Prior to my retirement (which seems like the right thing to do more and more now) Anyway, I guess the new RPM must like the PER actions since they do much of what you mentioned as far as strangling the RCA entrance/exits and satellite RCAs, and release of material.
You may have a chance to jump back in and do some double dipping on a professional level, no disrespect intended

. The new RPM has a circle of influence, several "buds" on the outside looking in that he will bring in for a week to evaluate and make recommendations to cure the woes of the program. Several old RPM's, usually four, from the other utilities (Limerick/PeachBottom,,) he has ties with will be introduced some Monday morning, stay a week, summit their critique, and make off with a bag of cash. All in all it will just be used to reinforce his claims of how broken you are and what it will take to make the necessary repairs. Be glad you retired DB because the clawing and gnashing of teeth of your old counterparts is about commence. I see several following suit this next year before the med supplement is gone.
Right now though, as a team, we are in state of sadness for " The death of the frisker "
Yeah, the grieving process is tough but it won't last long after you get the spill about how useless a tool the frisker actually was to begin with. But,,,get ready to start doing the weekly checks on a daily basis for the "green zone" areas. I&RP work load will significantly increase. Initially PCE's will go out the wazoo just for the sake of justifying,,,I told you so. You'll have techs assigned just to do the paperwork.
As to the pending? replacement of RPSS positions here, when would that be expected? Hey it's all good.. besides, I 'm pretty much the happy type even when I'm bitchin' about something....water off a ducks back you know.............SM
The parting remarks at the Bar were that he was going to take some peeps with him. He does like to have as my wife calls them "his entourage", hip hop gangsters call them their posse, just taking some friends with him. I see a lot bailing out there if they have their 80 pts and the money is good. You'll like him cause he'll make that W2 look grand at the end of the year. PM me if you want more details.