Crystal River was the first plant I worked after Uncle Sams Canoe Club. That was before FFD. At the time if you came thru the gate straight, on time, not holding, and made a reasonable attempt to do your job, you were considered a "Super-Tech" We were supposed to be working 3-10 hr shifts, but the house lead always let us go early when the oncoming shift arrived and beat us to the end of the access road for the "one for the road" beer tailgate held at the end of each shift. We had a rotational list of whose turn it was to bring the beer. I got to sample so many kinds/brands cause we all tried to bring something someone else hadn't.
There once was a nuclear protest group at our tailgate spot. We found out why they protested there---you couldn't drive to an oil slick, and most of the guys were there cause most of the girls were T-shirt/braless. I think a bunch of them became nukes after they talked to us.