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Author Topic: St. Lucie  (Read 180288 times)

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Offline Rennhack

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St. Lucie
« on: Jul 22, 2001, 07:41 »
Don't forget to vote.  Keep your comments civil.

« Last Edit: Dec 09, 2007, 09:43 by honeycomb »


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #1 on: Dec 13, 2002, 06:32 »
Now that the outage is over and the babies have had their Whole Body Counts, what has become of the Plant Manager and VP that were removed from outage duties?

More FPL Philosophy: "If all of the Manager's are out of control, they can't fire us all.  That would raise the suspicions of the NARCs!"

"I know, let's pick a scapegoat and place all of the blame on him."


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #2 on: Dec 14, 2002, 08:33 »
Yeah, I've been wondering about how everything worked out at PSL.  Did they get a new, permanent RPM?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #3 on: Dec 16, 2002, 07:56 »
Don't appreciate the comment on the babies at St. Lucie.
There were MANY GOOD techs at the last outage and all the techs had the same option ( stay or leave) and most chose to stay even with the long hours, 7-12s, and being understaffed. It wasn't the old St. Lucie but in this day and age of safety comes first( right after you get the job done)any outage you can walk away from with all your fingers and toes is a good outage.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #4 on: Dec 16, 2002, 08:25 »
Old Guy, from reading previous therads that have since been deleted, Snowbound might bave been referring to the small shield boxes that were used after the outage for whole body counting children, hence the term "babies."  Can't say for sure that any of this actually happened so take it with a grain of salt.

And Mike, why did all the old PSL threads get deleted?  Probably a good thing as they were getting a bit out of hand.  Nevertheless, it is interesting finding out what's happening at other sites.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #5 on: Dec 19, 2002, 02:24 »
;) Yes Old_Guy I agree with the babies thing. From what I understand some children were actually brought in and received a body count. Allegedly, a box was fabricated as a booster for the children to stand on. A small 10k particle was detected on a sock upon an exit WBC of a contract worker. This worker is related to a plant employee. Since the particle was discovered after the sock was worn home and after it was placed in the washing machine, a concern developed that maybe more made it to the house. This particular particle actually made it through all monitoring equipment undetected. A HP was sent to do a survey (all OK). I believe the WBC of the children was the last effort to satisfy the concern. The 20K particle on the underware is big news but the 10K sock did not get much press. Of course you understand this is just a rumor. Officially, nothing happened!

Catch any big fish lately? [smiley=director.gif]  


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #6 on: Dec 20, 2002, 02:36 »
As a knowledgeable person with decades of FPL experience, I can safely say that "get it done at any cost and we'll deal with the consequences later" has been the nuclear management philosophy.  Anyone that dared to speak up found themselves being escorted to the gate at the next set of "Downsizing".


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #7 on: Dec 20, 2002, 03:59 »
I hate to hear all of this about Lucie.  Been in Oak Ridge since 94 but Lucie was home and the best plant in the industry to work.  Guess all good things come to an end.  Have to believe that it was inspite of the house techs, not because of.  They were all great coworkers and friends.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #8 on: Jan 03, 2003, 06:17 »
:) PSL HP is in a sink or swim position. Sometimes a mess has to occur inorder to get things back on track. They are on a short track to get ready for their next outage. The program must be revised, but most important, the plant management must allow HP to do what they are paid to do. All we can do is hope for the best. Good Luck to PSL HP.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #9 on: Jan 13, 2003, 08:20 »
I worked on the Y2K program and had great cooperation from the in-house folks.  Wouldn’t mind going back.
FP&L has the best food  service of any of the many sites I’ve been at.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #10 on: Jan 20, 2003, 10:39 »
There is a rumor that the Plant Manager of St. Lucie during the contamination outage from hell is no longer the plant manager.
Word is that he is no longer in nuclear power.

Anyone know anything more???


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #11 on: Jan 20, 2003, 11:45 »


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #12 on: Jan 23, 2003, 04:22 »

Plant manager has not been removed. Just a rumor you must have heard. PSL is working hard to get ready for next outage. All eyes on them now!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #13 on: Jan 25, 2003, 11:26 »
After 22 years in this business, I can tell you that a plant is never as bad as you hear, and likewise, never as good as you hear.  St. Lucie has some of the finest (and some of the "not-finest") people I've run across.   They are having a rough time now, but they will end up better for it.  An infusion of new blood would help.  


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #14 on: Jan 28, 2003, 02:31 »
8)I agree that PSL is not quite as bad as you hear BUT their last outage was absolutely terrible. This is what most of the posts are referring to. It shall leave a lasting impression of all who were there. The HP organization was strugggling and finally collapsed. It could no longer remain a secret that the department needed help. 3 HP supervisors are gone, and the remaining personnel are working diligently to get the train back on track. I wish them good luck.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #15 on: Jan 28, 2003, 02:42 »
some of these postings show a lack of understanding on the way business works-which leads to rampant speculation. these vps and all are on contract. they dont get fired like the hourly puke.  some of the things mentioned would be minor details to a vp.  but such is the life of the RAT. oh yea when u hear some vp is not in the business any more.. u are seeing a mega buck buy out.  go figure


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #16 on: Jan 29, 2003, 05:26 »
:D In addition to the 3 Health Physics Supervisors who have decided to not continue employment with PSL, 4 of the remaining HP supervisors received HR letters announcing immediate improved performance is expected within 90 days or else. They are not the only management personnel to receive such a letter. Oh What a feeling!  [smiley=deal.gif]


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #17 on: Jan 30, 2003, 03:18 »
There is only one Manager at PSL who was there as a Manager in 1997.  
In regards to plant performance and a reduction in Human Performance Errors, the plant made a great turn-around and performing well.
FPL uses their employees and spits them out.  If you are working at the plants (PTN or PSL), wake up, your turn is coming.

How about those 90 day Performance Improvement Plans-  The sad thing is that manager's that are giving them to employees are receiving these plans from their bosses.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #18 on: Feb 09, 2003, 06:06 »
:-? Very, Very, True! "Danger in the comfort Zone"!!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #19 on: Feb 12, 2003, 11:21 »
Changes are for the good at PSL. Expect plenty of management support for doing things right during the upcoming Unit 2 outage. Extra turbine work should take some pressure off of the containment staff. No room for errors this time around. New management working hard to get things on track.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #20 on: Feb 13, 2003, 09:05 »
:)I think they have a 30 day outage scheduled. This should be less aggressive and easier on doing things right. Lets hope so. LoneWolf- Any word  on those empty positions in HP?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #21 on: Feb 14, 2003, 03:07 »
J and R are still in charge.
Remember to pack extra shoes and Mountain Dew.
You look sexy in flip-flops anyway.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #22 on: Feb 14, 2003, 11:37 »
Well, I've read all this stuff, and I was there.  There were some mistakes made, because of the schedule push, for sure.  I've done this for a very long time now, and I have seen much worse though, in the so called golden days.  I found the SL employees that I came in contact with, day to day, delightful, and if I had to do it over again, I would, because of them.  I had heard a rumor that they treated contractors badly, but I found the opposite to be true.  I was treated with respect and was one of the team, I felt.  There were contract HPs there, who really would not have made it in the oldern days.  I wonder if they are the ones who are complaining.  Sure the SL upper management overreacted to the off site find, but who wouldn't in these days of media bloating of the facts.  That was the very upper management though, handing down those decisions, out of fear.  The middle and frontline management were really good people just trying to hold on to what they had, I thought.  Upper management needed some training and discipline to trust the middle and front-line management, because they were knowledgeable people.  Their fears were translated down to the people that were running the show.  Every contractor came there with a bad attitude because of the cut of hours.  That is a separate issue though, but now it's all mixed together, I think.  Was SL horrible?  No.  Could the situation been improved?  Yes; by alot of factors, that are not being discussed in this forum (namely, how much integrity was really there with us contractors, and how much was just whining?)

