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Author Topic: Palisades  (Read 127492 times)

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Offline Rennhack

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« on: Nov 30, 2002, 07:48 »
Don't forget to vote.  Keep your comments civil.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #1 on: Nov 30, 2002, 09:33 »
Talk About: Palisades


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #2 on: Feb 07, 2003, 12:02 »
I guess not too many people want to talk about Palisades, but like DC Cook they had a big management change in 2001, and they are doing really, really great.  They made lots of great improvements, and are actually spending more time running than shutdown!!

Starting in March they are trying for a 25 day refueling outage.  That's not an easy thing to accomplish!! We'll see what happens! ;)


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #3 on: Feb 07, 2003, 05:55 »
25 days? why so long?   hahaha...just anything above 20 days is considered wasteful

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #4 on: Feb 08, 2003, 09:45 »
I always preferred Palisades to Cook, the atmosphere seemed a little more friendly.  


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #5 on: Feb 22, 2003, 08:29 »

What jumper said, cya in March! [smiley=nut.gif]


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #6 on: Feb 26, 2003, 06:46 »
25 days may seem like a long outage by todays standard.  But considering 42 days is palisades previous best, 25 days would be great.  I agree with Jen, Palisades has made numeous improvents over the last two years.  Its a good place to work, just HIGH DOSE.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #7 on: Feb 26, 2003, 06:58 »
I loved Palisades when I was there in '93. They told us the outage was scheduled for 54 days, but if they beat their previous best of 72 days they would consider it a sucess, and if it was under 90 days they would be happy. They lifted a control rod with the head, left a fuel pin on the floor of the lower cavity, had to lift the head again, lifted a bundle with the internals (second time) and I left after ~ 80 days to go to Sturgis, heard it lasted 6 months. Best place to get paid to watch screwups I've ever been. Ahh, for the good old days


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #8 on: Feb 26, 2003, 10:26 »
worked there as a safety manger, during there head problems
great site very cold in the winter.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #9 on: Mar 18, 2003, 11:34 »
Palisades is moving up in the world.
I have been here for 5 yrs now, and things have really changed.
This place used to be a real hole to work in; dirty, crusty, and really, really leaky.
In the past few years, though, something happened. I think it was the "fix it fairy", but I am not sure.
Anyway, we really started to look at our procedures, plant labeling, material condition and the site in general; we realized we were never going to get life extension in the shape we were in.
Now, we have moved from dead last to the 2nd quartile. The plant is getting painted to to bottom, all of the trailers have been removed from the property, new BIG labels under 1 format are being made....
Management has changed, alot of the old guard has moved out.
We are part of NMC now, for better or worse.
I think at the rate we are moving, we will get a life extension.
Our only real problem now is the AO's we just qualified....


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #10 on: Mar 18, 2003, 09:19 »
Hey Piglet1, I think we said that about our trainees 5 years ago.  Tell everyone I said "hi" and things are good at Comanche Peak.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #11 on: Mar 19, 2003, 04:30 »
howya doin' trouble(appropriate name!)
We just started our spring refout, the usual cluster is happening.
polar crane broke(again)
smoked a charging pump during solid plant ops.
same ol' same ol' ;D


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #12 on: Sep 24, 2004, 10:21 »
From the mid 80's to the early 90's I'd grab every outage (emergency or Otherwise) I could for Palisades. I loved that place!!!! With House management like "Uncle Dicky" running the show I'd have almost payed them to work there!!! (I did say Almost). South Haven was a Kick butt place to live, MMmmmmmm the women, and the night life!! Great People to work with, And whats the problem with "Dose"??? Myself and My bestest Buddy "Trinity" were the S/G Guru's of Palisades......We OWNED those platforms. And who will ever forget our favorite Drink.......The "NUCLEAR HOLOCOST!!!! Been there got the shirt!!! Many times. Huckleberries....What a Bar!!!! Awwww the memories. One of the few places I actually miss since I left the road....Bummer that they've repainted everything though.....Lot of history was written on Dem Walls...*LOL*. Bet they still havn't found the "Secret Writings" yet.... *Hint*....Look UNDER the S/G's.....Ain't gonna say exactly where :D
Wish I could turn back time.......I'd go back to the "Sades" ANYTIME!!!!!!!

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #13 on: Sep 24, 2004, 01:37 »

Worked 1980-1983 at palisades in South Haven. Was there the day of turbine explosion, main ct pump failure and et cetera. Any old-timers left there? Healy, Eastman, others?

can send direct email to

-Dave ;D
Author of Migrant Nuclear Worker's Guide
Inventor of Zn-64 depleted Zinc additions.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #14 on: Sep 24, 2004, 02:09 »
Worked three consecutive outages in the 90's, starting from the broken fuel rod. Had a great time. The best thing about the place was the house folks. They treated us okay and we worked well together. Would be great to get back there.

Offline devildog

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #15 on: Sep 27, 2004, 04:27 »
I do not know what you people are smoking, but Palisades is a hole !!!!! has always been a hole and will always be a hole. the area may be nice but the rent is high because the people who rent to you  think they should get your diem!!!! as for the plant they are under staffed, and run you like a dog!!!!!! High dose, is an understatement. I thought last outage was bad and it could not be worse this outage!!! hahaha, it is ten times worse. besides the prices, the high dose, it is dangerous, push push push!!!!! one of ours ,we think broke is ankle last night, and they expect him in work tonight so they dont get a lost time accident. three strike rule applies here. 3rd outage and they are out.they wonder why the returnee rate is one of the worse. i know techs will always come here to work and i  wish you the best. i do not like saying this but in this case it applies. I will never ever come back here to work. hahahaha

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #16 on: Oct 07, 2004, 05:32 »
I was there for the last outage and it was "challenging". I'm sure that all the techs there are doing the best job they can under the circumstances with the NMC runnin the show. I've seen how that goes too often.
Maybe Palisades is feeling the loss Butch and Jubal. If they aren't I'm sure THE CURVE is?!?
Life is NOT like a box of chocolates.

It's more like a jar of Jalapenos....what you do today might burn your ass tomorrow.......

