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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #75 on: Sep 22, 2007, 04:38 »
I'm hearing stories and the outage doesn't officially start until tomorrow..........not good.

Heard a joke..................How many Beaver House Techs does it take to watch the S/G cameras up on the hill?  ALL OF THEM -  PLUS AS MANY BARTLETT TECHS AS THEY WANT.

How fair is that to the rest of the Techs at the other control points?  I guess Beaver has not changed after all.......................... ..............

Is it true that one RP Supervisor decided today was the day to retire?

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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #76 on: Sep 22, 2007, 05:06 »
it isnt a rumor froggie morre decided today was the day to retire and did so.  he will be missed.  very nice person and good to work for.  we will miss him


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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #77 on: Sep 23, 2007, 07:25 »
it isnt a rumor froggie morre decided today was the day to retire and did so.  he will be missed.  very nice person and good to work for.  we will miss him

Sorry to hear that.....not a good sign when a good supervisor quits.......sounds like it may not be a good outage.

Any returnees at the Beav?

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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #78 on: Sep 25, 2007, 09:06 »
the usually locals are here and some returnees from out of town.  having problems here.  crane is not able to pick the cvan boxes loaded.  in return have to take the boxes to decon facitlity to 1/2 unload so it could pick them up.  was suppose to bring in a big crane from bruce mansfield plant but after arriving it was not inspected.  so we are back to square one.  therefore the scaffold material etc. is not being brought in quick enough to build scaffold.  day two of outage and no scaffold built yet.  oh well tomorrow is another day. 

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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #79 on: Sep 30, 2007, 09:33 »
At Beaver Valley the reason Steam Generators has so many Techs. is because Steam Generators is funded as a "project".  The cost of the Techs. comes out of the project budget, not the general outage budget.  If the project has a good budget and the project manager has alot of clout, the project will be well staffed.
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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #80 on: Oct 22, 2007, 09:35 »
At Beaver Valley the reason Steam Generators has so many Techs. is because Steam Generators is funded as a "project".  The cost of the Techs. comes out of the project budget, not the general outage budget.  If the project has a good budget and the project manager has alot of clout, the project will be well staffed.

I had heard that............interesting.

So how did that work for the Techs ........ when they found out they were to be laid off as soon as S/G were finished.............what was that date - October 7th? 

So many other areas short handed I would have thought they would have moved them around to help the entire outage ...................... hmmmm ::)

I guess at Beaver you shouldn't volunteer for the S/G's....or line up another outage as soon as you're assigned to S/G's....

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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #81 on: Oct 22, 2007, 10:18 »
Anyone hear how things are going at Beaver Valley?   

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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #82 on: Oct 24, 2007, 05:17 »
The RP Techs on Steam Generators were not laid off when the Generators were done.  They surveyed the equipment being packed up and got it out the hatch.  A hand full of Techs left early because they had another outage to go to.  The rest were moved to other areas.

As for how the outage going.  It's gone.  Currently Mode 2 with nothing in the way of syncing to the grid.   
ATF: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should be a convenience store, not a Goverment Agency


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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #83 on: Jan 20, 2008, 07:18 »
I was there with the techs  they were checking what were deconning then on the oct 28 the rest of the techs were leaving.  The in house techs took over then we were laid off OCT 30, 2007.

The RP Techs on Steam Generators were not laid off when the Generators were done.  They surveyed the equipment being packed up and got it out the hatch.  A hand full of Techs left early because they had another outage to go to.  The rest were moved to other areas.

As for how the outage going.  It's gone.  Currently Mode 2 with nothing in the way of syncing to the grid.  
« Last Edit: Jan 20, 2008, 08:15 by Rennhack »


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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #84 on: Jan 30, 2009, 08:17 »

What that means is you are much better off staying towards the Airport and using Green Garden Road or The "World Famous Midway" exit.  Staying above or using Rt 68 is bad becasue there will only be one lane open over the bridge.

I will post anymore updates as I hear them..

And I can confirm that basement of both cans is 692

Officcal start date of construction on Shippingport Bridge is 03/09/09...and its going to be for abaht 1 yer
« Last Edit: Feb 24, 2009, 09:05 by LinkNuc »

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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #85 on: Mar 30, 2009, 06:10 »
Here is the latest on the shippingport bridge:

PennDOT has started the Shippingport Bridge project.  The project currently has a schedule through 12/31/2011.  It is expected there will be some single lane closures using flagman during the daylight hours.  They will minimize any closures before 08:00 and after 17:00 to allow easy access in and out of the plant during high traffic periods.  They intend to have alternating one lane closure during the daylight hours ( after 08:00 and before 17:00 ) which would limit congestion during our "high volume" vehicle periods.  However, they also plan to begin permanent one lane closures beginning on Wednesday March 18th through April 17th.  They will alternate traffic in a single lane 24/7 with traffic lights.  PennDOT will not have single lane operations from 05:00 to 08:00 and from 17:00 to 20:00 during the outage period beginning April 18th through May 10th.

