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Author Topic: Palisades  (Read 129312 times)

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #25 on: Oct 10, 2004, 02:20 »
Hi Pig,

I also heard you guys exceeded your PCI's in the first week and people got 7 days off for a contamination.  sounds like old times only worse.  never regretted leaving that place for better.  Come south we (Comanche Peak) will be hiring again at the first of the year.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #26 on: Oct 17, 2004, 01:19 »
Yea, a couple of AO's got a week off without pay for a screwup, and so did people  in Mechanical Maint., I&C, and Chemistry. All different mistakes. It put the plant in a state of fear. Couple more people told our Managment company to pack sand.
 We have Framatone coming in a few weeks to do some repairs before we can start up again.
 This ain't quite the family atmosphere that you all seem to remember from years gone by.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #27 on: Oct 17, 2004, 03:50 »
Devil Dog,
Are you sure you worked Palisades?  ???
I had a great outage there - nice people, we weren't beat up on hours in / out. The first week was a little rough getting started but that's to be expected - after that it was great. The group of techs I worked were wonderful - couldn't wish for a better group of co-workers. We all pitched in and helped each other out - we had regular breaks and our leads bought us lunch - not just once - several times.
I would come back.  :)   :)    :)


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #28 on: Oct 17, 2004, 10:11 »
I think we need to all be a little more like "sunshine".
As an operator here, I was/am happy with all the HP/RP support that we got. Everyone helped each other out, and continue to do so. But management has kinda ruined that "family atmosphere" we used to have.

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #29 on: Oct 18, 2004, 05:07 »
Sunshine,       What year did you work there?  What shift did you work there?  Did you work box crew?  Are you a senior? As far as contractor techs we had a great group except for a few, a  one armed tech, who could not climb and did not know how to survey.  We had a tech they kicked off the refuel floor because she could not get along with workers. We called her Velcro Ass. Can you guess why?  As far as house techs they are all lead techs and  do a good job. No complaints with them. What I said was this they work you to the bone. you get a lot of dose, and it is not a safe plant to work. Trying to do the daily hepa checks was a task in it self. Very unsafe. They also send all the workers in the same area at the same time , what a cluster! We had one of our techs get stepped on. he was bending down to go under a I-beam and the ladder is set up so a worker coming off a platfom would step on a worker going under the I-beam. If that was me I would have been escorted off site. Lol They did come through at the end of the outage with some feeds. Maybe someone was reading this. As far as the Bartlett techs and the site coordinator that is another topic. Hahahaha they are all good in my book and they think they know who i am. I will never tell. But it is over now, or is it? The outage is going longer than expected. Another 6 weeks. Be careful and enjoy the cold weather. Devildog  out
« Last Edit: Nov 06, 2004, 07:42 by devildog »


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #30 on: Oct 18, 2004, 05:13 »
Hey DevilDog,
You wouldn't happen to be talking about the red headed Kenny G. would you???
WoW!!  What a piece of work that one is.  The $$ up there is better, but I would much rather get paid a little less and not have to worry about my own site coordinator BONING me.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #31 on: Oct 19, 2004, 07:54 »
Hi Devil Dog,

I like your sense of humor.  ;D   Jr. Box crew.......hehehhe
Yes I am a SR. I worked daylight CTMT.

I replied to give others another view - it is not to say that you were wrong in being unhappy - you stated the reasons you were and have a right to that. However some of us were happy. If only the unhappy ones reply - people would be unfairly biased against Palisades.
The first couple of days of the outage - as with all other outages I've been to - everyone believes they should be number one with getting their jobs set up etc -we reported the safety issues to our leads and supervisors were sent in to control / protect the work groups. I was very surprised when a house maint supervisor approached me to let me know he was there to help - to let him know when boxes were being flown over my head or anyone else's - including his workgroup - guess what?  He actually took care of it. That tells me alot about a site. 
Have a  :) day.      Sunshine


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #32 on: Oct 21, 2004, 08:40 »
Hi Gang and Gangettes!!!

I hate to be repetitive here nor redundant........But I still say with all Conviction...."I'D GO BACK TO THE "SADES" ANYTIMEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! 8)


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #33 on: Nov 04, 2004, 04:04 »
Sunshine, here's a question.....why do techs write inappropriate things in log books... from my understanding the log book at the 649' elevation ( ;D ) is striclty for other techs, managment and the control room at the activities and the work being done inside containment.  I didn't know if it was a new thing to "bash" , bully, or harass other workers?  I also understand that at Sades you think your support crew, the deconners, who management has raved as the most hard working , best group they have ever had in there, are quote "STREET DECONNERS"...why would you put down a bunch of hardworking dedicated people and make up ridiculous lies and slander them ???  I just don't understand...So to simply put it, you have been quite unprofessional at this outage and have angered and hurt a lot of people's feelings. 