CJ Col Ski

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #17 on: Oct 07, 2004, 06:47 »
Hmm... personally have never worked Palisades. Worked from '91 to 2000 on the road before taking a permanent position at Monti with Xcel Energy. Of course; myself, and those within RP/Chem group became NMC employees when they took the management reigns in 2001. As an NMC employee... (and a former road tech)--it really bums me out to see some of the stuff I'm seein' regarding PI and Palisades. I can attest that things are run a little tighter under NMC mode. There have been some improvements overall, but some things are not as user friendly. The corporate dollar has become a factor in the latter. I understand (and I hope you do too) that labor is (and always was) the first (and quickest--though not the easiest or best) way to reduce O & M costs (Read: reduce cost per Kwh). Unfortunately, you and I that work in the trenches often get "squeezed" from lower/intermediate mgmt levels due to pressures (whether perceived or real) from senior mgmt levels to achieve maximum performance at minimum cost. That is really where we're at right now. I know here at Monti--it's the same people working in the field that have been for years. The changes have been at the top. (in our case... mostly for the better). From what I can see... many of these difficulties have come from some managers who seem to have forgotten that those of us in the field are what put the food on their tables (not vice-versa). It disturbs me that this is occurring within NMC. I can remember working at a certain former Com-Ed facility and being treated like an outcast---needless to say, I stayed very shortly---and vowed to never work any of their sites after that (I didn't, and won't). I know that nobody is, and cannot be perfect---I'm just hoping that you're being treated with the proper respect by the working level people such as myself. If things start going "south" from our level---then, we truly do have issues.       Respectfully,  Cory J. Jaskowiak MNGP RPT...

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #18 on: Oct 07, 2004, 07:20 »
Great People to work with, And whats the problem with "Dose"??? .......I'd go back to the "Sades" ANYTIME!!!!!!!

The way I remember it, you, Brewster Moffat and I got freakin' SMOKED in the cavity by that mystery washer.  Of course, Bruce and I only got hit with 200 and 300 respectively, but I remember that you got nailed with a GRAND!!!!

Then there was the time that the valve crew dumped an ocean of SFP water in Safeguards.  That was the first time I ever saw a Ludlum frisker peg on high scale when the smear was just in the room with it.

I really loved the answer I got when I asked why there was a bow and arrow in a rad bag out in the barn.

Nah!  I'm not going back if it means doing that stuff again.  Maybe I'll go for the turbine work.
« Last Edit: Oct 07, 2004, 07:22 by Beer Court »
"To be content with little is hard; to be content with much, impossible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Offline devildog

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #19 on: Oct 08, 2004, 02:10 »
Hey CJ Col Ski, it sounds to me you are bucking for a promotion or something. As you said, you have never worked at Palisades. The topic is talk about Palisades, not Monti or PI . Maybe you should start a topic I love NMC or I love Monti. I have worked at Palisades and i am currently working there for another couple of days. They work the shit out of good techs and let the fat,lazy one armed techs sit around drink pop and eat Ho Ho's all day.  Then after 18 days and 1000 mrem, they watch us run for the gate, like champion race horses and wonder why no one wants to come back next time. If that is the way you do business at Monti , then i will mark that one off the list along with Palisades. Good luck to you in your upcoming outage with the one armed fat lazy techs and wonder why you will never ever be a Diablo Canyon. How many outages have you been too that the company will  not feed the techs? Welcome to Palisades. Everyone had to almost beg NMC to buy dinner. so they bought Pizza and not enough at that. not even pop!!!! Cheap Cheap Cheap. As for Jubal and Butch, Way to go, smart for getting out of hell before they took your spine too. the curve will never be the same without them. RIP Palisades........ for the only view i want to see, is your plant in my rear  view mirror as i am driving down the road.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #20 on: Oct 08, 2004, 06:41 »
Hey Beer Court!! Didn't know there was anybody that remembered the night of the "Mystery Washer" Yah that was quite the night alrighty. But Heck, What's a few "Blacked Out" extremity chips amongst friends eh?? *LOL* Great to see your still around Pard If ya see Brewster tell him Hi fer me. ANd the Bow and Arrow??? Just SMoke and Mirrors Man....Smoke and Mirrors...*LMAO*

The way I remember it, you, Brewster Moffat and I got freakin' SMOKED in the cavity by that mystery washer.  Of course, Bruce and I only got hit with 200 and 300 respectively, but I remember that you got nailed with a GRAND!!!!

Then there was the time that the valve crew dumped an ocean of SFP water in Safeguards.  That was the first time I ever saw a Ludlum frisker peg on high scale when the smear was just in the room with it.

I really loved the answer I got when I asked why there was a bow and arrow in a rad bag out in the barn.

Nah!  I'm not going back if it means doing that stuff again.  Maybe I'll go for the turbine work.

Offline PWHoppe

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #21 on: Oct 08, 2004, 01:40 »
This thread has been both painful and sad for me to read. Having spent a lot of time at Palisades in the early to mid '80's I always looked fondly at my time there. Yes, there was mucho dose but the folks there were among the best in the business. The whole plant was like a big family, and that includes all the crafts, maintenace, ops, hp's, etc, etc, etc. We had BBQ's, Turkeys on Thanksgiving, and Potlucks throughout. It has been many, many years since I have been back but I guess things have changed. One comment that does seem odd however concerns being fed. I guess I don't understand the "feeding" of the techs. All of the aforementined feasts I spoke of were brought in by the people themselves, not supplied by the company. It was the family atmosphere that caused everyone to get together and do this. I never expected any company to feed me at any outage I worked. I just expected them to pay me. Oh well, sorry to see that The 'Sades has become so disliked. It will always be a fond memory for me and still has some of my best friends.
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

Forum rules..

