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Connecticut Yankee

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Author Topic: Connecticut Yankee  (Read 76850 times)

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Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #25 on: Jun 24, 2004, 07:44 »

One common thread I've found with all the techs, who have circulated through the site, which is a large number!  None have a kind word for one particular manager, ALWAYS the SAME NAME!  They all agree, removal of this person , would solve 99% of the HP department problems! 

To any manager that reviews this posting.  You can listen to all the stories on why techs don't go to CY, (Weather, environmental conditions, money, expenses and whatever)!  My list is rather short, always one particular name, which I consider 99% of the problem!  Good Luck on the Quest for Techs, their's hundreds sitting at the house right now, not working!

I have no dog in this fight (personal policy prevents working for any site with "YANKEE" in the name), but I appreciate your restraint. Most nukeworkers have to be reminded to not name names because of the libel concerns for the site. It is much appreciated.

For the record, I always like to know when to watch my back, so it sounds like you would be pretty safe working around this particular individual.
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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #26 on: Jun 28, 2004, 08:11 »
Eric and dosetek, Karma to you both!

Angry or Up-Set Technician?  I believe that is how you best describe someone with an opinion contrary to yours, a non-conformist, non-team player!  That's the attitude I'm talking about!  I see things haven't changed!  There may be items, in my postings, you don't appreciate, but you seem to be drawing your own conclusions on the information provided!   

Per Diem, I don't remember mentioning the phrase in the text you described.  I even had to do a little review and I still can't find it!  I did mention the phrase while describing the variety of wage packages at the site, posted in December 2003, but that doesn't mention any of the situations you brought across.  That December posting, was simply the packages available at the time of my assignment.  If it has been changed, maybe you should update the posting, to reflect the current situation, your option!

Techs in the Wings?  Another concept lost in translation!  Yes, their are Technicians who will go to the site!  Yes, even some returnees!  Then again, you have the No Way, group of Technicians!  The ones who won't offer their services due to the aforementioned problem!  I'm one of them!  Which group is larger, I don't know?  I draw my own statistics from the mouths of Technicians!  The fact that the site has been offered to me recently, after conveying no way attitude, tells me something!  I know others who agree with me, but I don't speak for them!  I haven't had any of them call me from Connecticut lately!

Private, Secrete, Confidential, One on One Conversation?  So, does that mean you will hear my words, this time?  Let's do it Again?  I believe you are under the assumption that I did not attempt to identify the problems I encountered!  I made many attempts, through a long list of managers, all the way to the top!  I assume that the Angry or Up-Set Technician venue applied!  How about at the site?  I tried two managers and I won't even go into the results of that!  I will state, that after leaving the site, I still spoke to your managers on the situation, even when I wasn't working for your company!

Has it changed? I don't care, I'm not there!  I don't really see it in my near future either, but that doesn't exlude me from sharing my past experiences with fellow Technicians

I'll end this with a couple of notes: 

Technicians deserve some respect, their the ones who give you a job and pay your salary, believe it or not!  Making their life a little easier, will make your life a whole lot easier!  What may be interpreded as whining and complaining may actually be a little Foresight, in an Industry driven by Hinesight!  Enough said, have a Great Day, I'm done with this Topic, FOREVER!

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #27 on: Jun 28, 2004, 12:44 »
Karma right back at ya Rad-Ghost - I'll start off by apologizing - your are right you never used the word "per-diem" but you did use the words "locals after 1 year" which if taken in the context of this industry I assumed you were refering to per-diem, and of course we all know it's foolsih to assume anything, so for that I apologize.  I wont even bother with the bulk of your posting because if you've come to me with your complaints and you werent satified with the results then all I can say oh well, i am sorry if I wasnt able to help. Even though I try, I can't keep every one happy, in some cases I'm obviously not always successful.  I do have to agree with you that Technicians deserve respect - I more than most fully understand that if it wasnt for the technicians there would be no contract companies.  But as I said there is only so much I can do to try to keep every one happy.   Now I do have a good idea who you might be and exactly what you complaints were, but unless I definatley know who raised an issue and in what context that issue was raised its hard for me to seriously address it.  Now I'll have to say good-bye.  If you feel like re-hashing things either publicly or privately feel free to contact me any time.
On that note I am also done with this topic.  Good luck and may prosperity and happiness shine upon you and yours.
The opinions & views expressed by me are mine and mine alone and may not reflect those of the company.


