For those of you who are thinking about coming to SRS here is the poop on the core test.
#1 they do not accept any other DOE sites core card!!!!
#2 you can re-take a failed core test the following week as long as you made 70 -79. anything less and you have to wait for 6 months before you can try again, unless they have changed that in the recent years. I have been told that it may be a year wait now.
I have worked here on and off since 2000 and have taken the exam 5 times and never never made less than 92 - not bragging- just the facts. they do have the tendency to ask questions about resolving time and dead time, and coversions from uSv to mRem, shielding, and 1/2 life activity formula. So, in short, read the DOE study guide from cover to cover and you should do well.
Be prepared to be nic-pic'd to death during RWll. Especially during doffing. I have known some very experienced techs who have failed RWll just because of the way they removed their anti-c's.
DO NOT SIGN UP FOR ACTS. They cheat their techs left and right, up and down. The worse sub-contract company to work for.
SRS does not care how you did things outside of here, they have their own way that they want you to do it... PERIOD!!!!!
be prepared to report for work early. Somtimes it is a 15 minute wait to get into the gate, and once you get it, it is another 20 to 30 minutes to get to your job site. it takes me 45 minutes to get to my job site from Aiken each morning MINIMUM!!!!
send me a note if you want to know more