When I applied for the SGPO position I asked myself the same type questions (ie, what do I even know about the nuke field?, why would they hire me?, etc...). If I could give any advice, make good contacts, have good work/personal references, pass all qualifying test and interview well. Right after I sent in the job application I began searching for information...that's what lead me here (most of my questions were answered here) and asked friends (current NLOs) and others for information. I wanted to give it my best effort and it worked out.
As far as my atypical background for nuke work. On the day I interviewed I chatted with a few guys while I waited and they of course asked my background. I was told not to worry b/c "they" normally choose a wide range of backgrounds and was given quite a few examples. If they were looking specifically for a nuke background then that is what they would have hired. B/c this is a training position the interview questions were based on teamwork, work ethics, willingness to learn and not nuke knowledge.
Maybe I'm just lucky but I gave it a good effort and it worked out.