such as in the neher-white chamber?? hmm go figure waitin with baited breath...
alls i know is that our efficiency rose up to where it was supposed to be when we redid the probes (43-68 ) while working outside in the winter.... had fed and state auditors opine that they were glad to see that we had done it prior (weeks) to their entrance to the site.... but then again, therez still time. ;)
not familiar with the neher-white detector mentioned, but since the gas multiplication factor is directly dependent on the applied voltage, i'm thinking knot.
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