Yes, I wore those same rose colored glasses when I was on the job. I performed my dutes with diligence, honesty, and the same profound ideals that I would be protected. And yes Mike, there was a lot of bitterness and since you were not affected, who cares, right? The truth is you might be the next one out the door. There was a lawyer. He did his best but just wasn't able to understand the complexities and depth of this issue. Lawyers are a business and you will find it difficult to locate one that specializes in this area. Only movies have legal hero's. The NRC, well, if you don't have a smoking gun it's hard to get their attention. Keep in mind, the plant owner, subcontractors, NRC, and others are not enemies. Rather, they are co-dependent. You, on the other hand, are just an employee of one of these entities and replaceable.
Thank you for the suggestions but I've been there and done that. I've been pro-nuke since 1975 and a true believer the system works. I have found, through my own experience, the system is broken, at least at TVA. This information is just that, information. You do not have to believe it or even care about it. As I said early, a law is only as good as those who enforce it. And I agree, PWHoppe, with your statement about self reporting and obligation in the nuclear workplace. I believed that with my whole heart until I was fired. Until I pursued justice for wrongful termination and the system turned it's back. Not because I didn't have a case, but for other reasons only TVA can answer. I am a hard core procedure follower and cannot be intimidated to do the wrong thing. With that said, it is wise for the employee on the ground level to understand what he or she risks by depending on a system that may or may not protect you. There are no guarantees and you can be collecting unemployment before you even know what hit you.
You have a mere two years to get someone's attention to your case. It's not enough time. Submitting your complaints online to the company that's the owner of the facility is ludicrous. Submitting your complaints to a government entity whose whole existance is based on continuing nuclear work is beyond ludicrous. There is no independent overseer of the nuclear power industry. If the pendulum swings too far to one side, someone is going to get fired. So they try with all their might to keep it neutral. When security escorts you to your car and takes your badge, you are completely on your own because none of your coworkers will risk their jobs tesifying for you. Right, Mike?
I certainly hope no one experiences what I have and works smart, not only to make plants safe, but also to preserve their jobs in order to continue to make nuclear plants safe for everyone. The corrective action program at TVA is flawed. Contractor's especially need to be aware of this and work accordingly.