Career Path > Money Matters
No more OT?
I read in an article today in the paper that GW Bush wants to "overahaul" labor laws , saying that the OT laws as they are written are "antiquated". The jist of the story is that OT should not be available to as many workers as it is. For instance, the story went, an engineer making 80K should NOT be eligible for OT.
I am starting to wonder about this guy.. doesnt he have enought to worry about? I am assuming now that he has no intention of re-election.
It's my opinion that his statement doesn't mean that companies expect their employee not to work overtime but work it for free. Here where I work, if you are salary and overtime is approved you get straight time for hours in excess of 44/week. Where my husband works, you can and are expected wo work whenever needed and you are still only going to get your base pay. No extra. Straight or time & 1/2. For some reason the CEO's of these big companies think that at the $70K - $75K/year, you should not get overtime or straight time for excess hours worked. It's really great that these decissions do not effect their 7 figure incomes.
the laws can be rewritten however it is wanted... they get rewritten alla time anyways... but the one econonmical law that cannont be rewritten states "yinze gets what ya pay fer". peolple will give time to a point, after that they won't give time, effort, care, whatever. that's when the almighty dollar steps back into the equation, generally lots bigger bucks than what is mandated by law.
although slo go has a good assumption, the money that steps back into the equation does not fully compensated the demands required by the employer. this is old news, most utilities have been doing this for the last 10 years. sure they give u a raise but they demand more and feel smug about getting you for a few more dollars on the hour. dont forget with higher pay comes higher taxes. usually those working for utilities are slaves to the system.. kids, car, house loan, or kids in college, or divorce payments etc... most will do anything to stay where they are, so they grease up for the employer.. just the facts ma'm.
thats why so many of us are contractors. we get paid by the hour....
--- Quote ---I read in an article today in the paper that GW Bush wants to "overahaul" labor laws , saying that the OT laws as they are written are "antiquated". The jist of the story is that OT should not be available to as many workers as it is. For instance, the story went, an engineer making 80K should NOT be eligible for OT.
I am starting to wonder about this guy.. doesnt he have enought to worry about? I am assuming now that he has no intention of re-election.
--- End quote ---
I don't want to put this in the password protected zone but you're just now starting to wonder about this guy. The saving grace in all this is that there are still enough union contracts out there that won't be renewed untill G.W. is gone and they supersece the labor law. If it's in the contract that OT will be paid, it's PAID! [smiley=ylsuper.gif]
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