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St Lucie

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Author Topic: St. Lucie  (Read 179895 times)

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #150 on: Sep 18, 2008, 10:59 »

It was really nice of them 3 weeks before the outage to cut a bunch of positions,when this was something they could have done earlier to save the techs their money on condo's and apts. they paid for and to find other work.

Im sure they arn't planning to to pay everyone back who lost money to come to do their outage.
It just goes to show you how we need a  union more than ever to protect the workers.

If you do that to them and back out you have hell to pay,if they do it there is no penalty or reprocussions.
You just can't keep treating people this way!
« Last Edit: Sep 19, 2008, 01:26 by RadBastard »

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #151 on: Sep 19, 2008, 07:24 »

It was really nice of them 3 weeks before the outage to cut a bunch of positions,when this was something they could have done earlier to save the techs their money on condo's and apts. they paid for and to find other work.

Im sure they arn't planning to to pay everyone back who lost money to come to do their outage.
It just goes to show you how we need a  union more than ever to protect the workers.

If you do that to them and back out you have hell to pay,if they do it there is no penalty or reprocussions.
You just can't keep treating people this way!

Actually Rome, they can, and will.   :(

The utilities don't even recognize RP techs as a real resource most of the time. Contractors are like leather gloves to them....they provide some protection, but if you don't have them, you still get the work done.... :o

I can't recall Lucie ever not staffing, and there are enough folks that will go there no matter what to always fill it up.

Can't say the treatment will be any better here, but come on up to VY for our outage. Atlantic still has openings last I heard...

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #152 on: Sep 19, 2008, 01:34 »
Worked St Lucie last fall.  They have an old boy cronyism in place that if you're not a part of, forget it.  Also while down there I found out that they are infamous for laying people off 2 or 3 weeks into an outage without any warning.  Because of the area and the good ole boys they will always get staffed, but I, like quite a few others before me make note.  I wont say I'll never go back, but if you see me down there you'll know that I'm getting a really, really nice rate of pay.
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Offline biloxoi blues

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #153 on: Nov 22, 2008, 09:17 »
Thanks to all the Bartlett Hps and Deconners on nights.  I had a really good outage and didnt get yelled at once by my bosses.  I know it was very hot for a few days in containment at the beginning of the outage and that we worked the Deconners like sledding dogs, but it wasnt all that bad on nights.  Take care and thanks again, I have to go update my resume now. 
« Last Edit: Nov 22, 2008, 06:29 by biloxoi blues »

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #154 on: Nov 22, 2008, 05:56 »
St. Lucie did it again, short staffing and aggressive scheduling. Add to that the delay in cooling containment made for a miserable first week. If you worked containment it was a very long - short outage. The plant ran a number of their own techs into the ground as well and are closing in on becoming one of those plants that friends won't let friends work at.


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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #155 on: Nov 22, 2008, 07:55 »
Biloxi, you didn't get yelled at because I wasn't there working with you,hahaha.
Sorry we missed this one.
Maybe next spring,oh wait i'll be in brazil working the SGRP,maybe the next one after that.
Is your brother going to work in brazil for the sgrp?
Man I can't believe the house techs got killed this time.
I would have thought you would have been at least in the can for 11.5hrs out of 12.
Man biloxi what a slacker you are .You need to get in and SHINE for FPL
Your buddie
« Last Edit: Nov 22, 2008, 07:56 by RadBastard »

Offline biloxoi blues

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #156 on: Nov 23, 2008, 02:19 »
Well i did do  a seven hour jump (refuel mast repairs) and a couple of six hour jumps but I still think the aux building techs had the worst.  We had a great group in ctmt.  and we were a team so all in all it wasnt bad.   Right now we cant get by 80 percent power so I dont know how my turkey day will be.  Yeah I miss your wife, but I cant really say I miss you.   I have to keep my ties in case I get tired of the house thing.  You take care and remember NFL teams cant play great three times in a row.   Talk to ya later radbastard.
« Last Edit: Nov 23, 2008, 10:02 by biloxoi blues »

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Re: St. Lucie
« Reply #157 on: Nov 24, 2008, 08:40 »
Ah, It's not all sand, palm trees, and sunshine!!! ;) I'm surprised that the reality of St. Lucie and Turkey has not swept the industry :P More time and more money in lot better places, than there ;) Still pulling the blade out of my back from the last trips :o
Early to bed, 13 hours on nights, makes you tired, wealthy and a night crawler!!!!


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