Anybody get over-exposed?

I didn't, and I didn't see any of that.  Didn't like them sending the people back into the BRT after the hydrolasing fiasco.  I'll agree with anyone on that though.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #23 on: Feb 24, 2003, 10:33 »
Excellent analysis of the problem at PSL. The bottom line is they just were not prepared for the outage. PSL has always relied heavy on returning contract HP staff to pull them through. They did not have their team this time around. There were many contract HPs who had never been to PSL. The returnee rate was very low. Upper management expected performance and somehow middle managers were very intimidated. They tried to keep under cover the inadequate preparation. Nobody wanted to be without a chair when the music stopped. HP lost a lot of credibility early on. There were not any personnel over exposures BUT a true potential was recognized by many. Can it be better? Absolutely. I think the program is being tweeked and would hope a better group is soon to emerge.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #24 on: Feb 24, 2003, 07:24 »
I have not been to SLucie in a decade or so, however I have nothing but fond memories.  Playing golf at the condos (they were in play ya know), parties on the beach and at the local hangouts, and some of the best house techs I ever had the privlige of working with, such as Hollywood, Vinnie, and the Dream just to name a few.  The only downside then was you had crankin Frank Hammeker to deal with!  Keep the faith people in this business they don't want you to get to high or to low, SLucie's time to shine again will be soon!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #25 on: Feb 25, 2003, 03:06 »
Its hard to be a team and ready to face emergent issues when your personnel constantly change.
Someone needs to be the foundation (with the knowledge and skills necessary to make new personnel share the vision and become part of team).
FPL does not allow this to happen.  In the last 5 years, they dismissed their foundations in Health Physics.  H and R were good folks that saw it differently than another NEW manager.  They implemented many innovative and dose reducing techniques.  
Although I was not directly in their food chain, I witnessed the shaftings of them and many others.
Typical FPL.  


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #26 on: Mar 12, 2003, 09:05 »
I'm headed back to St. Lucie but I hear there has been some Mgt. changes and the new sheriff is none to friendly, can anyone shed some light on the new RPM?  I was there last outage on night shift and had a great time, which is completely opposite of the dayshift so I hear.



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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #27 on: Mar 27, 2003, 05:13 »
Rumor is that the results of the latest St. Lucie INPO E&A (evaluation and assessment) were not so good (3).
Condolences to the folks working hard and are the victims of improper management.
Further condolences to all of the exempt employees (Lower Level Management) that have been told that they will be working every Saturday for the forseeable future (without pay-of course).


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #28 on: Apr 03, 2003, 02:59 »
New Info related to the poor INPO showing and the last outage.
The VP has been replaced.   Safety focus was the reason discussed.
More Mgmt changes in the looming.

Hint to those in charge:
You cannot continuously change the Management Team at your sites and expect experienced, error-free, top decile performance.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #29 on: Apr 03, 2003, 10:05 »
As long as the revolving door for upper management is in effect at Lucie, no will care about the long term effect of their actions on the plant and its personnel. Each one that comes in tries to make themselves look better in the eyes of corporate big wigs to advance their own career.  :'(


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #30 on: Apr 09, 2003, 02:20 »
Rumor has it:
The VP (former Turkey manager) has been sidelined due to non-compliance with corporate safety (Honest, it wasn't the INPO 3).
Ops Manager sent packing to licensing
Ops Supervisor now an assistant in maintenance
New VP in town-not sure if he's packing six guns or lolly pops
New Ops Manager and Ops Supervisor are from Operations.  My, how the world works like a sine wave.
Still only one Manager there that was a manager in '97.  I hope he's realized that his time is coming. (too bad-he's a nice guy and one of the plant's bright spots)

Only hope for anyone working at the FPL plants is to unionize.  Yes, that includes all of you, like Engineers, Exempt/non-management, Maintenance and Operations management.  Juno Management does not like dealing with unions and their management.  Talk about the National Labor Relations Board makes them very nervous.

Collective Bargaining is one way to prevent FPL from having a rotating job force at will.

Good Luck to all

Offline starving_dog

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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #31 on: Apr 10, 2003, 09:33 »
Any news on their refueling outage?


There are the Habs, and the Hab nots.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #32 on: Apr 11, 2003, 07:07 »
Refueling starts around the twentieth.  The in-house station personnel are going to their refueling jobs this coming Monday.

New VP and Plant Manager nervous about this one.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #33 on: Apr 13, 2003, 01:20 »
:D Wow, lots of questions for Ol PSl.

RPM is fair. Only personnel who have trouble with him are those who have difficulty performing at reasonable standards. He is a bit hard on some supervisors but truthfully the need a little push to do the right things. Communications have been a bit light but it seems as if he is caught up in a mound of administrative work. He is navigating in the right direction.

Outage prep not the greatest due to so much procedure change to program but hopefully enough.

More personnel will be available for this outage. Hopefully doing the right things will be the norm and not the exception.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #34 on: Apr 23, 2003, 10:40 »
The RPM will be gone soon now the VP has been changed.  He is an opportunist.  The VP/PTN Manager runs the RP program into the ground and calls this RPM in to fix it.  The RPM gets all the money and personnel he needs to fix it.  Once it appears fixed and his VP/Manager leaves and he has to work with a budget he leaves.  If the previous RPM had unlimited funds the mess that happened last outage would have been avoided.  Now you see him now you don't.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #35 on: Apr 26, 2003, 01:17 »
The folks at Lucie are in the midst of the outage and last I heard they were 2 hours ahead, but that is a continuously moving target.
The VP and Plant Manager (rumor is this is his last chance) are riding shotgun on the Midnight shift.

90 day get well plans have disappeared.  Rumor is that too many folks that received them were ready to file suit.
I've never met a Human Resources Manager that I could trust.

Good luck to the folks working the Lucie outage.  Just remember, as good as the outage goes and as hard as you work makes no difference to FPL Management when they are deciding who to axe in the next set of down-sizing.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #36 on: Apr 27, 2003, 05:52 »
:D Outage is pushing along. Generator Manways just removed yesterday. Slow and methodical. HP may not have all the "I's" dotted and "T's" crossed BUT they are doing everything possible to prevent a repeat of things getting away from them. Senior Management support is high and very coperative. Site VP was transferred to new position in company a few days before start of outage. Plant manager remains same and is supporting HP in a big way. General workers have good understanding of expectations. Still have a ways to go!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2003, 05:04 »
:o Here at St. Lucie where are all the HP techs? Seems they didn't know that this was a full blown Refueling Outage (You know, fuel off, fuel on, fix Sh*t, HP coverage required). Where's the Calvary? Everyday there's a new recipe to make Chicken Salad out of Chicken Sh*t.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2003, 05:32 »
This outage, whether successful or a flop could be the best thing for St. Lucie.

Under successful, place a check mark next to "The company now realizes that the former empire was an evil and pernicious one and the only one.  It appears that the management team has been told to straighten up and fly right with regards to personnel safety and treatment.

Under unsuccessful, if this one stinks of mismanagement, the last of the plant management team left from last outage and the head nuclear guy in Juno will be sent packing.

