Facility & Company Information > Canada
Beings that I live and work here I might as well pass on the info on the local establishments:
1) Kincardine area: Bruce Bar and Grill (highly recommended for good food and atmosphere), Gilley's Feedlot, and The Hogs Breath Bar are all good places to go.
2) Port Elgin area: The Queens Bar and Resturaunt and Strauser's Olde Towne Tavern are top of the list.
There are numerous other taverns, bars, and eateries I have only listed the ones I have frequented. Should you find yourself in the area drop me an email for more information. Also, if you don't like snow don't come here from Nov-Mar ;D
Jim Rodgers aka Stormgoalie
RP Supervisor
Ontario Power Generation
Western Waste Management Facility
I was at the Bruce in Oct/Nov 99 as part of a British/Canadian/Swedish team doing a beta/gamma survey of the protected area around A and B.
Loves my 5 weeks there. Met lots of great people, and had a laugh. Eat alot in Gilley's, was the first place I tasted escargot!
Hi to anyone from the Bruce that remebers any of us Brits with the groundhog!
Does anyone have any new info on Bruce?
I currently work for Bruce Power. Its much different than working in the US but not in a bad way. What do you want to know?
--- Quote from: Broadzilla on Jun 04, 2008, 07:55 ---Does anyone have any new info on Bruce?
--- End quote ---
Lots of action on the Nuke front here at the Bruce and elsewhere in Ontario. They are continuing with the restart of 2 reactors at Bruce A, looking at refurbishment of the other 2 reactors at Bruce A, and looking at new build here and OPG is looking for new build at the Darlington site. If you are coming here and looking for lodging plan ahead!! Can get kind of spendy now as there is somewhat of a shortage of housing.
Jim Rodgers
RP Supervisor
Ontario Power Generation
Western Waste Management Facility
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