Facility & Company Information > Nine Mile
Nine Mile Lodging
Oswego area is a mixed bag. Most motel establishments are $200 to 250 per week. Some places close for the winter. Come to town and try to bargain. There is a nice motel at E10th and Rout 104 which is $200/wk, includes breakfast. Usually 10% tax.
You can share a rooming house with a mixed crowd, share a bathroom, sometimes have cooking facilities, for about $75/week. If you want to go with a lease in an apt, places start at 250/mo, but you might be over a bar on the main drag. Oswego has about 100 bars. There are trailer homes, also. This is a good time of year to find a place, fewer fishermen around.
From where you are, look on the Internet Yellow pages for lodging places, check the Palladium (local rag) when you get to town. Good place to land is the Thomas Inn on Rout 104 near the college. They have efficiencies also.
Or, come out to New Haven, to a place called Stick's (104B & CR 6). They are a motel/sports bar with about 20 rooms.
Eastpointe Apartments 1(315) 342-2922 or for a shorter stay, try Black Walnut Motel on Rout 104 East, 1 (315) 342-9771, both are about 5 miles from 9 Mile Pt & Fitzpatrick
Another nice place is the Evergreen Motel: 315-343-6680, 5047 State Rt. 104, Oswego, NY
If you are to work at Nine Nile and need a 1 bedroom fully furnished apartment with full size kitchen, that includes cable TV, Heat, Hot Water, Telephone, beds made, trash emptied and no lease, pay by the week or month, Nightclub, Pizza place, and gas station very close, then call Gary MacDonald at 315-349-4948.
Riverscape Apartments in Fulton, they have a month to month contract and they will prorate the last month so if you only stay half the month, that's what they charge. Door to Door for the drive is 17 miles (back roads) Riverscape Apartments, 1001 S1st ST, Fulton NY 13069, Phone: 315-598-5513
January 2005 Prices
Black Walnut Motel 315-342-9771 Close to Plant and very reasonable.
$250 per week
Some of the following properties include utilities, also have some that are furnished. All properties below include snow removal, trash pickup, and sewage. Pets are allowed and they have a full laundry center. Short terms leases are available at an additional cost.
Ask for Sangetta.
EastPointe Apts
1 bdrm 425 - 550
2 bdrm 550
3 bdrm 660
Riverscape Apts
1 bdrm (Junior) 375 - 400
1 bdrm 450
2 bdrm 500
3 bdrm 600
CenterPointe Apts
(owned by same owners)
1 bdrm 450-475
2 bdrm 550-575
Please be aware that the following facility also is available for lodging just a few short miles from Nine Mile in Port Ontario (4 miles outside Pulaski village):
Port Lodge Motel
7351 State Route 3
Pulaski, NY 13142
The motel features 41 units (only 16 open from November 1 through March 30) that have 2 to 5 beds per unit. Each unit features a phone, cable TV, a private shower (some full baths) and refrigerator.
Discounted weekly rates are available. Please call for details.
Thank You
Nancy, Keith, and Miss Grace (your hosts)
I just booked a room for my husband at Portlodge Motel thanks to the previous posting.
Here is a list of some of the other places I called & the info for them. PORTLODGE (315)298-6876 has 2 beds, shower, refrig, phone & tv. Microwave oven in lobby. Laundry is 4 mile away. 10-17 miles to plant. Stay 7 nites the rate is $25 +tax per nite. EVERGREEN 343-6880 $180 wk 1 bed, shower,cable tv, some rooms don't have phones. HOLLYDRIVE MOTEL in Fulton, 592-2248 6 rooms left $220 +tax wk. BEACON MOTEL in Scriba 342-2398 $240 +tax wk. STICKS New Haven 963-3084 $175 + tax 6 miles to plant. There is no refrig or microwave in room. SCRIBA TOWN INN 342-4235 call M-F after 2pm for special outage rates. RIVERSIDE INN 593-2444 30 min to plant 1 person 1 bed clean twice per week, $40 +tax for $50 +tax they clean daily & you get breakfast. K&G 2 bedroom cabin, carpeted, kitchen, bath, living room $350 +tax for 1 or 2 people. There were 3 cabins left. 2 1/2 miles to plant. DAYS INN 1800-329-7466. $275 +tax wk (march 7 & 8 is booked) ECONO LODGE SUITE $80 nite 343-1600 BEST WESTERN $76 nite. I called BLACK WALNUT MOTEL 342-9771 and was told nothing is available now. This is the info that was given to me, but it may be subject to change by the motels. I hope this helps.
Maybe I missed it, but don't forget OSWEGO INN 315-342-6200
And this is my hometown so make sure you stop by GS STeamers while in town and say Hi. I will be on the dart board, (when I am not in Ontario at Ginna).
A word of caution about the EastPointe Apartments. Recently, myself and others have had portions of our $400 deposits seized for no apparent reason after we vacated the apartments. >:( They claimed that minor damage had occurred when there was none and charged an excessive cleaning charge when the apartment was left clean. I was particularly surprised by this since I have stayed there before with no problems. BEWARE!!!!
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