Remember to pack your garlic and lay in a big supply of wooden stakes.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #39 on: May 03, 2003, 08:57 »
As long as the revolving door for upper management is in effect at Lucie, no will care about the long term effect of their actions on the plant and its personnel. Each one that comes in tries to make themselves look better in the eyes of corporate big wigs to advance their own career.  :'(

First Karma to you to get you up to neutral.
???Second, your comment is true, but would it be so bad if upper management made themselves look good by making the plant do well? How can they make themselves look good and advance their career if PSL has poor performance? To date, who has made themselves look good? I only see one after another being removed from their high ranking position. I personally do not care who looks good as long as the plant is on top of her game. Let's hope someone will decide to make themselves look good by putting it on track!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #40 on: May 03, 2003, 09:02 »
The RPM will be gone soon now the VP has been changed.  He is an opportunist.  The VP/PTN Manager runs the RP program into the ground and calls this RPM in to fix it.  The RPM gets all the money and personnel he needs to fix it.  Once it appears fixed and his VP/Manager leaves and he has to work with a budget he leaves.  If the previous RPM had unlimited funds the mess that happened last outage would have been avoided.  Now you see him now you don't.

I respect your opinion and some of what you said is true. Funds are more available today than for replaced HP manager. Bottom line is, the performance of previous RP manger was not what it should have been. PSL has tough road to hoe. NEW RPM is an improvement.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2003, 09:05 »
:o Here at St. Lucie where are all the HP techs? Seems they didn't know that this was a full blown Refueling Outage (You know, fuel off, fuel on, fix Sh*t, HP coverage required). Where's the Calvary? Everyday there's a new recipe to make Chicken Salad out of Chicken Sh*t.

Someone was really off on the number of personnel required. Not a good beginning for high expectations.

Karma to you TrustNo1


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2003, 09:16 »
:)Yes it is true, PSL HP is very short of the required staff needed to perform well. Sometimes a dose of reality is required to see a fix is not always as easy as it looks. New RP management has more work to do. At least attitude of upper management is better. HP not being run over.  Too bad they are so understaffed that they are again powerless to do well. The person that decided on the RP staffing number needs a tune up for sure! They must maintain zero regulatory issues. As long as they can keep from making a mistake, they do not have to be polished.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2003, 09:21 »
:o Here at St. Lucie where are all the HP techs? Seems they didn't know that this was a full blown Refueling Outage (You know, fuel off, fuel on, fix Sh*t, HP coverage required). Where's the Calvary? Everyday there's a new recipe to make Chicken Salad out of Chicken Sh*t.

What new recipe??? No new recipe! It is never chicken salad, ever! Chicken Salad would be Awesome. Winn Dixie brand Bologna sucks!

Karma to you for even suggesting we may get a little chicken.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #44 on: May 06, 2003, 07:31 »
Time will tell!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #45 on: May 06, 2003, 07:39 »
They have a few excellent technicians there. They are not coming forward to help fix things. They are just holding back to see if the storm will clear or will bad weather continue. Hope it gets on track.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #46 on: May 06, 2003, 11:47 »
Neutron, given the money and conditions the new RPM was given even you could have improved the conditons.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #47 on: May 09, 2003, 12:56 »
True. Cant argue with that. Money and support are certainly necessary to improve things. Money was not only issue. Program definitely required tweeking. They are not there yet. Regardless of who does it or how, it needs to be done.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #48 on: May 09, 2003, 01:00 »

Given the money and support even you could make some changes?

I would be able to make fundamental changes without much from others. I guess Ol neutron is just bottom of social ladder without an intellect worthy of programmatic changes within the Health physics arena.

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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #49 on: May 12, 2003, 03:00 »
How's things going at St Lucie?  Some of my ex-coworkers from Calvert were sent as loanees.  I hope they're enjoying themselves. ;)
Irish diplomacy is the ability to tell a man to go to hell such that he looks forward to making the trip.

Inspite of inflation, a penny is still a fair price for most peoples thoughts.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #50 on: May 13, 2003, 10:18 »
>100 hours behind schedule and trying to enter Mode 4.

Riddle me this:

What ex-site manager entered his new exectutive position and introduced himself to his staff by saying,
"Hi, I'm _________   ________ and I take resignations 24/7."


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #51 on: May 13, 2003, 10:23 »
Usually when a site gets that far behind they end up cutting scope from the outage or pencil whipping the remaining schedule and just like that they are only 2 hours behind again. I've seen over 150 hours made up in 1 day.  ;D


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #52 on: May 14, 2003, 06:38 »
Turbine work was driving schedule this time but 2 nozzle repairs on RX head have pushed things back a little.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #53 on: May 16, 2003, 11:04 »
Beach is still very nice.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #54 on: May 23, 2003, 04:11 »
300 plus hrs behind. 2nd nozzle just getting started
on weld. Everything else just about finished up.
Folks starting to bail ( can't blame em ). About
a week or two more to go with any luck.
NRC gave an attaboy for an improved HP program.
Could be worse!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #55 on: May 23, 2003, 04:24 »
300 plus hrs behind. 2nd nozzle just getting started
on weld. Everything else just about finished up.
Folks starting to bail ( can't blame em ). About
a week or two more to go with any luck.
NRC gave an attaboy for an improved HP program.
Could be worse!

Oh what a shame, 300 Hours behind.  If the morons hadn't either packaged and walked off site or caused to quit their entire management staff, someone around there might know something.

Good for you FPL.  I wish you only the worst.

P.S.  Is the management/bargaining unit relationship as strained as ever?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #56 on: May 26, 2003, 05:22 »
Nights are good because management tends to lessen their presence.
But, after a while you tend to feel like a vampire.
I must know you but I need another clue.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #57 on: May 29, 2003, 01:05 »
What is the status of the Outage?
What are the management changes as a result of this one?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #58 on: Jun 02, 2003, 02:09 »
Outage Update:
 41 days down so far. Hatches closed, heating up.
>300 degrees. Maybe critical in a couple of
days! Management's rumored that the
GPM, the one that was here for the last outage,
will be leaving the ranks in July!!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #59 on: Jun 04, 2003, 12:32 »
Outage Update:
 Day 43. Full temp. & pressure. A screwed
up MSIV. A few minor leaks inside. Still
not critical yet. Only a few roadies left, and
they're supposed to be out by Thursday.  :o


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #60 on: Jun 04, 2003, 08:22 »
I bet you're all tired.
Stay tuned for the lay-offs/down-sizing that occurs following most FPL outages.  At 1 million per day lost revenue, FPL's attempt to recapture the money's lost due to the outage and the lost production (capacity), the cut will probably be deep.

The PGM will taking his fare-well/swan song ride down the Turnpike back to the Keys.

Has the board determined that Dracula is the down-fall of the entire nuclear division?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #61 on: Jun 06, 2003, 11:22 »
:)PSL Unit 2 in mode 1 at 1130 6/6/03. To come back off line soon for minor repairs. It has been a long hard outage and it is not over yet!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #62 on: Jun 06, 2003, 11:25 »
What are the repairs that will force the unit off-line?

Even in Mode 1, there's a long distance to rolling the turbine and closing the generator output breakers.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #63 on: Jun 06, 2003, 11:46 »
MSIV trouble on outside. Excore detector not working properly on the inside.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #64 on: Jun 06, 2003, 01:01 »
Those are giant MSIVs (Main Steam Isolation Valves) at PSL-Unit 2-
They can open under a full delta P and have before almost lifting the turbine off the turbine deck.