CJ Col Ski

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #22 on: Oct 08, 2004, 07:07 »
I am sorry to inform you, Mr. Devildog, that I have worked at Diablo Canyon (Fall of 1999 Nightshift refuel floor for Jim Knight)---Diablo was a place I enjoyed very much when I worked there (good people--beautiful area). I've also worked at several other facilities--and, like you, I have some that I wouldn't go back to, if I decided to go back on the road again. I am also sorry to inform you that I am not one of these so-called "fat, lazy, one-armed techs" you talk so fondly of. I am just the opposite. I don't think I know you personally 'dog--but, if you've been in this industry (or any industry for that matter) for any length of time (which I'm guessing you have...) you should have already seen that there are go-getters (i.e. those that don't need prodding/coddling to get things done, and done right), there are the average "joes" (i.e. folks that'll do the work--but wait to be told to do so, or need a little instruction first), and there are those that are good for nothing (i.e. shouldn't be there in the first place). Think about it... if you were to choose someone to do a job for you---who are you going to put on it?? Life is not fair, nor will it ever be... There are good people and bad people--not everyone is out to wreck your day... you have control over your decisions, your attitude, and your actions--not anyone else..... Also... in the industry we work in,  a company name is just that, a company name... it is the individual people representing that name that make it, or break it... -----As far as promotions go--I prefer to let my abilities speak for me, not my mouth or my typing skills---besides, at the moment... I like what I do, I'm compensated well for doing just that---and, just so happens--Minnesota is home for me. Have a good day!!

Offline devildog

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #23 on: Oct 08, 2004, 07:47 »
First of all Mr. Ski, you are taking this as a personnel attack, which it was never the intent. You are making this a war of words. Once again this is bout Palisades not you or me. I never stated you were a fat lazy one-armed tech, nor did I question your ability as a tech or anything else. As far as Diablo Canyon it is the best in the country and they get the best techs and why is that? Because they cut out the middleman and give the extra to the techs. That is a given. I am glad you worked there, as have I. As far as Palisades it is still a hole and until you work there than you should not even be here commenting on Palisades. As, far as the feeds. I do expect them to show appreciation for all the hard work and  give us a dinner or two. The only food on site is from a machine. We are here to do a job, away from our loved ones, living in hotels, so yes a descent meal is a way to say Thanks we appreciate the job you are doing for us.  It’s the little things that count. I am not saying buy us steak or a lobster dinner. A little goes a long way, when you are planning out your next job. These are the things you remember. That is the point. Have a nice day to you sir

CJ Col Ski

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #24 on: Oct 08, 2004, 07:59 »
Sorry, Mr. Devildog...

You are right... I gotta keep my nose outta this. I just let some of this get to me 'cause it seemed to hit a little close to home...
Have a good one...


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #25 on: Oct 10, 2004, 02:20 »
Hi Pig,

I also heard you guys exceeded your PCI's in the first week and people got 7 days off for a contamination.  sounds like old times only worse.  never regretted leaving that place for better.  Come south we (Comanche Peak) will be hiring again at the first of the year.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #26 on: Oct 17, 2004, 01:19 »
Yea, a couple of AO's got a week off without pay for a screwup, and so did people  in Mechanical Maint., I&C, and Chemistry. All different mistakes. It put the plant in a state of fear. Couple more people told our Managment company to pack sand.
 We have Framatone coming in a few weeks to do some repairs before we can start up again.
 This ain't quite the family atmosphere that you all seem to remember from years gone by.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #27 on: Oct 17, 2004, 03:50 »
Devil Dog,
Are you sure you worked Palisades?  ???
I had a great outage there - nice people, we weren't beat up on hours in / out. The first week was a little rough getting started but that's to be expected - after that it was great. The group of techs I worked were wonderful - couldn't wish for a better group of co-workers. We all pitched in and helped each other out - we had regular breaks and our leads bought us lunch - not just once - several times.
I would come back.  :)   :)    :)


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #28 on: Oct 17, 2004, 10:11 »
I think we need to all be a little more like "sunshine".
As an operator here, I was/am happy with all the HP/RP support that we got. Everyone helped each other out, and continue to do so. But management has kinda ruined that "family atmosphere" we used to have.

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #29 on: Oct 18, 2004, 05:07 »
Sunshine,       What year did you work there?  What shift did you work there?  Did you work box crew?  Are you a senior? As far as contractor techs we had a great group except for a few, a  one armed tech, who could not climb and did not know how to survey.  We had a tech they kicked off the refuel floor because she could not get along with workers. We called her Velcro Ass. Can you guess why?  As far as house techs they are all lead techs and  do a good job. No complaints with them. What I said was this they work you to the bone. you get a lot of dose, and it is not a safe plant to work. Trying to do the daily hepa checks was a task in it self. Very unsafe. They also send all the workers in the same area at the same time , what a cluster! We had one of our techs get stepped on. he was bending down to go under a I-beam and the ladder is set up so a worker coming off a platfom would step on a worker going under the I-beam. If that was me I would have been escorted off site. Lol They did come through at the end of the outage with some feeds. Maybe someone was reading this. As far as the Bartlett techs and the site coordinator that is another topic. Hahahaha they are all good in my book and they think they know who i am. I will never tell. But it is over now, or is it? The outage is going longer than expected. Another 6 weeks. Be careful and enjoy the cold weather. Devildog  out
« Last Edit: Nov 06, 2004, 07:42 by devildog »


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #30 on: Oct 18, 2004, 05:13 »
Hey DevilDog,
You wouldn't happen to be talking about the red headed Kenny G. would you???
WoW!!  What a piece of work that one is.  The $$ up there is better, but I would much rather get paid a little less and not have to worry about my own site coordinator BONING me.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #31 on: Oct 19, 2004, 07:54 »
Hi Devil Dog,

I like your sense of humor.  ;D   Jr. Box crew.......hehehhe
Yes I am a SR. I worked daylight CTMT.

I replied to give others another view - it is not to say that you were wrong in being unhappy - you stated the reasons you were and have a right to that. However some of us were happy. If only the unhappy ones reply - people would be unfairly biased against Palisades.
The first couple of days of the outage - as with all other outages I've been to - everyone believes they should be number one with getting their jobs set up etc -we reported the safety issues to our leads and supervisors were sent in to control / protect the work groups. I was very surprised when a house maint supervisor approached me to let me know he was there to help - to let him know when boxes were being flown over my head or anyone else's - including his workgroup - guess what?  He actually took care of it. That tells me alot about a site. 
Have a  :) day.      Sunshine


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #32 on: Oct 21, 2004, 08:40 »
Hi Gang and Gangettes!!!