--Someone who is paying attention from above
« Last Edit: Nov 04, 2004, 04:21 by glogreen »


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #34 on: Nov 06, 2004, 12:04 »
Hi Devil Dog,

I like your sense of humor.  ;D   Jr. Box crew.......hehehhe
Yes I am a SR. I worked daylight CTMT.

I replied to give others another view - it is not to say that you were wrong in being unhappy - you stated the reasons you were and have a right to that. However some of us were happy. If only the unhappy ones reply - people would be unfairly biased against Palisades.
The first couple of days of the outage - as with all other outages I've been to - everyone believes they should be number one with getting their jobs set up etc -we reported the safety issues to our leads and supervisors were sent in to control / protect the work groups. I was very surprised when a house maint supervisor approached me to let me know he was there to help - to let him know when boxes were being flown over my head or anyone else's - including his workgroup - guess what?  He actually took care of it. That tells me alot about a site. 
Have a  :) day.      Sunshine

Were you at the same Palisades that I was because I saw very little management in the can and they certainly were not in there to watch safety when they were there at least not on days!


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #35 on: Nov 06, 2004, 04:49 »
Since this post has remained past twenty-four hours without deletion or an edit from Mike Rennhack or a moderator, although I adamantly disagree, I will presume it has met Nukeworker’s Professional Guidelines, therefore I will respond.


The technicians use the "logbook" as a “turnover tool” for each shift pertaining to ongoing work. It is also used as a “communication tool” when questions arise – which is what happened that day. I will not go into detail, as it will cause undue embarrassment to the deconner involved.

Your statement, “to bash, bully or harass other workers” – interesting choice of words, considering your post reflects just that.

The term “deconners vs. street deconners.” This was the first site I had heard that term – which is used to distinguish between a deconner with experience vs. none. As an HP it is our responsibility to help / train past the Basic Rad Worker course. We took the time to teach / train past the basics and I know for a fact the crews we worked with were very appreciative of the additional knowledge as we were of the help they extended to us.

You stated that I’ve been “unprofessional.” You obviously have not taken the time to get to know me – therefore your statement is unqualified.

You stated that I have “angered and hurt a lot of people’s feelings.” The only one I am aware of is yours and hiding behind an alias will not resolve the situation, will it Glogreen?

As for your final and ominous statement:

   ----- Someone who is paying attention from above.

Is this a threat to my employment? That is against the law.
Am I to expect retribution / revenge? Which is also against the law.

My co-workers stated that when one “threatens with implied power” they do not have any.

There’s only one way to find out if your written threat has any power over my employment and if it is one I need to concern myself with in a legal / professional manner.

Have a  :)  Day………….Sunshine

**Mike Rennhack – please contact me at
Thank you
« Last Edit: Nov 06, 2004, 05:00 by sunshine1 »


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #36 on: Nov 06, 2004, 04:58 »
Hi Scruffy,

I worked days - CTMT. What crew were you on? If you were like a lot of crews - you probably were too busy getting the job done to notice some of the management oversight. By management I meant first line supervision and up - you might have thought I met - higher than department heads. Sorry if I misled you.

Have a  :) Day. 



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Re: Palisades
« Reply #37 on: Nov 06, 2004, 10:56 »
Did I mention that I really, really like pizza? ;)


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #38 on: Nov 07, 2004, 07:45 »
I as a RP tech. would like to comment in a positive light on the decon support I have recieved this outage at Sades. And true there are some new people in the Rad. Handler ranks. I feel all involved have done their very best to support all activities during this outage. There are a few who have gone above and beyond! And some of these techs I believe could compare with any Deconners I have worked with in the past or present. Myself being a former Decon tech / Supervisor I feel can give a fair evaluation of quality decon support. And I also share the opinion that logbooks are a tool for turnover, job status, conditions of the plant and radiological information sharing. And should be used in a professional manner not a place to voice my personal perceptions and opinions. So to all the handlers I would like say "Thank You" for all your efforts and hard work! And that 1 person's opinions does not reflect the way the rest of the RP staff views your contributions during the outage.   


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #39 on: Nov 08, 2004, 02:41 »
I'm new to this forum thing, didn't have this back in the day.  However, I
think it's a most excellent way for us Nukes to communicate and I must add that I am visiting this site more and more often (a very informative site, kudos). 

Anyway, I'd like to respond to the whole Deconner drama at the 'Sades'.  I used to work for the big 'Green Machine' back when they pretty much dominated the Decon scene in the early eighties and I do know that if you mentor and treat a Deconner in the way you would want to be treated, that in most cases they would move the world for you.  We are their mentors and they can be our backbone, but it's up to us (HPs) to make that happen and spread the knowledge and respect they deserve.  I know it's not a perfect world and personalties clash, but I have to agree with SlattMandu's assessment of the whole issue and it's about time to put it to bed. 