If PSL was able to enter Mode 1 with this excore Out of Service, they probably don't need it to satisfy Tech Specs.  

Depending on the scope of the MSIV work and since there is no isolation between it and the Steam Generator, you might have to coll down to Mode 5 (which is less than 200 degrees).  In reality it might be around 150-160 with the RCPs tagged out so that you're not adding heat to the RCS.

This time FPL will be sucking up the outage under O&M and not under the refueling outage.
The Florida Public Service Commission will have a field day.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #65 on: Jun 07, 2003, 06:03 »
They are working the MSIV with a block valve holding for isolation and staying at mode 3, 330 degrees. The excore is a creative modification to swap wires from one detector to another. The real issue at this point is a turbine exciter ground that prevented the unit from actually coming on line. They have not figured it out yet.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #66 on: Jun 07, 2003, 07:14 »
I've heard that many of the maintenance supervisors and work control persons that knew how to complete an outage have resigned.  Is that true?

If so, it shows that laying off (packaging) your entire staff (or sending them to INPO) affects everything about the plant.  You affect the quality of work, the moral of the other workers and your bottom line profits.

Unfortunately, FPL never learns.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #67 on: Jun 09, 2003, 04:59 »
Jumpingfoxfarm said "I've heard that many of the maintenance supervisors and work control persons that knew how to complete an outage have resigned.  Is that true?"

Unfortunately......every outage at Lucy is our first
outage and yes, it is true. In fact, I think one or two
more of our more experienced management people
have thrown in the towel this time! Oh well!!
To update LoneWolf's update. Unit 2's at about 30%
now and on a chemistry hold. The exciter on the turbine
is still giving them problems. The excore will be touch
and go for the entire run. If they lose it, it could mean
bringing the unit back down and replacing it. But....that's
life at Lucy  ;D


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #68 on: Jun 09, 2003, 06:00 »
Thanks for the update.  Please keep us informed about the plant and equipment status.

Also, let us know how the ball drops on the management team following this outage.

If they go back to 2001, they will see a major decrease in outage quality and an increase in time.  That was when they started losing the key players in successful outages.

Ask someone to tell you who created the equipment out of service/post maintenance testing program.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #69 on: Jun 11, 2003, 01:05 »
Well......almost made 2 days on line! Unit just
tripped about an hour ago! Don't know why yet!
Gee....never even got to 50%.   :'(


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #70 on: Jun 12, 2003, 11:26 »
Broken Feed Bypass valve, inspection of AFW valves

Auto versus Manual trip.
Ugly, Ugly, Ugly

Changes in work control personnel with more to follow site wide.  Stand-by!

I thought you guys knew that you shouldn't let the German guy trip you.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #71 on: Jun 12, 2003, 11:30 »
What about captin Joe is he still there? and do's he have anygood sea stories?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #72 on: Jun 13, 2003, 04:24 »
Well.....the feed reg valves are fixed. The investigations
still pending ( you're right, nobody much likes Herr Tripp)
We're finally off of 12 1/2's. The units slated to try a
re-start Sat. sometime. And I actually have 2 days off
in a row.....first ones in 9 weeks. Everybody have a good


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #73 on: Jun 14, 2003, 04:01 »
So Lucy, Ba Ba Loo.
R U finally on-line?
Tough outage.  Emergent work and the managers that were able to put the plant back together either packaged or resigned.

What do u work on first.  The INPO E&A visit Areas for Improvement or finding a management team that works.  You can't keep giving your personnel 90 day get-well plans and expect to survive.

Check the top of the FPL nuclear heap for what stinks.  

What was once the best in the country (and world) is now a laughing stock.  I tried to tell you that you can't keep beating them until moral improves.

Rank and File beware.  Lucy has demolished what was once her budget and at $50,000 per employee in savings, the lay-offs are not far off.  I can hear the HR people sharpening their pencils so that the right people are at the bottom of the employee comparison matrices.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #74 on: Jun 17, 2003, 01:20 »
Still off line. Still having problems with
turbine valves. No guess as to when it
will finally be running. We have lots of
"HELP" from Seabrook & Turkey Pt.
All of the control room Operator's
are being put through some enhanced
'Just in Time Training'. No big management
changes yet!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #75 on: Jun 20, 2003, 03:53 »
So what's the story this week?  Have head's started to role?

Lone Wolf, did you once work for me?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #76 on: Jun 22, 2003, 05:17 »
[smiley=rocketwhore.gif] heads rolling yet!
Unit 2 just reached 100% yesterday ( Sat.). Managed
to get everything fixed.....more or less. Also got our
INPO training accreditation renewed....Wow!! Other
than that, things seemed to have calmed down.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #77 on: Jul 05, 2003, 12:02 »
Just a little Lucy update in case anyone is interested! Last
week the site VP announced that all management people
starting with the Maintenance Dept's are now required
to submit a resume and application for their own jobs. Then
they ( upper management ) will start matching the best
people for the existing jobs!!! Sounds like they're starting to
sharpen the axe.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #78 on: Jul 05, 2003, 02:04 »
Let's see if they can find a correct position for the Creature of the Night at the head of the nuclear division.  When they axe that bastard, they should assure a stake is included in the package to assure that he remains gone.

As for Lucie itself, anyone receiving the axe will be someone with little vested interest, since most of the previous management (you know, the guys that were WORLD CLASS and on the NRC GOOD GUY LIST) are gone.  These were the folks that knew how to put the plant together and keep it operating.

Those management folks that were part of this team and not axed have quit because the conditions for management is deplorable.  (as you can read from the previous post)

I keep rehashing the same thing in my postings, but I hold some deep resentment toward that company.  

For those of you that remain after these cuts, if you haven't realized that your time is coming, wake up!!

Bargaining unit folks, stay where you are.  With any senority, the worst that can happen is the young will be roled.  At least people with time invested in the plant will have a position.

Standing Between the Board of Directors and a Dividend can be HAZARDOUS to Your Career.

Remember:  When the plant management is sitting behind closed doors, they count each person packaged as a $50,000/year savings.
They will manipulate the numbers on their matrices so that the person they want to be gone has the poorest score.
When they present you with a package, they will tell you:

You have so many days to find another job within FPL.  
You will be given the severence money at the end of that period.
If you don't sign the agreement for the severence package, you will still not have a job and you will lose the money.

P.S. Never trust the HR manager or his underlings.

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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #79 on: Jul 05, 2003, 08:06 »
Never trust the HR manager or his underlings.

Don't Tell me you trusted your HR manager. There job is to lie, trick and layoff as many people as Possible. Union or Non- Union.
How do you think these CEO's get 27 million Dollar  Bonuses!
A good friend will bail you out of jail. A great friend will be sitting next to you saying "Dam, that was Fun"


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DJRe: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #80 on: Jul 07, 2003, 05:28 »
DJ@ Clinton,
Do you drink carrot juice and milk?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #81 on: Jul 29, 2003, 04:18 »
Well it finally happened.
The last manager with any tenure has been removed from the site, and supposedly sent to corporate headquarters.
Well, for the rest of you, this is what your future looks like.  Tell your significant others now.  This way it won't be such a shock when you arrive at home earlier than usual and have to inform them that you are the latest FPL victim.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #82 on: Aug 21, 2003, 04:37 »
More loveliness from those guys that brought you Ready Kilowatt.
Packages and immediate removal from site for:
Work Control Dept. Head
I&C Dept. Head
Electrical Dept. Head
Work Control Folks
Document Control/Corrective Action Supervisor
Plant Manager being allowed to retire in December

Folks in Juno also affected:
Former Training Manager
Former Operations Supervisor

Remember, your turn is coming
Stay in Bargaining Unit
Call in Sick alot
Find other employment
Give 2 day notice (Walk in and tell them "I'm leaving today!"