The above information is from a Beaver Valley employee newsletter.
ATF: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms should be a convenience store, not a Goverment Agency


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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #86 on: May 29, 2009, 12:36 »
UPdate for those of you working over teh summer and possibly coming back for the fall Unit 2 outage:

To all,

The Shippingport Bridge Project continues to proceed as scheduled and the next phase of the project involves the removal and replacement of the three-span portion of the bridge over FENOC's walkway as we enter the plant. Jersey barriers have been placed under the bridge and a covered walkway will start to be erected beginning Monday (6/1/09) as PennDOT workers begin to work above our entrance area. The construction of the protective walkway is an approved OSHA design which will have interior lighting for our safety. The walkway will protect us from any potential falling debris during construction. PennDOT will have flagmen posted in the area  during the construction of the protective walkway to control traffic when required. The longest pedestrian traffic closing is expected to be no more that 5 minutes.  As always, safety is our most important concern for everyone. So please look twice when entering the area and obey any safety rules when entering or leaving the area.


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Beaver Valley Contact info?
« Reply #87 on: Jul 27, 2009, 03:43 »
Hi Folks,

I am an instructor at the Navy prototype and will soon be leaving, hopefully, to head back home to PA.  Can anyone provide contact info for First Energy or the Beaver Valley Plant as it is close to where I'd like to be moving to? 

Any other random info/advice/tips on this plant or company would be appreciated as well.

thanks in advance!


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Re: Beaver Valley Contact info?
« Reply #88 on: Jul 27, 2009, 03:51 »
Well Janitor, did you try the search function?


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Re: Beaver Valley Contact info?
« Reply #89 on: Jul 27, 2009, 05:18 »
...actually, it was through the search function that I learned that you haven't really been welcomed to nukeworker until Mike calls you a janitor and insults your intelligence...oh, well, at least we got that out of the way ;)

Now if anybody has anything relevant to add, thanks again.

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Re: Beaver Valley Contact info?
« Reply #90 on: Jul 27, 2009, 08:40 »
...actually, it was through the search function that I learned that you haven't really been welcomed to nukeworker until Mike calls you a janitor and insults your intelligence...

It's a lot like being whacked repeatedly with the firehose "shillelagh" during Shellback  ;)

On-topic: Job postings for 'Cheaper Valley' and FENOC can be found at

« Last Edit: Oct 17, 2013, 06:36 by Rennhack »


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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #91 on: Sep 24, 2009, 04:21 »
Shippingport Bridge Update: 9/24/09

The work on the Shippingport bridge continues in a very safe and productive manner. As our outage approaches, we can expect some changes to the current arrangement with Swank Construction and their schedule.

Swank Construction will be completing work on the three-span portion of the bridge by 10/9/09. This portion of the bridge spans over our entrance way into the plant. Swank will be moving their efforts northward towards the main bridge span on 10/9/09.  The main span is considered the portion which spans over the river. Painting will begin under our section  of the bridge on 9/28/09 and likewise finish on 10/9/09. The painters will be operating in an enclosed area under the bridge.

Swank will continue to work on the bridge with single lane operation during the outage with some additional arrangements. They include:

·Flagging of Traffic During Peak Hours - Swank will provide a certified flagman equipped with a cellular phone to manually operate the traffic lights during peak hours, Monday through Friday from 6:00 AM to 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM.  Manually operating the traffic lights during the above mentioned days and times will ensure that no delays are experienced by FENCO employees, arriving to or departing from our facility. 

·Emergency Services Access During Peak Hours - Swank’s Flagmen will be equipped with a cell phone for emergency communication with FENOC   to ensure that emergency service vehicles have unimpeded travel through the work zone.  Prior to any flagging operations we will provide FENCO with contact information. In the event of emergency FENOC will contact the emergency phone and instruct our flagmen on the direction of travel by the emergency vehicles, to ensure constant flow of traffic in the appropriate direction. 

·Coordination/Communication with Borough Flagmen - An open line of communication will be available between Swank's Flagmen and the Borough Flagmen via 2-way radios to provide proper traffic flow in and out of the plant during peak hours.

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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #92 on: Oct 15, 2009, 06:27 »
hey bartlett, whats up with the atlantic techs getting 30/hour. thought you guys were supposed to match your competitors wages, oh, i guess not. these techs aren't specialized, they are working side by side with your people. guess people are jumping ship already.
« Last Edit: Oct 15, 2009, 06:41 by disneyfanatic »


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In Pittsburgh
« Reply #93 on: Aug 14, 2012, 08:43 »
I'm In Pittsburgh all week.

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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #94 on: Aug 09, 2013, 02:30 »
herd there's an outage coming up soon.  whose supplying hps?
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #95 on: Aug 09, 2013, 03:51 »
I don't know that answer, but if any of yinzers are coming here, stop by unit 2 and say hi. I'm the unit 2 day shift SRO for this unit 1 outage.

"How feeble is the mindset to accept defenselessness. How unnatural. How cheap. How cowardly. How pathetic.” - Ted Nugent

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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #96 on: Aug 12, 2013, 10:55 »
herd there's an outage coming up soon.  whose supplying hps?

DZ currently holds the HP contract

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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #97 on: Oct 15, 2013, 03:39 »
Hello - newbie to forum. Where does FENOC advertise for contractors for the Beaver Valley site? Never see ads at the normal roadie sites. I live 11 miles from there and it would be nice to land a contract there rather than go 1200 miles away.


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Re: Beaver Valley
« Reply #98 on: Oct 16, 2013, 09:25 »
pappap,  i dew not know, but iffen i was 11 miles away, i wood take a drive down there on a pretty autumn day and ask around. 
quando omni flunkus moritati

dubble eye, dubble yew, dubble aye!

dew the best ya kin, wit watt ya have, ware yinze are!

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