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Offline 3rdGenHP

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Car Decal
« on: Aug 12, 2006, 12:50 »

    Hey there I have been wanting to show my Nukeworker pride on my car but I don't like to put regular stickers on my car I try and stick to one color decals.  I was wondering if maybe you could get some made.  The graphic would have to be redone to  only 1 color and would have to be in a Tiff format so it could be made bigger or small without changing the quality.  If you need the graphic redone to work I would do it for you.  I have worked as a graphic artist some before becoming an HP.


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Re: Car Decal
« Reply #1 on: Aug 12, 2006, 05:20 »
Sounds like you just want to make some money. you make the decals and sell them.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Car Decal
« Reply #2 on: Aug 12, 2006, 09:15 »
The graphic would have to be redone to only 1 color and would have to be in a Tiff format so it could be made bigger or small without changing the quality.

That is a good idea, however...

1)   Tiff is not a good graphic format, it does not scale well, and there is no compression so the files are way too big for no reason at all.  You need a vector graphic, like an adobe format to scale well, which also has an efficient file format.
2)   We already have big and small, one and several color formats of our logo.
3)   No one buys the stuff we already have in the store, so we can not add any other merchandise until we get rid of the stuff we already have.


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