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #83 on: Sep 29, 2003, 03:39 »
The blood letting continued last week.  
I&C is in need of planners because they're gone.  
Some folks are actually taking positions at least 2 steps lower than they were.  There goes future pay raises.  And they're not safe in their new positions either.  When the managers review employess next go around, your salary will be way above your level and you're bait for sure.
By the way, St. Lucie is now Peach Bottom south.  
Typical of the new management to wipe out the current staff, take credit for the successes that were put into place several management teams ago and then move on before too much is pinned on them.
The evil vampire still leads the pack.
Good luck my friends!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #84 on: Oct 27, 2003, 04:19 »
[smiley=deal.gif] Some would say 1 step forward and 2 steps back, but hopefully the train wheels have gripped the track and perhaps she will get rolling very soon.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #85 on: Dec 04, 2003, 07:02 »
Sounds Great!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #86 on: Dec 06, 2003, 09:09 »
When are the reactor heads scheduled to be replaced and when is steam generator replacement supposed to happen? Are those outages scheduled yet?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #87 on: Dec 06, 2003, 11:59 »
The SGs on Unit 1 have already been replaced.  As for the other unit, the last I heard, FPL management said that if they had to replace unit 2's SGs they would just shut the plant down.
I have never heard any plans for Rx Head replacement.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #88 on: Dec 06, 2003, 02:43 »
How old is unit 2? How can it not be worth replacing the steam gennys?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #89 on: Dec 06, 2003, 03:08 »
Unit 2 is about 10 years younger than Unit 1.  The replacement of SGs costs hundreds of millions of dollars.  FPL likes there to be a three year return, at the most, on its investments.
It has done stupid things in the past, like paying an exhorbitant price for Seabrook and then there was the Colonial Penn fiasco.
At this point, replacing SGs or Reactor Heads would be a crap shoot.  The entire St. Lucie management team that knew how to take the plant apart and put it back together has been packaged.  They have people from a BWR trying to run their Ops department, and the skuttle butt from the plant is that they don't have a clue.
The evil one is in charge of nuclear.  God help us all.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #90 on: Dec 06, 2003, 03:58 »
SGT has the contract to do the SGRP at this site and the head replacemnt here and at turkey point. all to happen in the near furture. the head at turkey 1st. and ANO.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #91 on: Dec 06, 2003, 04:29 »
I had worked for Indian River Insolation as a tin knocker/ scaffold builder for (Bill Ninesling and Jerry Collier) at Lucie for several outages it was when the jellyfish cloged the intake ... worked with a BIG long blonde haired male laborer went by the name of Chicago use to throw the Bean on us(polished Florida seabean) for $5.00 if you did not have yours with you.  Just thinking about getting back into the zoomies again and if any of you know of the outages I speak of or know Chicago send me a line  

P.S I use to go by BullRider



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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #92 on: Dec 08, 2003, 07:43 »
PSL Unit 2 is scheduled for Generator replacement in 2005. PSL Unit 1 has had generators replaced already. PTN and PSL are to have all RX heads replaced. PTN is first to begin Head replacement, starting October 2004.

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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #93 on: Dec 08, 2003, 04:06 »
PSL Unit 2 is scheduled for Generator replacement in 2005. PSL Unit 1 has had generators replaced already. PTN and PSL are to have all RX heads replaced. PTN is first to begin Head replacement, starting October 2004.

It is amazing that PSL has committed to replace their S/G on Unit 2. Last time I was there (2001) the conventional wisdom was the minority stake holder companies (owning about 15% of Unit 2 generation) would block any attempt at major jobs like S/G or Head. Glad to see common sense (and high natural gas prices) have forced reconsideration.

Eventually PSL will get better, if only because they have a better surrounding community than PTN, and will get some more of PTN's best.
If only there were a way to not get PTN's worst (again). ;)
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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #94 on: Dec 09, 2003, 05:29 »
If you are going to go through the time and expense of licence renewal:

Why wouldn't you replace your major components to ensure a viable plant life?

There are the Habs, and the Hab nots.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #95 on: Dec 09, 2003, 05:36 »
There is great expense in the replacement of SGs and Rx Heads.  The bottom line in the utility industry has become the per share dividend.
FPL has led the way in cost reduction via staffing and job scope reductions.
The fact that they are moving towards replacing those components is a good sign and may contribute to job security for their employees (especially bargaining unit)
As for the FPL exempt employees, they are still fodder for the continual nuclear downsizing.
It wasn't too long ago that the Ops Licensed On-Shift Managers were told that if it wasn't for the fact that it took so long to replace them, they would be fired.
Look around Lucie and try to find any managers with tenure.  They don't exist.  Those that weren't packaged have been demoted.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #96 on: Dec 09, 2003, 04:22 »
I was wondering  ??? I worked at Lucie Years Ago and I wanted to get in on an up and comeing outage, Who I can contacy about a carpenter job building those damn tube lock scaffolding


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #97 on: Jan 24, 2004, 05:00 »
 :-[PSL has an outage right around the corner in March. They are on a crash course. PWO back log is through the roof and outage prep in non existent. HP manager is in Neutral and many improvements have not surfaced as intended. I would predict a new slap of reality to hit the HP organization very soon.


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #98 on: Jan 26, 2004, 07:53 »
 :-X Hey Lone Wolf whasssssup? Have you heard the latest rumors about some serious openings in HP? I hear thr HP ops Supv is not staying for the long haul, the department head is moving up, and at least 1 of the 2 new supervisors from the technician ranks is going back. I hear rumblings that they may both go back because they are discouaged at spinning their wheels. They are both trying, I'll give em that!


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #99 on: Feb 01, 2004, 12:00 »
Neutron: yes I have also heard something very similar. PSL and PTN are both struggling but they are hanging on.


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #100 on: Feb 06, 2004, 08:36 »
New Supervisors have decided to stay. They are both doing fine. Breath of fresh air really. Hopefully they can continue to have small victories and over time make things better.


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #101 on: Apr 05, 2004, 06:54 »
Sure is Quiet?

I've been hearing a lot of feedback, from a couple of house mice, things aren't exactly flowing smoothly at the outage, rumor or fact?

Also heard they decided to staff with a less than favorable number of Techs and Deconners, rumor or fact?

Do they still start each outage with the coined FP&L, " We have a Budget Problem"' speech?


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #102 on: Apr 05, 2004, 06:02 »
We're a little more than half way through the
outage now......No major problems yet! Rx. head
inspection OK! Sludge Lance done! Most valve
work almost done! 2 weeks before our start date
they cut 14 Senior HP positions and 20 decon
positions. Put a MAJOR hurt on our planned
staffing!!!! Same ol' Lucy!!!

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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #103 on: Apr 05, 2004, 08:12 »
Every outage I worked PSL they had too many techs and too many workers. Everything went too smooth, so they had to change it!

Sorry, I meant to issue that post on April 1, and got distracted.

I always use PSL an example of scheduling to the extreme: the POD Nazis would require everything be done no earlier than planned. Deviations from the Plan required War Room approval. The schedule was the best and worst part of the plant outage.