I hate to be repetitive here nor redundant........But I still say with all Conviction...."I'D GO BACK TO THE "SADES" ANYTIMEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #33 on: Nov 04, 2004, 04:04 »
Sunshine, here's a question.....why do techs write inappropriate things in log books... from my understanding the log book at the 649' elevation ( ;D ) is striclty for other techs, managment and the control room at the activities and the work being done inside containment.  I didn't know if it was a new thing to "bash" , bully, or harass other workers?  I also understand that at Sades you think your support crew, the deconners, who management has raved as the most hard working , best group they have ever had in there, are quote "STREET DECONNERS"...why would you put down a bunch of hardworking dedicated people and make up ridiculous lies and slander them ???  I just don't understand...So to simply put it, you have been quite unprofessional at this outage and have angered and hurt a lot of people's feelings. 

--Someone who is paying attention from above
« Last Edit: Nov 04, 2004, 04:21 by glogreen »


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #34 on: Nov 06, 2004, 12:04 »
Hi Devil Dog,

I like your sense of humor.  ;D   Jr. Box crew.......hehehhe
Yes I am a SR. I worked daylight CTMT.

I replied to give others another view - it is not to say that you were wrong in being unhappy - you stated the reasons you were and have a right to that. However some of us were happy. If only the unhappy ones reply - people would be unfairly biased against Palisades.
The first couple of days of the outage - as with all other outages I've been to - everyone believes they should be number one with getting their jobs set up etc -we reported the safety issues to our leads and supervisors were sent in to control / protect the work groups. I was very surprised when a house maint supervisor approached me to let me know he was there to help - to let him know when boxes were being flown over my head or anyone else's - including his workgroup - guess what?  He actually took care of it. That tells me alot about a site. 
Have a  :) day.      Sunshine

Were you at the same Palisades that I was because I saw very little management in the can and they certainly were not in there to watch safety when they were there at least not on days!


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #35 on: Nov 06, 2004, 04:49 »
Since this post has remained past twenty-four hours without deletion or an edit from Mike Rennhack or a moderator, although I adamantly disagree, I will presume it has met Nukeworker’s Professional Guidelines, therefore I will respond.


The technicians use the "logbook" as a “turnover tool” for each shift pertaining to ongoing work. It is also used as a “communication tool” when questions arise – which is what happened that day. I will not go into detail, as it will cause undue embarrassment to the deconner involved.

Your statement, “to bash, bully or harass other workers” – interesting choice of words, considering your post reflects just that.

The term “deconners vs. street deconners.” This was the first site I had heard that term – which is used to distinguish between a deconner with experience vs. none. As an HP it is our responsibility to help / train past the Basic Rad Worker course. We took the time to teach / train past the basics and I know for a fact the crews we worked with were very appreciative of the additional knowledge as we were of the help they extended to us.

You stated that I’ve been “unprofessional.” You obviously have not taken the time to get to know me – therefore your statement is unqualified.

You stated that I have “angered and hurt a lot of people’s feelings.” The only one I am aware of is yours and hiding behind an alias will not resolve the situation, will it Glogreen?

As for your final and ominous statement:

   ----- Someone who is paying attention from above.

Is this a threat to my employment? That is against the law.
Am I to expect retribution / revenge? Which is also against the law.

My co-workers stated that when one “threatens with implied power” they do not have any.

There’s only one way to find out if your written threat has any power over my employment and if it is one I need to concern myself with in a legal / professional manner.

Have a  :)  Day………….Sunshine

**Mike Rennhack – please contact me at
Thank you
« Last Edit: Nov 06, 2004, 05:00 by sunshine1 »


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #36 on: Nov 06, 2004, 04:58 »
Hi Scruffy,

I worked days - CTMT. What crew were you on? If you were like a lot of crews - you probably were too busy getting the job done to notice some of the management oversight. By management I meant first line supervision and up - you might have thought I met - higher than department heads. Sorry if I misled you.

Have a  :) Day. 



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Re: Palisades
« Reply #37 on: Nov 06, 2004, 10:56 »
Did I mention that I really, really like pizza? ;)


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #38 on: Nov 07, 2004, 07:45 »
I as a RP tech. would like to comment in a positive light on the decon support I have recieved this outage at Sades. And true there are some new people in the Rad. Handler ranks. I feel all involved have done their very best to support all activities during this outage. There are a few who have gone above and beyond! And some of these techs I believe could compare with any Deconners I have worked with in the past or present. Myself being a former Decon tech / Supervisor I feel can give a fair evaluation of quality decon support. And I also share the opinion that logbooks are a tool for turnover, job status, conditions of the plant and radiological information sharing. And should be used in a professional manner not a place to voice my personal perceptions and opinions. So to all the handlers I would like say "Thank You" for all your efforts and hard work! And that 1 person's opinions does not reflect the way the rest of the RP staff views your contributions during the outage.   


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #39 on: Nov 08, 2004, 02:41 »
I'm new to this forum thing, didn't have this back in the day.  However, I
think it's a most excellent way for us Nukes to communicate and I must add that I am visiting this site more and more often (a very informative site, kudos). 

Anyway, I'd like to respond to the whole Deconner drama at the 'Sades'.  I used to work for the big 'Green Machine' back when they pretty much dominated the Decon scene in the early eighties and I do know that if you mentor and treat a Deconner in the way you would want to be treated, that in most cases they would move the world for you.  We are their mentors and they can be our backbone, but it's up to us (HPs) to make that happen and spread the knowledge and respect they deserve.  I know it's not a perfect world and personalties clash, but I have to agree with SlattMandu's assessment of the whole issue and it's about time to put it to bed. 

This outage at the Sades I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with some very good people, Deconners and HPs alike.  I hope that I will have the chance to work with them again on my new travels this spring.  I plan to have an aggressive one, then summer off.  It's been 16 years since I've been able to take a month or two.  I'm looking forward to it.

