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Author Topic: St. Lucie  (Read 180289 times)

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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #25 on: Feb 25, 2003, 03:06 »
Its hard to be a team and ready to face emergent issues when your personnel constantly change.
Someone needs to be the foundation (with the knowledge and skills necessary to make new personnel share the vision and become part of team).
FPL does not allow this to happen.  In the last 5 years, they dismissed their foundations in Health Physics.  H and R were good folks that saw it differently than another NEW manager.  They implemented many innovative and dose reducing techniques.  
Although I was not directly in their food chain, I witnessed the shaftings of them and many others.
Typical FPL.  


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #26 on: Mar 12, 2003, 09:05 »
I'm headed back to St. Lucie but I hear there has been some Mgt. changes and the new sheriff is none to friendly, can anyone shed some light on the new RPM?  I was there last outage on night shift and had a great time, which is completely opposite of the dayshift so I hear.



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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #27 on: Mar 27, 2003, 05:13 »
Rumor is that the results of the latest St. Lucie INPO E&A (evaluation and assessment) were not so good (3).
Condolences to the folks working hard and are the victims of improper management.
Further condolences to all of the exempt employees (Lower Level Management) that have been told that they will be working every Saturday for the forseeable future (without pay-of course).


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #28 on: Apr 03, 2003, 02:59 »
New Info related to the poor INPO showing and the last outage.
The VP has been replaced.   Safety focus was the reason discussed.
More Mgmt changes in the looming.

Hint to those in charge:
You cannot continuously change the Management Team at your sites and expect experienced, error-free, top decile performance.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #29 on: Apr 03, 2003, 10:05 »
As long as the revolving door for upper management is in effect at Lucie, no will care about the long term effect of their actions on the plant and its personnel. Each one that comes in tries to make themselves look better in the eyes of corporate big wigs to advance their own career.  :'(


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #30 on: Apr 09, 2003, 02:20 »
Rumor has it:
The VP (former Turkey manager) has been sidelined due to non-compliance with corporate safety (Honest, it wasn't the INPO 3).
Ops Manager sent packing to licensing
Ops Supervisor now an assistant in maintenance
New VP in town-not sure if he's packing six guns or lolly pops
New Ops Manager and Ops Supervisor are from Operations.  My, how the world works like a sine wave.
Still only one Manager there that was a manager in '97.  I hope he's realized that his time is coming. (too bad-he's a nice guy and one of the plant's bright spots)

Only hope for anyone working at the FPL plants is to unionize.  Yes, that includes all of you, like Engineers, Exempt/non-management, Maintenance and Operations management.  Juno Management does not like dealing with unions and their management.  Talk about the National Labor Relations Board makes them very nervous.

Collective Bargaining is one way to prevent FPL from having a rotating job force at will.

Good Luck to all

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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #31 on: Apr 10, 2003, 09:33 »
Any news on their refueling outage?


There are the Habs, and the Hab nots.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #32 on: Apr 11, 2003, 07:07 »
Refueling starts around the twentieth.  The in-house station personnel are going to their refueling jobs this coming Monday.

New VP and Plant Manager nervous about this one.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #33 on: Apr 13, 2003, 01:20 »
:D Wow, lots of questions for Ol PSl.

RPM is fair. Only personnel who have trouble with him are those who have difficulty performing at reasonable standards. He is a bit hard on some supervisors but truthfully the need a little push to do the right things. Communications have been a bit light but it seems as if he is caught up in a mound of administrative work. He is navigating in the right direction.

Outage prep not the greatest due to so much procedure change to program but hopefully enough.

More personnel will be available for this outage. Hopefully doing the right things will be the norm and not the exception.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #34 on: Apr 23, 2003, 10:40 »
The RPM will be gone soon now the VP has been changed.  He is an opportunist.  The VP/PTN Manager runs the RP program into the ground and calls this RPM in to fix it.  The RPM gets all the money and personnel he needs to fix it.  Once it appears fixed and his VP/Manager leaves and he has to work with a budget he leaves.  If the previous RPM had unlimited funds the mess that happened last outage would have been avoided.  Now you see him now you don't.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #35 on: Apr 26, 2003, 01:17 »
The folks at Lucie are in the midst of the outage and last I heard they were 2 hours ahead, but that is a continuously moving target.
The VP and Plant Manager (rumor is this is his last chance) are riding shotgun on the Midnight shift.

90 day get well plans have disappeared.  Rumor is that too many folks that received them were ready to file suit.
I've never met a Human Resources Manager that I could trust.