Sounds like Turkey Point has infected PSL if they cut staffing with almost no notice: it would adversely affect the Plan!
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #104 on: Apr 07, 2004, 05:45 »
St. Lucie is trying it's best to  make sure it maintains the spiral to the bottom of the heap.They treat the workers like dirt and the HPs even worse than dirt. No outage prep, no supplies  and no support from any management.
It has really become a scary place. They seem to be competing with Pilgrim and Dresden for last choice plants to work at.


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #105 on: Apr 07, 2004, 07:56 »
Pretty much sounds like the standard FP&L!

You have to give them credit this time, at least they told the techs a week in advance that the slots disappeared!  Normally, you would find that out after you drove a 1000 miles and showed at the gate!  Of course even the weeks notice probably didn't sit well, considering most techs turned down other assignments with the anticipation of returning for the future big outages! 

Management Support?  The story I've been getting is that managment postions are simply a short lay over to pick up a tan and search for a new job!
Why would anyone want to be bothered by work?

When is $26 Hr. and $100+ a Day equal to ZERO?
When you accept an assignment with FP&L!

So, who's gonna grasp for the brass ring hologram next season?

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St. Lucie
« Reply #106 on: Apr 08, 2004, 05:31 »
If anyone has a favorite hang out, place to shop, or local information for this area please post it here.


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #107 on: Apr 18, 2004, 12:00 »
Yikes...I just read the complete Turkey Point and St. Lucie threads and couldn't believe it....

It sounds as though St. Lucie is the lesser of two evils, and nobody has mentioned the threat of being mugged or their car disappearing. Is this a correct assumption?

I just crossed Turkey Point off my wish list for fall, but the St. Lucie 2 outage fits into my overall schedule. Should I be looking elsewhere?

I'm coming in as a junior, just trying to find the best places to get in and build some experience.


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #108 on: Apr 19, 2004, 06:08 »
Turkey Point can be expensive for an outage. If you do the RV thing, call Goldcoaster in advance for reservations in Homestead. Gated, security patrolled, private, and clean. Worth every penny!

If you aren't doing the RV thing, go to Key Largo, and don't stop between Key Largo and Checkpoint Charlie at Turkey Point. Stay away from apartments and hotels in Homestead / Florida City. Stay away from malls and theaters and bars (people spend hours in there, and bad guys know it!) I am sorry to say even churches in Homestead suffer break-ins in the parking lot!

With those precautions, you can have a good Turkey Point visit.

As far as Saint Lucie, I would expect to spend quite a bit for a place to stay. Besides that, it's a beautiful place to work. The crime isn't usually a problem unless you get to downtown Fort Pierce (near the North end of Hutchinson Island).
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #110 on: Apr 20, 2004, 06:02 »
http://The management problems at both Turky Point and Saint Lucie , can all be summed up in one stinky *****. Face it . When it comes to the Nuclear Division, management is not an Art form. Keep the Turky point trash management at turky point where they can wear their name sake.  :)

I understand your concerns, and I also feel that the trash from Turkey Point should go to the landfill but usually ends up at St. Lucie.

Due to libel considerations, we do not use the name of the "bashee" in these posts. I had to edit your post to comply. I figure there are Art forms throughout the industry, so that part I let slide.
+Karma for your post, and don't let a little censorship keep you from sharing your opinions. Many prospective PSL (and PTN) employees need your input for balance, so they don't get blind-sided.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #111 on: Apr 25, 2004, 06:38 »
My first HP job fresh out of CFCC was at St. Lucie in 1983. It is a shame I am hearing it has gone to the dogs. I played the Hank watch on Sundays so the boys could play and I bet the same boys then turned into a big problems.
I'm out of the plants and I sure am not sorry I have finished my time. I was sentenced to 20 years and as we know 2003 is long gone!
St. Lucie was the greatest plant in the nation to work at back then. Shame, shame, shame.
I guess they are having fun at outage time if they are pulling the BS I am reading.
« Last Edit: Apr 25, 2004, 06:44 by LadyRadHP39 »


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #112 on: Apr 25, 2004, 08:55 »
Hey Roll Tide. Thanks for the heads up and I will try to keep my little  horse st*** cleaner in the future.

Whew! Seems as if not *** is well at the ole country club used to be.

When so many individualy talented musicians cannot play a single symphony as a whole then its time to take a look at the conductor.

After 29 or so years in the Nuc industry I learned these lessons

1) Never trust anyone associated with HR unless you need a 1-800 number to your benifits hot line. They are not your crying stone and certainly are not your friend.

2) Never trust the Feds. Resident or other wise. They seem to have gotten to close to the industry since the Bush administratuion did its coup on America.
And  besides,they are limited as to what they can do for the morale issues I am reading about here.

3) Never use the EAP "benifit".  The only benifit it has is to mark you for your  employers future uses. At least at the parent company of St. Lucie

4) And NEVER NEVER NEVER go to "nuclear speakout"


 You going to any of the above with a complaint is a sure fire way to get yourself labeled as a disgruntled little person worthy of being placed onto the chopping block.  The so c***ed "privacy" you think you have has its way of percolating down through the crevices.  Its the orchastra leader's method for blaming the talented musicians for his/her lack of ability to bring the symphony together.  And advise like I am giving here is exactly what he likes to see. Its less headaches for them.  But by *** means do not give up. Just re- direct your channels
« Last Edit: Apr 25, 2004, 09:33 by swanssong »


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #113 on: Apr 25, 2004, 08:57 »
Roll Tide, Release the censorship thing.  PLEASE!!!!!


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #114 on: Apr 26, 2004, 10:13 »
Hi Roll tide. By the way, there were very few bama fans at FPL That I knew of. So I feel as if I know you.
Any way. Back on 4/20 you responded to a entry in which I made reference to a dirty horse  stawl. You corrected my statement stating that we should not mention the name of the "bashee". Your words not mine. Since that date any word containing the letters a-l-l have been censoured.  So hence the request. Perhaps I just dont get it.  Go figure. Roll, you havn't turned into a company man have you?

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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #115 on: Apr 26, 2004, 10:32 »
Hi Roll tide. By the way, there were very few bama fans at FPL That I knew of. So I feel as if I know you.
Any way. Back on 4/20 you responded to a entry in which I made reference to a dirty horse  stawl. You corrected my statement stating that we should not mention the name of the "bashee". Your words not mine. Since that date any word containing the letters a-l-l have been censoured.  So hence the request. Perhaps I just dont get it.  Go figure. Roll, you havn't turned into a company man have you?

It was a much more powerful Jedi than I to work such mysterious havoc with your posts. I can open a post the old fashioned way and manually delete or modify offending verbage. This seems more like the work of a system administrator than a mere mortal moderator.

I am a company man. Specifically, I am a Rennhack company man, and I want this site to thrive. I am sure you do also, and understand why we don't attack using names. After all, we don't even give the names of our competition in a post, for legal reasons.

I spent a little time supporting St. Lucie. Beautiful place. The worst part of St. Lucie was the Turkey Point waste shipments!
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #116 on: Apr 26, 2004, 11:09 »
Sorry Roll. Didn't think it sounded like your MO. But all I had to go on was 1 plus 1. Thought you were the admin. Good to know.
My apology.  All All All


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #117 on: Apr 27, 2004, 03:23 »
My first HP job fresh out of CFCC was at St. Lucie in 1983. It is a shame I am hearing it has gone to the dogs.

