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Author Topic: St. Lucie  (Read 172832 times)

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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #50 on: May 13, 2003, 10:18 »
>100 hours behind schedule and trying to enter Mode 4.

Riddle me this:

What ex-site manager entered his new exectutive position and introduced himself to his staff by saying,
"Hi, I'm _________   ________ and I take resignations 24/7."


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #51 on: May 13, 2003, 10:23 »
Usually when a site gets that far behind they end up cutting scope from the outage or pencil whipping the remaining schedule and just like that they are only 2 hours behind again. I've seen over 150 hours made up in 1 day.  ;D


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #52 on: May 14, 2003, 06:38 »
Turbine work was driving schedule this time but 2 nozzle repairs on RX head have pushed things back a little.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #53 on: May 16, 2003, 11:04 »
Beach is still very nice.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #54 on: May 23, 2003, 04:11 »
300 plus hrs behind. 2nd nozzle just getting started
on weld. Everything else just about finished up.
Folks starting to bail ( can't blame em ). About
a week or two more to go with any luck.
NRC gave an attaboy for an improved HP program.
Could be worse!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #55 on: May 23, 2003, 04:24 »
300 plus hrs behind. 2nd nozzle just getting started
on weld. Everything else just about finished up.
Folks starting to bail ( can't blame em ). About
a week or two more to go with any luck.
NRC gave an attaboy for an improved HP program.
Could be worse!

Oh what a shame, 300 Hours behind.  If the morons hadn't either packaged and walked off site or caused to quit their entire management staff, someone around there might know something.

Good for you FPL.  I wish you only the worst.

P.S.  Is the management/bargaining unit relationship as strained as ever?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #56 on: May 26, 2003, 05:22 »
Nights are good because management tends to lessen their presence.
But, after a while you tend to feel like a vampire.
I must know you but I need another clue.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #57 on: May 29, 2003, 01:05 »
What is the status of the Outage?
What are the management changes as a result of this one?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #58 on: Jun 02, 2003, 02:09 »
Outage Update:
 41 days down so far. Hatches closed, heating up.
>300 degrees. Maybe critical in a couple of
days! Management's rumored that the
GPM, the one that was here for the last outage,
will be leaving the ranks in July!!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #59 on: Jun 04, 2003, 12:32 »
Outage Update:
 Day 43. Full temp. & pressure. A screwed
up MSIV. A few minor leaks inside. Still
not critical yet. Only a few roadies left, and
they're supposed to be out by Thursday.  :o


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #60 on: Jun 04, 2003, 08:22 »
I bet you're all tired.
Stay tuned for the lay-offs/down-sizing that occurs following most FPL outages.  At 1 million per day lost revenue, FPL's attempt to recapture the money's lost due to the outage and the lost production (capacity), the cut will probably be deep.

The PGM will taking his fare-well/swan song ride down the Turnpike back to the Keys.

Has the board determined that Dracula is the down-fall of the entire nuclear division?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #61 on: Jun 06, 2003, 11:22 »
:)PSL Unit 2 in mode 1 at 1130 6/6/03. To come back off line soon for minor repairs. It has been a long hard outage and it is not over yet!


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #62 on: Jun 06, 2003, 11:25 »
What are the repairs that will force the unit off-line?

Even in Mode 1, there's a long distance to rolling the turbine and closing the generator output breakers.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #63 on: Jun 06, 2003, 11:46 »
MSIV trouble on outside. Excore detector not working properly on the inside.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #64 on: Jun 06, 2003, 01:01 »
Those are giant MSIVs (Main Steam Isolation Valves) at PSL-Unit 2-
They can open under a full delta P and have before almost lifting the turbine off the turbine deck.

If PSL was able to enter Mode 1 with this excore Out of Service, they probably don't need it to satisfy Tech Specs.  

Depending on the scope of the MSIV work and since there is no isolation between it and the Steam Generator, you might have to coll down to Mode 5 (which is less than 200 degrees).  In reality it might be around 150-160 with the RCPs tagged out so that you're not adding heat to the RCS.

