Facility & Company Information > Canada
Worked at Darlington for 6 months in 2000, Pickering for 23 months 2001 - 2003. Stayed in Oshawa both times by renting an apartment vs a hotel. Don't recall the name of the rental company, however I paid 600 & 800 Canadian for the apartments.
The Thirsty Monk is a quaint place to go where everyone knows each other. Two brothers own it and their father owns the adjoining restuarant. First time I walked in there was a group of 6 from a 13 yr old upto a 70 something grandmother, all sitting around drinking coffee, soda and beer and playing dominoes. In 2002 they opened another one in Ajax that is a hot bed for the 20 something crowds. Enjoy your time there, their government may be pretty scoialist but the people are nice. Oh, and if you are their for over 6 months you have to pay their taxes (I had a tax equalization clause with my company) and you qualify for their free health care, you just have to apply for it.
Hopes this helps
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