One of the most fun and memorable outages of my life on the road. My second road job from late 1983, to 1984. (The underwater core barrel cut-up/repair.) Only left there to take an offer I "couldn't refuse". THE one plant that I always wanted to go back to, but never made it. I too am sorry to hear of all the problems.
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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #118 on: Apr 27, 2004, 08:04 »
Loved the area!


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #119 on: May 20, 2004, 07:38 »
Looking for old friends. B casisas or J stark. Could be working for J giles. If you know this then you will know of them.  contact me. All x licensed operators at Sait Lucie. Have "much to share" answer before company man Rol deletes.


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #120 on: Jan 21, 2005, 12:16 »
Heard a rumor of some cracks in the Rx. head. Are there, repairable, additional outage time?
                         Signed: Just Curious

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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #121 on: Jan 21, 2005, 03:06 »
I don't think anyone at Lucie has time to respond as they ended up cutting back on personel once again. (The old if we can get away with this time we can do it next time with even less)

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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #122 on: Jan 22, 2005, 05:08 »
Actually, I think the staffing was about the same as last outage, and the first layoff list just came out... almost 20 days into the outage.

And the cracks have added several days to the outage, but no one is saying exactly how many. Rumors are from 10 to 20 days. Film at 11.

The weather is here, wish you were beautiful.
"I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician."

                                  -Marty Feldman

"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to understand that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
                                  -Ronald Reagan

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #123 on: Sep 05, 2005, 05:11 »
I just read the entire listing of PSL postings.  There are so many unsubstantiated and uninformed comments being made, it's unbelievable!   St. Lucie is trying to play catch up.   There were years of neglect and lack of long term asset management.  It takes a while to overcome that.   But, the CEO and CNO are putting money into the plant.  That's important!

Beware of the supposed "insider" postings.   They are usually people who aren't informed or are just one of the people with negative attitudes.   St. Lucie is doing well, and can only be faulted for trying to catch up too quickly.   The amount of work being performed non-outage is staggering.   Many of the new hires have been effective, but have a hard time with the long time workers at the site.   

St. Lucie is now an INPO 2.   With new reactor heads and new S/Gs on both units by 2007, and numerous other plant improvements, St. Lucie is well on it's way back to the top.


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #124 on: Mar 10, 2006, 06:21 »
Yeah St Lucie hired some good people. A couple years back they hired 3 of the best SROs we had at Fermi. I think Fermi is still recovering in some aspects from the loss of those three men.

I do have a question..

Last year St Lucie replaced one of their Pressurizers. I believe they're the only utility to have done this.

I'm wondering how big a task was it?

Why did they do it?

And what special considerations were there?


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #125 on: Apr 10, 2006, 07:03 »
Hey all,
I am considering working at St. Lucie in what sounds like a mechanical maintenance supervisor position.  What is the work environment like there these days and what can I expect the job to entail. Manpower, Hours, salary, corporate culture etc.  I am really eager to get into FPL and I am looking for insight from people who have been there.
Thanks for your time.

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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #126 on: Apr 10, 2006, 10:14 »
I do have a question..

Last year St Lucie replaced one of their Pressurizers. I believe they're the only utility to have done this.

I'm wondering how big a task was it?

Why did they do it?

And what special considerations were there?


Sorry I took so long to respond to your questions, but I was deep into an outage and had a broken computer...

I wrote the HP plans for removing the Pressurizer at St. Lucie. Yes, it was a First-Of-A-Kind evolution and was a very large task from an ALARA standpoint. The amount of piping that had to be removed and subsequently reinstalled (note I did not say replaced) was impressive. Although the pipe diameters did not compare to a S/G replacement the confined quarters, tight tolerances, and surrounding high rad piping that was not removed made the task rather daunting. Those issues combined with a significant number of welding problems during the reinstallation made for a lot of dose, frustration and a few issues I will not address here.

The main reason to replace the pressurizer was that it contained the last Alloy 600 in the RCS and the utility wanted it out. Of course there were other considerations, but this is not the place to go into those details. There is not near enough room here to go into all of the special considerations involved. Suffice it to say that there were many rather painful meetings along the way. For details you should contact the utility.

Like any FOAK evolution there were several things that did not go as planned, but the job was completed approximately on schedule. Given that I use my own name here, that is as much as I will say.
"I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician."

                                  -Marty Feldman

"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to understand that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
                                  -Ronald Reagan

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

                                  - Voltaire


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #127 on: Apr 18, 2006, 02:55 »
Yeah St Lucie hired some good people. A couple years back they hired 3 of the best SROs we had at Fermi. I think Fermi is still recovering in some aspects from the loss of those three men.

I do have a question..

Last year St Lucie replaced one of their Pressurizers. I believe they're the only utility to have done this.

I'm wondering how big a task was it?

Why did they do it?

And what special considerations were there?



I asked the Ops Manager today why we replaced the Unit 1 PZR.  He said it was due to the inconel welds around the heaters had to be replaced.  It was less dose, manpower and over-all easier job to replace the whole thing than bits and pieces.  Overall the job went relatively well.  There were numerous fires called out in containment due to slag catching canvas tool bags or hoses on fire due to slag falling to lower floors during the welding process.

There were differing opinions on what the right thing to do was right up to the outage start.  Keep in mind we also had a head replacement at the same time.


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #128 on: Apr 18, 2006, 03:40 »
Dang, a head replacement at the same time.

So maybe this is too obvious a question, is St Lucie going to change out the Unit 2 Pressurizer?


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #129 on: Apr 18, 2006, 04:43 »
Dang, a head replacement at the same time.

So maybe this is too obvious a question, is St Lucie going to change out the Unit 2 Pressurizer?


St. Lucie 2 has the "Big One" scheduled for fall 2007 - SG, RV head, and pressurizer to be replaced.

There's a nice piece on FPL's projects director in this month's Nuclear News.


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #130 on: Apr 18, 2006, 05:03 »

The Nuclear News is still around eh? I stopped reading that rag years ago.


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Re: St Lucie
« Reply #131 on: Apr 18, 2006, 05:08 »
This month was the "outage management" special issue. Always good for pictures of large objects passing through holes cut into containments...

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #132 on: Sep 06, 2006, 09:57 »
Thanks for the info RDTroja. My tentative start date is ~ 1st of October.


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Re: Saint Lucie
« Reply #133 on: Apr 20, 2007, 12:51 »
Any idea how many techs they might need?  I managed to get into Ft Calhoun this past fall during their "Big One"


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Re: Saint Lucie
« Reply #134 on: Apr 20, 2007, 04:08 »
That Alloy 600 is a headache for this industry.  DB is starting their 15 RFO 3-4 months early just for the A600 inspections.  I don't see them getting another NRC excemption  :-X
« Last Edit: Apr 20, 2007, 04:09 by Nutty Neutron »

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #135 on: Oct 09, 2007, 07:35 »
How's the outage going????

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #136 on: Oct 16, 2007, 03:30 »
What's going on at the plant are the Generators out and has first lay-off happened yet ??? ??? It's great to get housing information but this is a bit extreme :P
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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #137 on: Oct 16, 2007, 06:28 »
It's great to get housing information but this is a bit extreme

Next we will have people complaining that too many great jobs are being posted!
This is one of the reasons the site exists; it makes arriving at the new job site that much smoother when you already have housing confirmed (or at least an idea of what is available).
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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #138 on: Oct 17, 2007, 05:01 »
                The old Rx head is out and they have made some progress towards cutting the generators.