Before I sign off I'd like to wish Asa1 a speedy recovery.  Been missin ya in the can (hey man, ya gotta stop eatin all those meat products, shake your left leg if you can hear me...Lmfao!).  I'd would also like to give kudos to GW's Decon and Rad Handler staff, "Outstanding" as Asa1 would put it (and I mean it) and the same goes to all the seasoned HPs who came regardless of the many horrid stories I'm sure they've heard about the Sades (nothing like a little Urban Legend to spice things up).  Anyway, that's my take, for whatever it's worth. Peace!! ;) 


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #40 on: Nov 17, 2004, 12:47 »
I finally left the 28-day outage on day 56. I got to work both shifts and see a lot of things. I can say that Palisades might be an RPM’s nightmare, but it should be every HP’s dream. It is a place where your years of training, studying and practice are really tested with every jump. You can find out what kind of HP you really are. An HP at Palisades is analogous to a baseball team’s pitching rotation for a season;
The first type is the strong starter, but they usually get in a mess and need to be relieved.
The second type is the closer. They always get to come in and clean up the mess.
The third type is the workhorse. They may give up a few hits and runs, but they are able to pitch the complete game.
The last type is the one that is content to sit on the bench and talk about the glory days.

The people at Palisades were great to work with. It is one of the few places I’ve seen a supervisor stand up to the RPM and defend the contract tech. Too bad things will be changing. I also got to work with some good house and contract techs. You can’t help but have fun when you are working with people like slattmandu, asa1, warren and others. I will definitely try to return to their next outage. Hopefully they won’t start their aux building rejuvenation program during their next outage, but you can never tell with NMC.

As far as the comments about the RWH’s, I would say the house RWH’s did an excellent job with a relatively green crew. With the exception of one or two, the RWH’s were always ready and willing to work and they were not afraid to learn something. I look forward to working with all of them again. They can all walk away from one of the premier sites for dose and contamination and be proud of what they accomplished.



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Re: Palisades
« Reply #41 on: Nov 17, 2004, 11:04 »
I will agree the "green" radwaste handlers were for the most part very easy to work with and open to suggestion on a better mousetrap. All of their patience was tested in that can. I must also agree that deconners of today are the rad techs of another day and since most utilities have abandoned OJT for decon and JR.'s it is our responsibility to help the ones that are willing to learn and I saw alot of that at palisades from the newbies. What happened to ASA1?


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #42 on: Nov 18, 2004, 12:04 »

I had an appendectomy. I thought I had the flu with a severe gut ache. Turns out it wasn't the flu. I'm ok now though.
On another note, The Sades is not a place for apprentice RPTs (Keith is absolutely correct). Every jump into the reactor building is unique. There's nowhere to hide weak technicians! I may allow a couple of hits now and again, but can finish the game! Dan, Slatts, Keith, Jon, Gina, Warren, and Mean Steve were a pleasure to work with. Those dudes definitely aren't starters! Palisades most definitely shows if you're worth your salt.
Finally, I'll comment on the RWHs. The permanent guys always do a good job. The "green" guys did an outstanding job for the most part. They were always willing to listen, willing to learn, and most importantly, willing to do! For that, they must all be recognized. Many RPTs could take a lesson from those green RWHs (listen,learn,do).


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #43 on: Nov 18, 2004, 07:56 »
Glad your ok


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #44 on: Nov 20, 2004, 04:56 »
I love Palisades!!! I have the best Palisades stories ever!  I won't post them on the forum, to protect the innocent.  Anyone interested, can contact me at:

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #45 on: Dec 30, 2004, 12:43 »
Hi All:

Looking for anyone that helped start up and operate Big Rock and or Palisades Plants.  Many should still be out there.

Just helping a new member get the hang of things---RT
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Re: Palisades
« Reply #46 on: Mar 28, 2005, 02:18 »
Local commissioners passed a resolution supporting Palisades nuclear plant's application to renew its license. The 800-megawatt plant has a 40-year license that expires in 2011. In April it will ask the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to extend that to 2031.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #47 on: Apr 19, 2005, 12:36 »
A rumor is spreading at "The Beach" that Palisades is being sold and will be announced in a few days.

Can anyone confirm this?


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #48 on: Feb 11, 2006, 07:23 »
The phone number for Beach House Rentals has changed to 800-690-9928 or 269-369-5237, cell

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #49 on: Apr 20, 2006, 12:13 »
What's the latest word on "stuff" floating to the surface of the pool? Can ayone either confirm or deny these rumors ???

Didn't sound good, from what we heard down south of there, but you know how rumors go, just want to know what the real-deal is.
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Re: Palisades
« Reply #50 on: Apr 20, 2006, 03:53 »
We've heard other rumors in addition to the below.  I don't want to print any rumors here.  I'm sure we'll get the full story soon.


NRC team sent to Palisades following containment incident

April 20, 2006

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has sent a four-person special investigation team to Palisades to evaluate an incident that occurred in containment early Wednesday morning. Palisades is in the 19th day of a refueling and maintenance outage.

The incident, which occurred following placement of the in-core transfer cask into the flooded reactor cavity, involved a cask liner that floated to the surface of the pool as workers were retrieving the liner rigging. The liner contained used in-core detectors from previous outages. High dose rates of radiation occurred when the liner broke the surface of the water for a few seconds.

Six workers immediately evacuated the 649-foot elevation of containment when directed by supervisors and Radiation Protection personnel. Management also notified the NRC of the event.

After breaking the water surface, the liner sank back to the bottom of the reactor cavity—landing upright next to the transfer cask. Despite the liner’s surfacing, the event did not cause a release of airborne contamination and individual dose readings following the event were well below dose alarm set points—and the 5,000 millirem annual federal limit for radiation workers.

The highest electronic dose reading recorded by a worker following the event was 41 millirem, with about 34 millirem due to the event.

The average person receives about 360 millirem of radiation annually from natural and man-made background radiation, while the average nuclear worker receives about 670 millirem of radiation per year.

An incident response team, with NMC fleet support, has been formed at Palisades and is in the process of analyzing facts and data from the incident. A limited amount of work is being done in containment until further notice.

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #51 on: Sep 17, 2007, 03:59 »
How's that Iodine thing working up there? Strange and viscious rumors are making their way South about 12 hour shifts followed by 4-5 hr cleanup - body count ordeals every day. Others with failed fuel are wondering...

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #52 on: Sep 17, 2007, 10:25 »
   Shutdown Palisades 9/9/07...1R19...35 days...four leaking fuel assemblies...noble gas/iodine situation has challenged mechanical/administrative systems of control.

   In addition, Cs137/Co58, have solid presence in body count data.

