With a deep sense of hope they seem to be recovering from the NMC saga that has left Point Beach in a sort of crippled state in a couple of ways.
They have gone from a Fleet Optimization to a (reluctant) staffing increase. This is one of PBNP’s sorest wounds and a hurdle that’s glad to be past. The Slinkster and his head nodding have cut the deepest. Although staffing increases have been kept to a minimum and it’s slowwww to get things going back in the right direction and look at things like retirements and fatigue rules.
The worst part of the whole change in management was that they always thought that it couldn’t get any worse.
Well, it did…..
Putting people in the wrong places long enough (like Chemistry Supervisors running an RP Dept) in a mere couple of years has set Point Beach back so far that it’s hard to imagine when and how long it’ll take to recover.
Now that some of the worst nightmares are gone they are finding the skeletons left behind? These plans on how to “cull the weak” (no kidding, they actually had plans on how to get rid of people) are apparent. They’re lucky that the people that wanted to dictate and “how dare you question my authority” have shoved off to create havoc and some other poor nuke plant, good ridings!
After all this Point Beach still has a sort of reputation of being hard to visit. Well, if it was, they’ve changed, if they haven’t changed enough, they’ll work at it. They stick together because of what they’ve been through in the last few years, that’s what’s kept them together, them watching each others back….
If you go there and wanna get in the RPM’s ear about how wrong they are with all the procedures and how they should do it, please feel free. But don’t think he’ll be real eager to bring ya’ll back, he is from Philly right?
OK, that’s all, gotta pack my outage suitcase?