This time FPL will be sucking up the outage under O&M and not under the refueling outage.
The Florida Public Service Commission will have a field day.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #65 on: Jun 07, 2003, 06:03 »
They are working the MSIV with a block valve holding for isolation and staying at mode 3, 330 degrees. The excore is a creative modification to swap wires from one detector to another. The real issue at this point is a turbine exciter ground that prevented the unit from actually coming on line. They have not figured it out yet.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #66 on: Jun 07, 2003, 07:14 »
I've heard that many of the maintenance supervisors and work control persons that knew how to complete an outage have resigned.  Is that true?

If so, it shows that laying off (packaging) your entire staff (or sending them to INPO) affects everything about the plant.  You affect the quality of work, the moral of the other workers and your bottom line profits.

Unfortunately, FPL never learns.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #67 on: Jun 09, 2003, 04:59 »
Jumpingfoxfarm said "I've heard that many of the maintenance supervisors and work control persons that knew how to complete an outage have resigned.  Is that true?"

Unfortunately......every outage at Lucy is our first
outage and yes, it is true. In fact, I think one or two
more of our more experienced management people
have thrown in the towel this time! Oh well!!
To update LoneWolf's update. Unit 2's at about 30%
now and on a chemistry hold. The exciter on the turbine
is still giving them problems. The excore will be touch
and go for the entire run. If they lose it, it could mean
bringing the unit back down and replacing it. But....that's
life at Lucy  ;D


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #68 on: Jun 09, 2003, 06:00 »
Thanks for the update.  Please keep us informed about the plant and equipment status.

Also, let us know how the ball drops on the management team following this outage.

If they go back to 2001, they will see a major decrease in outage quality and an increase in time.  That was when they started losing the key players in successful outages.

Ask someone to tell you who created the equipment out of service/post maintenance testing program.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #69 on: Jun 11, 2003, 01:05 »
Well......almost made 2 days on line! Unit just
tripped about an hour ago! Don't know why yet!
Gee....never even got to 50%.   :'(


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #70 on: Jun 12, 2003, 11:26 »
Broken Feed Bypass valve, inspection of AFW valves

Auto versus Manual trip.
Ugly, Ugly, Ugly

Changes in work control personnel with more to follow site wide.  Stand-by!

I thought you guys knew that you shouldn't let the German guy trip you.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #71 on: Jun 12, 2003, 11:30 »
What about captin Joe is he still there? and do's he have anygood sea stories?


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #72 on: Jun 13, 2003, 04:24 »
Well.....the feed reg valves are fixed. The investigations
still pending ( you're right, nobody much likes Herr Tripp)
We're finally off of 12 1/2's. The units slated to try a
re-start Sat. sometime. And I actually have 2 days off
in a row.....first ones in 9 weeks. Everybody have a good


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #73 on: Jun 14, 2003, 04:01 »
So Lucy, Ba Ba Loo.
R U finally on-line?
Tough outage.  Emergent work and the managers that were able to put the plant back together either packaged or resigned.

What do u work on first.  The INPO E&A visit Areas for Improvement or finding a management team that works.  You can't keep giving your personnel 90 day get-well plans and expect to survive.

Check the top of the FPL nuclear heap for what stinks.  

What was once the best in the country (and world) is now a laughing stock.  I tried to tell you that you can't keep beating them until moral improves.

Rank and File beware.  Lucy has demolished what was once her budget and at $50,000 per employee in savings, the lay-offs are not far off.  I can hear the HR people sharpening their pencils so that the right people are at the bottom of the employee comparison matrices.


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Re: Talk About: St Lucie
« Reply #74 on: Jun 17, 2003, 01:20 »
Still off line. Still having problems with
turbine valves. No guess as to when it
will finally be running. We have lots of
"HELP" from Seabrook & Turkey Pt.
All of the control room Operator's
are being put through some enhanced
'Just in Time Training'. No big management
changes yet!


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