I remember Pritchard, in fact he went on to be a detailer for ET's! I seem to rember have more officer instructors but I was in ET section so that may be why. I know our class or your was the first to go through under a homogenous break down in the classes. Meaning for us ET's it was #1, #,2 and #3 students split between three classes and then so on with 4,5,6 --7,8,9. This was opposed to the old method of top 30 in class A, next 30 B, next 30 C. Idea was that drop rate would be lower becasue weaker guys in class could get help from stronger guys. In the past lower sections had much larger drop rates (I guess Dumb could'nt Dumber in section C
). Heard we had one of the lowest drop rates in many years but I am not sure if that was rumor or not. (might explain how I made it through
Back on topic: knowing I want Duke is there anything negitive about them you have heard?
Does any think this MOX thing will cause them issue down the line?
Maybe this should be a new thread but
What about all the new construction "planned" what kind of impact on work force do people see that having? More jobs available more demand for workers more pay? Under manning current plants? What will the ramp to a larger work force look like?