Good luck to the folks working the Lucie outage.  Just remember, as good as the outage goes and as hard as you work makes no difference to FPL Management when they are deciding who to axe in the next set of down-sizing.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #36 on: Apr 27, 2003, 05:52 »
:D Outage is pushing along. Generator Manways just removed yesterday. Slow and methodical. HP may not have all the "I's" dotted and "T's" crossed BUT they are doing everything possible to prevent a repeat of things getting away from them. Senior Management support is high and very coperative. Site VP was transferred to new position in company a few days before start of outage. Plant manager remains same and is supporting HP in a big way. General workers have good understanding of expectations. Still have a ways to go!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2003, 05:04 »
:o Here at St. Lucie where are all the HP techs? Seems they didn't know that this was a full blown Refueling Outage (You know, fuel off, fuel on, fix Sh*t, HP coverage required). Where's the Calvary? Everyday there's a new recipe to make Chicken Salad out of Chicken Sh*t.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2003, 05:32 »
This outage, whether successful or a flop could be the best thing for St. Lucie.

Under successful, place a check mark next to "The company now realizes that the former empire was an evil and pernicious one and the only one.  It appears that the management team has been told to straighten up and fly right with regards to personnel safety and treatment.

Under unsuccessful, if this one stinks of mismanagement, the last of the plant management team left from last outage and the head nuclear guy in Juno will be sent packing.

Remember to pack your garlic and lay in a big supply of wooden stakes.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #39 on: May 03, 2003, 08:57 »
As long as the revolving door for upper management is in effect at Lucie, no will care about the long term effect of their actions on the plant and its personnel. Each one that comes in tries to make themselves look better in the eyes of corporate big wigs to advance their own career.  :'(

First Karma to you to get you up to neutral.
???Second, your comment is true, but would it be so bad if upper management made themselves look good by making the plant do well? How can they make themselves look good and advance their career if PSL has poor performance? To date, who has made themselves look good? I only see one after another being removed from their high ranking position. I personally do not care who looks good as long as the plant is on top of her game. Let's hope someone will decide to make themselves look good by putting it on track!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #40 on: May 03, 2003, 09:02 »
The RPM will be gone soon now the VP has been changed.  He is an opportunist.  The VP/PTN Manager runs the RP program into the ground and calls this RPM in to fix it.  The RPM gets all the money and personnel he needs to fix it.  Once it appears fixed and his VP/Manager leaves and he has to work with a budget he leaves.  If the previous RPM had unlimited funds the mess that happened last outage would have been avoided.  Now you see him now you don't.

I respect your opinion and some of what you said is true. Funds are more available today than for replaced HP manager. Bottom line is, the performance of previous RP manger was not what it should have been. PSL has tough road to hoe. NEW RPM is an improvement.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2003, 09:05 »
:o Here at St. Lucie where are all the HP techs? Seems they didn't know that this was a full blown Refueling Outage (You know, fuel off, fuel on, fix Sh*t, HP coverage required). Where's the Calvary? Everyday there's a new recipe to make Chicken Salad out of Chicken Sh*t.

Someone was really off on the number of personnel required. Not a good beginning for high expectations.

Karma to you TrustNo1


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #42 on: May 03, 2003, 09:16 »
:)Yes it is true, PSL HP is very short of the required staff needed to perform well. Sometimes a dose of reality is required to see a fix is not always as easy as it looks. New RP management has more work to do. At least attitude of upper management is better. HP not being run over.  Too bad they are so understaffed that they are again powerless to do well. The person that decided on the RP staffing number needs a tune up for sure! They must maintain zero regulatory issues. As long as they can keep from making a mistake, they do not have to be polished.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2003, 09:21 »
:o Here at St. Lucie where are all the HP techs? Seems they didn't know that this was a full blown Refueling Outage (You know, fuel off, fuel on, fix Sh*t, HP coverage required). Where's the Calvary? Everyday there's a new recipe to make Chicken Salad out of Chicken Sh*t.

What new recipe??? No new recipe! It is never chicken salad, ever! Chicken Salad would be Awesome. Winn Dixie brand Bologna sucks!

Karma to you for even suggesting we may get a little chicken.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #44 on: May 06, 2003, 07:31 »
Time will tell!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #45 on: May 06, 2003, 07:39 »
They have a few excellent technicians there. They are not coming forward to help fix things. They are just holding back to see if the storm will clear or will bad weather continue. Hope it gets on track.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #46 on: May 06, 2003, 11:47 »
Neutron, given the money and conditions the new RPM was given even you could have improved the conditons.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #47 on: May 09, 2003, 12:56 »
True. Cant argue with that. Money and support are certainly necessary to improve things. Money was not only issue. Program definitely required tweeking. They are not there yet. Regardless of who does it or how, it needs to be done.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #48 on: May 09, 2003, 01:00 »

Given the money and support even you could make some changes?

I would be able to make fundamental changes without much from others. I guess Ol neutron is just bottom of social ladder without an intellect worthy of programmatic changes within the Health physics arena.

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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #49 on: May 12, 2003, 03:00 »
How's things going at St Lucie?  Some of my ex-coworkers from Calvert were sent as loanees.  I hope they're enjoying themselves. ;)
Irish diplomacy is the ability to tell a man to go to hell such that he looks forward to making the trip.

Inspite of inflation, a penny is still a fair price for most peoples thoughts.


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