A Major Accomplishment Achieved in the D&D Project!
Word has it, new site management is trying to put the train back on the tracks! Hopefully they will get a chance to review the RP department, and determine why so many techs cycle through the place and why so many refuse to return!
As strange as this may sound, Rad Protection will become the driving force behind all decommissioning activities! Imagine that, everybody will be supporting the RP department! Therefore it would be beneficial to have a staff of Technicians! I don't think that goal could be accomplished today!
The present RP management is fast becomming aware of their past performance issues. Although they originally thought that the number of available technicians was endless, they are definitly finding the opposite is true! The antiquated philosophy of Shame and Blame, died in the past decade, but seems to be the mission statement of the present management! Besides the mentality of management, look at the other benefits, creative wage & PD packages, seasonal wage adjustments, bone-us packages, double secret commitments, nepotism advancement opportunities and the list goes on!
Hopefully the new site managers will get the opportunity to see the list of the many technicians who were once there, why they left and why they refuse to return! I believe a simple review will identify the main problem! Removing this problem will add an additional Milestone to the project and a boost to moral for the RP department! Not to mention the added benefit, of the many technicians who would place CY back on their list, of places to work!
Shared resources will not work! Sometimes it just isn't worth the money, that's my opinion! The attempts to sweeten the pot with Per Diem and exchanging techs between sites will not solve the problem! It is only a matter of time before the hand full of techs, who have not been to CY, will circulate through the site! It is then that they will learn their mistake! There is one humorous aspect to this issue. When I mention CY, I always hear one common name associated with it, followed by a horror story! When that specific name is mentioned, I just hear the horror stories! All the stories are followed with, " I won't go there "!
In all fairness, to the many members of the Connecticut Yankee RP staff! The number of quality members, far out weight the problems, or should I say problem! I have worked with many of you, for many years in the past! Lots of good techs! Change is coming and Change is good!