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #139 on: Oct 17, 2007, 05:46 »
Next we will have people complaining that too many great jobs are being posted!

If memory serves me, I'm old, we already had a poster complain about the number of jobs a certain company "flooded" the job board with each week  :-\

RT is dead on, that is the reason we are all here, to help our fellow road warrior's find job's and then make getting set-up in them easier. I know it's always helped me.

ON TOPIC: Glad to hear that STL is progressing well, as I understand it they're about 2 days behind schedule. Not bad when you consider how massive an outage it is. ;D
« Last Edit: Oct 17, 2007, 05:47 by PWHoppe »
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

Forum rules..


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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #140 on: Oct 24, 2007, 04:02 »
Well here is the latest s/g info. How many days does it take to lift a s/g here 2 days and counting since the hook up?

The s/g is painted blue and looks like a big viagra,even this viagra can't get this s/g up!

They are having all kinds of problems lifting this thing.

This thing has been like a giant yo yo up and down.

Maybe today it will be lifted out?

I do love it so here.

« Last Edit: Oct 24, 2007, 04:43 by RadBastard »

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #141 on: Oct 24, 2007, 12:01 »
Trouble in Paradise......
Anybody got a big crane (TLD) we can borrow for a few weeks?
Seems Mammout's won't pick enuff weight, tried to get the first
SG out, then the center pivot pole started to flex and bend and
it was decided to set it back in the hole.....still there today...
 update at 1100  LOL

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #142 on: Oct 24, 2007, 02:27 »
Trouble in Paradise......
Anybody got a big crane (TLD) we can borrow for a few weeks?
Seems Mammout's won't pick enuff weight, tried to get the first
SG out, then the center pivot pole started to flex and bend and
it was decided to set it back in the hole.....still there today...
 update at 1100  LOL

I wonder if they remembered to make the hot and cold leg cuts.

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #143 on: Oct 24, 2007, 04:06 »
I wonder if they remembered to make the hot and cold leg cuts.

"I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician."

                                  -Marty Feldman

"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to understand that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
                                  -Ronald Reagan

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #144 on: Oct 24, 2007, 11:19 »
The double lift for the steam generator is appropriate for St. Lucie, as they always seem to find a way to make anything more difficult than it should be.


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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #145 on: Oct 25, 2007, 09:45 »
yesterday around 4am they got the s/g up in only 3 days.
We can make some ca ching here with delays!


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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #146 on: Mar 23, 2008, 09:14 »
Can someone give me the RPM's name and phone number at St. Lucie?


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Navy ELT getting out looking to work for St. Lucie
« Reply #147 on: May 25, 2008, 12:34 »
I am an Enterprise ELT getting out soon and I am looking for a contact at St. Lucie. I also heard that they are giving a 20K sign on bonus right now... does anyone know if that is true?


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Re: Navy ELT getting out looking to work for St. Lucie
« Reply #148 on: May 25, 2008, 01:07 »
I am an Enterprise ELT getting out soon and I am looking for a contact at St. Lucie. I also heard that they are giving a 20K sign on bonus right now... does anyone know if that is true?

I bet that bonus is at Turkey Point, not "Paradise North."

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #149 on: Jun 02, 2008, 11:38 »
So exactly where was the Bonus? 8)


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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #150 on: Sep 18, 2008, 10:59 »

It was really nice of them 3 weeks before the outage to cut a bunch of positions,when this was something they could have done earlier to save the techs their money on condo's and apts. they paid for and to find other work.

Im sure they arn't planning to to pay everyone back who lost money to come to do their outage.
It just goes to show you how we need a  union more than ever to protect the workers.

If you do that to them and back out you have hell to pay,if they do it there is no penalty or reprocussions.
You just can't keep treating people this way!
« Last Edit: Sep 19, 2008, 01:26 by RadBastard »

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #151 on: Sep 19, 2008, 07:24 »

It was really nice of them 3 weeks before the outage to cut a bunch of positions,when this was something they could have done earlier to save the techs their money on condo's and apts. they paid for and to find other work.

Im sure they arn't planning to to pay everyone back who lost money to come to do their outage.
It just goes to show you how we need a  union more than ever to protect the workers.

If you do that to them and back out you have hell to pay,if they do it there is no penalty or reprocussions.
You just can't keep treating people this way!

Actually Rome, they can, and will.   :(

The utilities don't even recognize RP techs as a real resource most of the time. Contractors are like leather gloves to them....they provide some protection, but if you don't have them, you still get the work done.... :o

I can't recall Lucie ever not staffing, and there are enough folks that will go there no matter what to always fill it up.

Can't say the treatment will be any better here, but come on up to VY for our outage. Atlantic still has openings last I heard...

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #152 on: Sep 19, 2008, 01:34 »
Worked St Lucie last fall.  They have an old boy cronyism in place that if you're not a part of, forget it.  Also while down there I found out that they are infamous for laying people off 2 or 3 weeks into an outage without any warning.  Because of the area and the good ole boys they will always get staffed, but I, like quite a few others before me make note.  I wont say I'll never go back, but if you see me down there you'll know that I'm getting a really, really nice rate of pay.
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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #153 on: Nov 22, 2008, 09:17 »
Thanks to all the Bartlett Hps and Deconners on nights.  I had a really good outage and didnt get yelled at once by my bosses.  I know it was very hot for a few days in containment at the beginning of the outage and that we worked the Deconners like sledding dogs, but it wasnt all that bad on nights.  Take care and thanks again, I have to go update my resume now. 
« Last Edit: Nov 22, 2008, 06:29 by biloxoi blues »

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #154 on: Nov 22, 2008, 05:56 »
St. Lucie did it again, short staffing and aggressive scheduling. Add to that the delay in cooling containment made for a miserable first week. If you worked containment it was a very long - short outage. The plant ran a number of their own techs into the ground as well and are closing in on becoming one of those plants that friends won't let friends work at.


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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #155 on: Nov 22, 2008, 07:55 »
Biloxi, you didn't get yelled at because I wasn't there working with you,hahaha.
Sorry we missed this one.
Maybe next spring,oh wait i'll be in brazil working the SGRP,maybe the next one after that.
Is your brother going to work in brazil for the sgrp?
Man I can't believe the house techs got killed this time.
I would have thought you would have been at least in the can for 11.5hrs out of 12.
Man biloxi what a slacker you are .You need to get in and SHINE for FPL
Your buddie
« Last Edit: Nov 22, 2008, 07:56 by RadBastard »

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #156 on: Nov 23, 2008, 02:19 »
Well i did do  a seven hour jump (refuel mast repairs) and a couple of six hour jumps but I still think the aux building techs had the worst.  We had a great group in ctmt.  and we were a team so all in all it wasnt bad.   Right now we cant get by 80 percent power so I dont know how my turkey day will be.  Yeah I miss your wife, but I cant really say I miss you.   I have to keep my ties in case I get tired of the house thing.  You take care and remember NFL teams cant play great three times in a row.   Talk to ya later radbastard.
« Last Edit: Nov 23, 2008, 10:02 by biloxoi blues »

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #157 on: Nov 24, 2008, 08:40 »
Ah, It's not all sand, palm trees, and sunshine!!! ;) I'm surprised that the reality of St. Lucie and Turkey has not swept the industry :P More time and more money in lot better places, than there ;) Still pulling the blade out of my back from the last trips :o
Early to bed, 13 hours on nights, makes you tired, wealthy and a night crawler!!!!


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