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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #28 on: Jun 30, 2004, 05:06 »
very well put eric


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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #29 on: Jul 07, 2004, 07:34 »
If you go to, yellow pages and type either Middletown or Meriden and do a search for motels, it will pull them up in that area. Good Luck
« Last Edit: Mar 18, 2005, 06:26 by Duke Nuker »

Offline fueldryer

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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #30 on: Jul 07, 2004, 09:07 »
There's the Riverdale Motel, Not too far from the plant and somewhat reasonable weekly rates.Middletown has lots and lots of appartments available.Many will do 3,6,9 and 12 month lease's.
« Last Edit: Mar 18, 2005, 06:27 by Duke Nuker »
Call Before You Dig!


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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #31 on: Jul 13, 2004, 05:11 »
I  had the opportunity to work at CY in 2003.  I have many fond memories of CY, and most  of the HP techs that I worked with.  The site coordinator was great!!!  I woud have loved to stay, unfortunately, it was causing too much stress for my family to be soo far away for soo long.   I would go back in a heart-beat, if I could......... :)


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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #32 on: Jul 15, 2004, 02:57 »
I worked at CY several times and always enjoyed my time there.Who's the site coordinator there now?


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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #33 on: Jul 17, 2004, 11:36 »
Still Linn Giard


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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #34 on: Jul 19, 2004, 11:09 »
When I worked at CY, they had their issues, just like every other site I ever worked! Some good ,some bad. It's a little different because it's a decommissioning, and it's lasting longer than outages do! All in all I was treated well, and met some nice people. I made more money at CY per hour, and was paid more per diem than any other job I had for Bartlett, and I'm talking 10+ years. Also at that time I could work as much overtime as I could stand, and I have a very high threshold for that. I made a bunch of money that summer when I normaly would have been sitting at the house! ;D The site coordinators changed while I was there, Brian Clow turned over to Linda Giard, and I was treated great by both of them. If your looking to find a "steady job" this is not a bad option, you don't have to relocate every 18 to 24 days, you may only make limited overtime but there is something to be said for having a steady paycheck for a while! Hi to everybody that I met still up there, feel free to message me anytime, would love to hear from ya'll!
JJ ;)


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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #35 on: Aug 14, 2004, 05:03 »
Things at CY are not as bad as most people make them. All I have heard for years was how bad the site-manger for BNI was. I can tell you this treat her fair and she will treat you fair. Most techs forget she has no power over what CY does or does not do.Pays not the best but for now there alot of overtime. Hope all of my friends out there are doing well. Bear


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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #36 on: Aug 15, 2004, 08:37 »
Maybe the prior posting on this site, got some attention at your site!  You never know who is looking in and neither do they!

Have a Great Day! RG

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #37 on: Aug 16, 2004, 09:25 »
"Maybe the prior posting on this site, got some attention at your site!"

Its been my observation that some individuals create all thier own problems and wont take responsibility for thier own actions - after all its easier to blame others such as the utility, the company and the site coord for ones own shortcomings than it is to own up to them.  Just my observations and opinion. 

Eric Bartlett
« Last Edit: Aug 16, 2004, 12:28 by Eric_Bartlett »
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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #38 on: Aug 17, 2004, 05:49 »
It has been my observation that some individuals voice their opinions based on their own inabilities, inexperience and a personal political agenda.  It is always easy to sit in the arm chair, in front of the big screen TV, and criticise the coach for not seeing the game from their vantage point!  Until a politician makes an effort to view the mechanics of the situation, up front, personal and in the trenches, some opinions are simply meaningless words!  A picture may be worth a thousand words, but not one second of experience!

Responsibilities, from a Technicians perspective, I believe that venue starts and ends on the day a Technician arrives at an assignment.  If a company is selling an assignment over the phone, then the assignment should be as originally stipulated, upon arrival.  Not manipulated to meet an untold hidden agenda, disclosed on opening day.  In this day and age, I believe a simple call to the cell phone, updating the Technician on Modified Conditions of an assignment, is Reasonable and Responsible.  I believe most Techs have experienced the situation I am talking about, ( 4/10's = 6/12's and 6/12's = Maybe, 40 hours ).  Funny how all disciplines involved in a project, have a variable and adjustable scale of responsibility, all except the Field Technicians!

