Macdat, good to have you on board. First, you're not a "Busch League T-Baller" regardless of what anybody here will tell you. If you are a normal guy who does not assume that being an ETC will automatically mean that you are in charge here, you'll be just fine. As far as the job goes, in my opinion being an AO is akin to being a fairly new ERS on a boat. If you know where everything is, and how to stop going forward when you don't know what the F is going on, you'll be an OK AO. That doesn't mean you'll be a GOOD AO. We've got AO's with 30 years of experience that know as much or more than a lot of the licensed guys. It's the same as it ever was: the guys in the field (AO's) can make you or break you, no matter how good the licensed operators are.
The plant is ok. They're a little old & finicky, and could use a little more loving care, but they run. As far as the area goes, I wouldn't have chosen Leland, but then again, I don't have kids and my wife works here in Southport too. It all depends on what's important to you. If you like living near Wilmington so you can shop and enjoy the night life, then you've made a good choice. If you could care less about that but don't want to add 35-45 minutes to your drive on each end of a 12 hour night shift, then you might want to consider a different locale. The good news is that real estate prices are still down a bit, so you should be able to score a place for a good price. If you want more specifics about anything, feel free to PM me.
Good luck, I'm sure I'll see you around the site.