   Best industry example of how to implement controls for noble gas/iodine situation with large outage worker population (PCM 2s, PM 7s, Canberra Fastscan) needed.
   Generally restricting access at 100 nCi I131 by Fastscan. Pull upper internals (UGS) tonight followed by fuel offload and core barrel lift. Containment steady at 2 DAC Iodine.

   Understand Indian Point has a red tag/green tag system that handles traffic control in situations like this. Description would be appreciated.

   Need techs. $22/$95. Just given permission to work 7/12s. Probably to mid Oct. Atlantic Group.


« Last Edit: Sep 17, 2007, 10:27 by wlrun3 »

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #53 on: Sep 18, 2007, 03:49 »
   Shutdown Palisades 9/9/07...1R19...35 days...four leaking fuel assemblies...noble gas/iodine situation has challenged mechanical/administrative systems of control.

   In addition, Cs137/Co58, have solid presence in body count data.

   Best industry example of how to implement controls for noble gas/iodine situation with large outage worker population (PCM 2s, PM 7s, Canberra Fastscan) needed.
   Generally restricting access at 100 nCi I131 by Fastscan. Pull upper internals (UGS) tonight followed by fuel offload and core barrel lift. Containment steady at 2 DAC Iodine.

   Understand Indian Point has a red tag/green tag system that handles traffic control in situations like this. Description would be appreciated.

   Need techs. $22/$95. Just given permission to work 7/12s. Probably to mid Oct. Atlantic Group.

The red tag/green tag is an Entergy fleet procedure - have the VY Rp Supv access it, or he can call VY and we can send it. You're part of the fleet now -  ;)
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Re: Palisades
« Reply #54 on: Sep 20, 2007, 07:37 »
OK, a few more days have gone by, how is the outage going now - things settling down?  :-\
Hopefully after the initial panic mode, everything has been planned as far as getting folks out of the RCA....
Heard that a S/G HEPA got hooked up backwards....that doesn't sound good. :P

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #55 on: Sep 20, 2007, 08:01 »
Anybody have more substantial information than "heard", regarding the worker uptake?


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #56 on: Sep 22, 2007, 01:20 »
Which one? The Beater said it best a while ago, no place to apprentice, no place for softies. :D

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #57 on: Sep 22, 2007, 01:50 »
.......and not a place to go if you believe in Regulatory Compliance.

You heard of the "Cowboy HP", they got their own power plant, it's name is Palisades.

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #58 on: Sep 22, 2007, 10:40 »
   Moving fuel, core barrel out soon, ec/sludge nearing end, brought on body count trailer, installed three new showers, reconfigured ventilation.

   Schedule relatively intact. All is well.

   Thankyou for all the replies.

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #59 on: Sep 23, 2007, 11:21 »
The worst organized ,and worst planned outage on record .The O.c.c. was told about problems with leaky fuel bundles at Prairie Island , so they should think about limiting work to just the S/G crew when they pop the manway . Oh no not here get er done , well they paid in the long run like P. I. , everyone in the body counter . One body counter and one shower , oh yeah we are all happy workers ,some working 18 - 20 hours of work ,the one crew at night doesnt know who is coming the next day. 3 or 4 people a day dropping from the heat , no safety standdowns , get er done the heat stress stay time is stay until you get dragged out only a few going to the hospital a day. But hey its all good in the O.C.C.  they dont go in, push , push  at all costs . It will all get better when they shut the doors to CTMT , but hey it will be better next outage , because no one will show up . Other than that come an help them , good luck watch your own safety because they wont .
« Last Edit: Sep 23, 2007, 11:32 by perdeim »

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #60 on: Sep 23, 2007, 01:40 »
A very accurate and correct account of the 1st 2 weeks of the outage.  8)



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Re: Palisades
« Reply #61 on: Sep 25, 2007, 09:58 »
Well this is true, no matter what it's hotter than all can be in containment. :'( I guess we are about 58 hours behind, but the magic pencil will take care of that  :o

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #62 on: Sep 26, 2007, 08:41 »
But hey its all good in the O.C.C.  they dont go in, push , push  at all costs .

Reminds me of a manager I use to work for (not at Palisades). You walked into his office and his desk was situated so that he faced you when you walked in. Not the usual office cube. Behind him was a sign, about 2' x3' , hand lettered and framed in a nice wooden frame, that read "No job is too big for the man who does not have to do it."

Just remember: Their bonus is not based on your job satisfaction....
Sometimes I look back on my life and think I could have had to work for a living. Thank God, I'm an HP.

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #63 on: Sep 26, 2007, 09:36 »
and that is the sad part, no bonus at Palisades.

But 3K next door at DC Cook (good decision Wayne 8)).

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #64 on: Oct 01, 2007, 12:28 »
On Record? :o Who has these records? ::) Are there any that aren't on record? :-X I would like to see these records. ;)

The worst organized ,and worst planned outage on record .

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #65 on: Oct 05, 2007, 02:43 »
Well after the Gas Chamber, someone decided to take a dip in the cavity (probably to relieve heat stress, LOL). The plant won't let people go to other plants like Pharaoh and the Ten Commandments.  (LET MY PEOPLE GO! sayeth the Lord) Oh yeah, plus we're losing and finding fuel particles.  Anybody wanna add on here?
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Re: Palisades
« Reply #66 on: Oct 05, 2007, 07:45 »
Well after the Gas Chamber, someone decided to take a dip in the cavity (probably to relieve heat stress, LOL). The plant won't let people go to other plants like Pharaoh and the Ten Commandments.  (LET MY PEOPLE GO! sayeth the Lord) Oh yeah, plus we're losing and finding fuel particles.  Anybody wanna add on here?
I read the condition report on the swim - good thing life jackets are required....we just had to remove all wire brushes and wire wheels from the plant because Palisades had wire brush debris visible in their fuel....gotta love a well planned and effective response to a problem.

be glad it ain't deep winter yet - tho it might be before you get out - might not take a miracle to walk on water when you leave... ;)
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Re: Palisades
« Reply #67 on: Oct 07, 2007, 06:43 »
Sort of makes you wonder if Entergy buying Palisades was a smart move????


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #68 on: Oct 10, 2007, 08:10 »
380 million for a 800 mwe plant running thru 2031? Of course it was a smart move. On another note, this outage has illustrated a good point at the Palace.........bring your A game or stay home.