The Blame Game; Seems that dealing with the maze of excuses also puts a damper on assignments.  After a long line of deflective excuses, which includes the utility, company, coordinator and secret contracts conditions, the frustration level increases!  Amazing how things always get turned around and the Technician is the problem!  The questioning attitude, which is promoted in the industry, isn't allowed in the Technician business venue.  One must admit the irony applied to the Technicians and their Responsibilities.  The aforementioned, expect Technicans to administer, oversee and enforce their programs, deem them responsible in their daily duties, but don't think they are capable of making a sound business decision, on their own behalf!     

There is always a solution to every problem.  Put it in writting!  Maybe one company should be the front runner!  Some companies already send offer letters, spelling out the details of the assignments, usually with satisfaction on both parts.  After all, if a Technician has it up front and in writting, this would probably resolve a lot of questions and inconsistancies!

I may have ran this one out on the wrong thread, SORRY!  I'm jumping down off my soap box!

Have a Great Day, RG! 

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #39 on: Aug 17, 2004, 08:10 »
Rad-Ghost - Kudos for a well written retort. But I still hold to my original observations and opinions that problematic people create thier own problems and find it easier to blame others than own up to them.  I realize this is definitley one area you and I will not see eye to eye, but let it be known your point of view does not fall on deaf ears, and you definitly get my respect for stick'n to your guns and holding to your point of view.  Once again, kudos.  Have a wonderful day.

Eric Bartlett
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Offline Camella Black

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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #40 on: Aug 17, 2004, 10:50 »
I would just like to say that although I do not work at CY or in the industry any longer, I have had personal dealings with both the site coord and other staff at CY. My husband is working there and I am finishing my BA degree via virtual campus.

I tried for weeks to find a proctor for my exams in CT and all it took was 1 phone call to MS Girad and she had lined up a proctor for me. She did this for me without ever having met me, and I find that to help out a stranger in the time in need a wonderful quality.

As far as placing blame for bad working conditions on one person, I think eveyone needs to really look at the whole picture. We all in someway contribute to the enviroment we live and work in, no one person can really be blamed for anything.

« Last Edit: Aug 17, 2004, 10:52 by Camella Black »

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #41 on: Aug 17, 2004, 10:49 »
Eric and Rad-Ghost are both right in the last posts. Clearly defined responsibilities and known work schedules are essential to trust. Walking off a job isn't something I would do lightly, but if I left my family hundreds of miles behind for 6x12's I would walk over 4x10's.

On the other hand, I would prefer 4x10's for a local outage, and would be thrilled at the opportunity to be home with my family more during the week.

Trust must be a mutual thing. I will agree what job I will do and what the conditions are going to be, and I expect changes to be negotiated not decreed.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #42 on: Aug 18, 2004, 08:12 »

Were you refering to me, or the CY Site Coordinator?

I bumped up your Karma, Have a Great Day! RG

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #43 on: Aug 18, 2004, 09:28 »
RG - Touche - I think you know who I'm refering to...
Have a prosperous day.
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Offline Camella Black

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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #44 on: Sep 06, 2004, 10:54 »
Now that I am here in the area for the next couple of months, I will post a few ideas for those of you visiting the area.

Don't forget to go online to check out the area, this is one of the best tourism sites on the web with links to attractions,dinning, motels and festivals, etc.


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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #45 on: Sep 09, 2004, 06:46 »
Piggy-Back Beta Bucks!  ( PB-3's )

Workers in Respirators = $3.00 an hour more!

HP Technicians in Respirators = $0.00 an hour more!

I don't C Y!

Offline Camella Black

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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #46 on: Sep 09, 2004, 12:30 »
Found a great place to eat today - PineNeedles Coffee Emporium & Eatery located in Marlborough. Had a great breakfast bagel and a cup of Blackberry/Sage Tea. They serve breakfast,lunch and dinner. Anything from salads/soups to burgers, panni sandwiches and more filling stuff for the  guys such as BBQ Chicken, Ribs, Steaks and Salmon Steak.

Open until 9 or 10 most nights, they also have live entertainment. Located on Rte. 66 in Marlborough.
« Last Edit: Oct 23, 2004, 09:59 by Camella Black »

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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #47 on: Sep 09, 2004, 12:59 »
R.G. - can't help yourself, can ya? ;D
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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #48 on: Sep 10, 2004, 12:11 »
ERIC...Thanks for Understanding!

Karma, RG

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: Connecticut Yankee
« Reply #49 on: Sep 10, 2004, 10:13 »
R.G. - Been do'n this much too long not to understand...
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