This outage at the Sades I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with some very good people, Deconners and HPs alike.  I hope that I will have the chance to work with them again on my new travels this spring.  I plan to have an aggressive one, then summer off.  It's been 16 years since I've been able to take a month or two.  I'm looking forward to it.

Before I sign off I'd like to wish Asa1 a speedy recovery.  Been missin ya in the can (hey man, ya gotta stop eatin all those meat products, shake your left leg if you can hear me...Lmfao!).  I'd would also like to give kudos to GW's Decon and Rad Handler staff, "Outstanding" as Asa1 would put it (and I mean it) and the same goes to all the seasoned HPs who came regardless of the many horrid stories I'm sure they've heard about the Sades (nothing like a little Urban Legend to spice things up).  Anyway, that's my take, for whatever it's worth. Peace!! ;) 


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #40 on: Nov 17, 2004, 12:47 »
I finally left the 28-day outage on day 56. I got to work both shifts and see a lot of things. I can say that Palisades might be an RPM’s nightmare, but it should be every HP’s dream. It is a place where your years of training, studying and practice are really tested with every jump. You can find out what kind of HP you really are. An HP at Palisades is analogous to a baseball team’s pitching rotation for a season;
The first type is the strong starter, but they usually get in a mess and need to be relieved.
The second type is the closer. They always get to come in and clean up the mess.
The third type is the workhorse. They may give up a few hits and runs, but they are able to pitch the complete game.
The last type is the one that is content to sit on the bench and talk about the glory days.

The people at Palisades were great to work with. It is one of the few places I’ve seen a supervisor stand up to the RPM and defend the contract tech. Too bad things will be changing. I also got to work with some good house and contract techs. You can’t help but have fun when you are working with people like slattmandu, asa1, warren and others. I will definitely try to return to their next outage. Hopefully they won’t start their aux building rejuvenation program during their next outage, but you can never tell with NMC.

As far as the comments about the RWH’s, I would say the house RWH’s did an excellent job with a relatively green crew. With the exception of one or two, the RWH’s were always ready and willing to work and they were not afraid to learn something. I look forward to working with all of them again. They can all walk away from one of the premier sites for dose and contamination and be proud of what they accomplished.



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Re: Palisades
« Reply #41 on: Nov 17, 2004, 11:04 »
I will agree the "green" radwaste handlers were for the most part very easy to work with and open to suggestion on a better mousetrap. All of their patience was tested in that can. I must also agree that deconners of today are the rad techs of another day and since most utilities have abandoned OJT for decon and JR.'s it is our responsibility to help the ones that are willing to learn and I saw alot of that at palisades from the newbies. What happened to ASA1?


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #42 on: Nov 18, 2004, 12:04 »

I had an appendectomy. I thought I had the flu with a severe gut ache. Turns out it wasn't the flu. I'm ok now though.
On another note, The Sades is not a place for apprentice RPTs (Keith is absolutely correct). Every jump into the reactor building is unique. There's nowhere to hide weak technicians! I may allow a couple of hits now and again, but can finish the game! Dan, Slatts, Keith, Jon, Gina, Warren, and Mean Steve were a pleasure to work with. Those dudes definitely aren't starters! Palisades most definitely shows if you're worth your salt.
Finally, I'll comment on the RWHs. The permanent guys always do a good job. The "green" guys did an outstanding job for the most part. They were always willing to listen, willing to learn, and most importantly, willing to do! For that, they must all be recognized. Many RPTs could take a lesson from those green RWHs (listen,learn,do).


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #43 on: Nov 18, 2004, 07:56 »
Glad your ok


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #44 on: Nov 20, 2004, 04:56 »
I love Palisades!!! I have the best Palisades stories ever!  I won't post them on the forum, to protect the innocent.  Anyone interested, can contact me at:

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #45 on: Dec 30, 2004, 12:43 »
Hi All:

Looking for anyone that helped start up and operate Big Rock and or Palisades Plants.  Many should still be out there.

Just helping a new member get the hang of things---RT
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Re: Palisades
« Reply #46 on: Mar 28, 2005, 02:18 »
Local commissioners passed a resolution supporting Palisades nuclear plant's application to renew its license. The 800-megawatt plant has a 40-year license that expires in 2011. In April it will ask the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to extend that to 2031.


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #47 on: Apr 19, 2005, 12:36 »
A rumor is spreading at "The Beach" that Palisades is being sold and will be announced in a few days.

Can anyone confirm this?


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Re: Palisades
« Reply #48 on: Feb 11, 2006, 07:23 »
The phone number for Beach House Rentals has changed to 800-690-9928 or 269-369-5237, cell

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Re: Palisades
« Reply #49 on: Apr 20, 2006, 12:13 »
What's the latest word on "stuff" floating to the surface of the pool? Can ayone either confirm or deny these rumors ???

Didn't sound good, from what we heard down south of there, but you know how rumors go, just want to know what the real-deal is.
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

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