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #69 on: Oct 10, 2007, 08:44 »
You dont need your "A game" for a below average nuclear facility.

Your RPM turnover rate is almost as bad a your contract tech returnee rate.

The worst part, some good people there. Good Luck! 8)

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #70 on: Oct 12, 2007, 06:40 »
Wow - lots of useful info here. Now we get to see if forewarned is truly forearmed. Or if a stitch in time saves nine, or if you can't put the cow back in the barn after...


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #71 on: Oct 12, 2007, 11:06 »
On another note, this outage has illustrated a good point at the Palace.........bring your A game or stay home.

WOW....Asa....for a house tech give some consideration to those who have not been there before but are there to support your outage now. There is a vast level of skills and experience amoung the techs.........are you telling techs that if they are not up to the "A" standard..............don't show up? 

Even the most experienced techs would like to have a well planned outage............

No wonder the returnee rate is down.....................
« Last Edit: Oct 12, 2007, 11:30 by justatech »


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #72 on: Oct 13, 2007, 12:44 »
thank you justatech.  i was thinking the same thing, but didn't want to say it.

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #73 on: Oct 13, 2007, 04:45 »
 ??? Support the outage by surfing the net is not an 'A" game, telling stories about places where one's feet have never been is not an 'A' game or supporting the outage for that matter. ;)

I agree bring the "A" game or stay home! ;)

As for regulatory compliance there is a wide chasm between regulatory compliance and 'excellence', and the Palace has a way to go to get to excellence. Hiring some "A" game techs would be a step in the right direction. ;D

Want to work for a bonus....sign onto the bonus plan, no plan=no bonus. :P

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #74 on: Oct 13, 2007, 07:03 »
As far as I'm concerned: Most of us brought our "A" game. Only the strong survived  8) and some of the Houdini's. The weak went home!!! :'( 

It has been a great Outage....I haven't been BEAT this much in a long time though, but it's good for you every now and then so you don't get too SOFT!!!

Thanks Beater The Great!!!!!!!!  ;)


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #75 on: Oct 13, 2007, 07:14 »
it's kind of hard to bring your "A GAME", when you are limited to very few qualifications and no guidance what so ever.  what team ever won any game without the appropriate coach or team players.  most peeps are on line when they have a break or on their own time.  like it was said those who didn't try went home.  maybe some couldn't bring their "A GAME". but they tried to do what they could to help.

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #76 on: Oct 14, 2007, 02:31 »
I'll say this much...sometimes your "A" game isn't enough, and sometimes it is. Personally, I feel fortunate to have enough pitches in the arsenal to get me through 12 innings of Beater-ball.

To keep with the baseball theme, you need more pitches than a used car salesman to survive here.  Lord knows I threw more junk than "Sanford and Son".
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Re: Palisades
« Reply #77 on: Oct 14, 2007, 05:31 »
 :D "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."  :D

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #78 on: Oct 14, 2007, 09:59 »
As far as I'm concerned: Most of us brought our "A" game. Only the strong survived  8) and some of the Houdini's. The weak went home!!! :'( 

It's one thing to judge your own performance as being "strong", thats your opinion about yourself and you are entitlied to it. It's another thing to judge others as having a weaker performance than yourself and not being able to manage up to your "self anointed superior abilities", and judging them as weak.

The old saying, "If your gonna be stupid, you gotta be tough" comes to mind after reading your posting.

If you were happy, being in an outage that has been deemed less than average by most posts in this forum topic, more power to you. Again, that is your warped sense of reality; as is your opinion of weak vs. strong.

There were some good techs at the Palisades outage, there were some average techs surviving in the cloud of outage confusion and lack of direction. There were techs, going with the flow of direction, regardless of what the procedure said, for that much what the intent of Federal Regs were. But these people were happy and they got their weekly pay check, everyone who walked through the outage with eyes closed or didnt know what they were looking at or some that just didnt care, all was good, everyone got paid. Pretend you didnt see it and all is well, kinda the unspoken outage motto.

As far as your comment, that "the weak went home", all I can say my friend is "any day -any time". Until then, you just keep doing those clean area surveys. 8)
« Last Edit: Oct 14, 2007, 10:15 by Dream Tarheel »

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #79 on: Oct 14, 2007, 10:44 »
Well I bought my "A" game. I survived and will always no matter how much crap I have to deal with. I have never given up at any plant and left early, just because of the pressure. I find the good and all and keep the wheels rolling.

I guess you got a little offened by the last post: How do you know I was talking about you? There was many others that couldn't bring it and went home.

As for doing clean area surveys, I guess I will, It's not beyond me to do any kind of survey.

I will survive until 2031!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #80 on: Oct 15, 2007, 06:37 »
On another note, this outage has illustrated a good point at the Palace.........bring your A game or stay home.

Not having done an outage at Palisades in over 20 years I really can't comment on how things are going. The plant has always been challenging, but so are most plants. If the management has made it harder for the technicians to do their jobs that is unfortunate. I always liked the atmosphere at Palisades and the house people (all) have been some of the best I've ever worked with.

As far as bringing your "A" game, I guess I'm some what old school, being old does that, you should ALWAYS bring your "A" game to any outage. If you do anything less you are doing the utility and yourself an injustice.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong  8)
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Re: Palisades
« Reply #81 on: Oct 15, 2007, 06:40 »
:D "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."  :D


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #82 on: Oct 16, 2007, 12:58 »
Roosevelt, Teddy
Things come to those who wait, but usually it's stuff left over from those who hustle!


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #83 on: Oct 16, 2007, 09:56 »
k, so the majority of the techs, did the best they could do, considering what they had to work with.  i think that's all that really matters isn't it?


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #84 on: Oct 20, 2007, 08:17 »
To the technicians that were laid off last night,

The A game clearly lives on. This lowly house technician (fat kid) thanks you for all of your hard work. Safe travels to you all. I sincerely look forward to applying the beat down to all of you next refueling outage, if you desire to return to the Palace.

Beater The Great


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #85 on: Oct 21, 2007, 01:02 »
Had a good time glad I came to the outage. Hope to make the next one

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #86 on: Oct 22, 2007, 07:35 »
You call that a beat down? Gotta work on that. I'll be back maybe sooner rather than later? As I said great working with all ya all. Desire to return to the Palace..can't to get someone to sign the extension paperwork...

