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ANSI 3.1-1978 / N18.1-1971 vs ANSI 3.1-1993;R1999;W2009 / N18.1-1981
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ANSI 3.1-1978 / N18.1-1971 vs ANSI 3.1-1993;R1999;W2009 / N18.1-1981
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Topic: ANSI 3.1-1978 / N18.1-1971 vs ANSI 3.1-1993;R1999;W2009 / N18.1-1981 (Read 10757 times)
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ANSI 3.1-1978 / N18.1-1971 vs ANSI 3.1-1993;R1999;W2009 / N18.1-1981
Jul 31, 2012, 01:58 »
I am hoping that someone can help with the updates or differences that can be found between the two documents :ANSI 3.1-1978 / N18.1-1971 vs ANSI 3.1-1993;R1999;W2009 / N18.1-1981.
What was revised from 1978 through the Withdrawn version in 2009 in the ANSI 3.1 document? Any significant changes to note? Do the sites have to meet the recommendations from the newer revision or can they utilize the 1978 document still?
Also the same goes for the N18. What was revised from 1971 to the 1981 document? Any significant changes to note? Do the sites have to meet the recommendations from the newer revision or can they utilize the 1971 document still?
I am researching training and qualifications and how the recommendations of the two documents affect Tech Specs and compliance with 10 CFR 55.
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Re: ANSI 3.1-1978 / N18.1-1971 vs ANSI 3.1-1993;R1999;W2009 / N18.1-1981
Reply #1 on:
Jul 31, 2012, 02:15 »
i don't know about all the changes on ansi 3.1, but i do know that the original 3.1 used 36 months operating commercial nuclear reactor, which has been changed to 36 months commercial nuclear reactor. big difference.
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Re: ANSI 3.1-1978 / N18.1-1971 vs ANSI 3.1-1993;R1999;W2009 / N18.1-1981
Reply #2 on:
Jul 31, 2012, 02:46 »
Here is a pretty good post on that.,4395.0.html
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Nuke Insurer
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Re: ANSI 3.1-1978 / N18.1-1971 vs ANSI 3.1-1993;R1999;W2009 / N18.1-1981
Reply #3 on:
Jul 31, 2012, 02:49 »
Thanks for the information. The article was fantastic.
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ANSI 3.1-1978 / N18.1-1971 vs ANSI 3.1-1993;R1999;W2009 / N18.1-1981
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