To the technicians that were laid off last night,

The A game clearly lives on. This lowly house technician (fat kid) thanks you for all of your hard work. Safe travels to you all. I sincerely look forward to applying the beat down to all of you next refueling outage, if you desire to return to the Palace.

Beater The Great

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #87 on: Nov 01, 2007, 08:55 »
Nice workin' with you too, see ya in 18.
Excuses are tools of the incompetent which create monuments of nothingness, Those who specialize in their uses seldom achieve anything.

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #88 on: Nov 02, 2007, 04:26 »
I have a question maybe someone can answer for me....

The current job posting by Entergy... are there multiple HP positions available or is this one position that can be filled at one of 4 different levels?

Thanks for your help!!!

Lorrie  :D

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #89 on: Nov 02, 2007, 11:06 »
I hear that there is Eight positions open at this time......From what I take it they are hiring at different levels.....Good Luck if your looking to apply....

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #90 on: Nov 05, 2007, 03:31 »
Take it to the PM's please.  Off-topic posts have been deleted.  Thanks for understanding and if you have any questions please send me a PM.

"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."

  -Bertrand Russell


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #91 on: Nov 07, 2007, 09:50 »
Just wanted to say thanks for all the support during the outage. And a little extra for the few that didn't get locked up by some of the curveballs thrown at us in the first few innings of the game(heatstress, gas issues and  long hours)! Shout out to all the shared resource types for stepping up to the plate at the Palace I look forward to returning the favor on your field. For those that were offended by quotes about techs. "A" game probably just don't get this long standing joke at this site. And probably wouldn't see the sarcasm in references to the beatdowns issued either. I'd just like to add I enjoyed working the most with the handfull that could endure these things and still laugh at the end of the day. It has been my pleasure to work on the Darkside with you! Thanks Again!   


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #92 on: Dec 22, 2007, 03:16 »
 8)Asa , Slatts and others , better late than never on comments, but it was great working for u / with u, on the RFO. There were some Neg comments on 'A" game performance but consider the source. Too bad non of u could make our mini last week. Luscious, we heard u tried, but it wasnt long enuf to be profitable. Hopefully we will reach 2 y'all 4 our rfo. PS :watch the internet use. It could be damaging.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #93 on: Feb 05, 2008, 06:18 »
New to Nukeworker. I'm looking to get some feedback on the Palisade's plant (and Entergy). I've read this post - good stuff.

I'm a degreed SRO (PWR) working in the East. Originally from MI and would like (at some point) to get back up to God's country :)

I like my job now - Palisade's is really the only location I'd consider at this point in my career. Anyone have any feedback or input on Entergy's success/failures since taking over the plant. Anyone know where they are with respect to license renewal??

Any help is appreciated!!


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #94 on: May 31, 2008, 06:03 »
I've heard that things are really looking up here and that a new sheriff is in town.  Does anyone have any news of this?

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #95 on: Jun 02, 2008, 11:02 »
When you are the gloomy abyss of the Nuclear Industry, as Palisades is; you can only go up! 8)

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #96 on: Jun 02, 2008, 11:30 »
Who's the new sheriff?  Lets hear the spin.....


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #97 on: Jun 09, 2008, 06:18 »
I too am curious as to who the new "Sherif" is...... he may still owe me a beer from the Stadium.

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #98 on: Jun 09, 2008, 10:03 »
Atlantic said they will be staffing in August.  Anybody here about an outage? and who is the new sheriff?

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #99 on: Jun 09, 2008, 10:21 »
Atlantic said they will be staffing in August.  Anybody here about an outage? and who is the new sheriff?

Palisades  Covert MI  Entergy PWR 800  03/09/09

Containment Sump Mod, RX Vessel Inspection, RX Head Inspection.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #100 on: Sep 15, 2008, 10:00 »
I still don't see anything on just who the new "sheriff" i.e. RPM is. Does anyone have that info?

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #101 on: Sep 16, 2008, 08:22 »
The new sheriff is Chuck Sherman.

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How do I get started?
« Reply #102 on: Dec 15, 2008, 02:26 »
Since, I just moved to the area.  I need some info.  Heard LMC is giving classes for Energy Distribution.  Funded by D.C. Cook and Palisades (about $80,000). True?  Or should I take some of the training on this website? Or is that for people who already have experience?  Furthermore, I've already been on AEP's website. For job postings.  Been an electrician for 3+ years with a year in a chemical plant (Intel). Which was a Clean room environment > 0.5 micron per Mill. 10 hour OSHA Certified.   The question is... How do I get into working in a plant from here?  Whatever it takes...

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #103 on: Dec 18, 2008, 12:08 »
I still don't see anything on just who the new "sheriff" i.e. RPM is. Does anyone have that info?

He was at Browns Ferry a few years back, prior to Sawyer, seemed like a ok guy, I believe he was from Fitz or Nine Mile before that?
I used to be a lifeguard until some blue kid got me fired.

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #104 on: May 26, 2009, 05:35 »
If you have no where else to go and you end up at Palisades.

Stay just long enough to understand why you'll never go back! >:(


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #105 on: Feb 02, 2010, 08:23 »
Hello all, first I'd like to say that these forums are awesome. So much information on tests, advice, and general tips to help out the everyone from the expert to the novice.

On topic, I recently graduated with a Bachelors and I'm an ex-Navy Nuclear Electrician and I was wondering if anyone has any information on when the next Operations class will class up at Palisades. I've been looking on Entergy's job boards for a while now but I've never seen anything. I'd like to get started as a NLO and hopefully move my way up to SRO eventually. Please PM or email me if you have any information or advice.

Thank you.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #106 on: Aug 09, 2010, 02:05 »
Anyone know when the next hiring cycle is??? thanks!


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #107 on: Aug 09, 2010, 12:40 »
I liked the people I worked with. This was way back, when the fuel bundle broke and the particles were easy to find because they were all over. I went back for the next couple of outages. Always had fun, in and out of work. That was pre-Entergy.

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #108 on: Mar 20, 2012, 03:22 »
Palisades access authorization process my plant access 2 years ago, and I need to get into contact with them. If someone has an email or general phone number to get into contact with people there, I would appreciate it.


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