USEC did not get the loan guarantee and the DOE is trying to put a spin on things by saying that jobs will be created for clean-up (for which funding was granted). The ACP Project is a totally different entity and approximately 6,000 jobs will impacted across the mid-west and south eastern U.S. Obama went back on a promise to governor Strickland. Does that surprise anyone?
Ph: 202-456-1414
Please call and ask the President, in the strongest possible terms, to reconsider his decision not to issue a loan guarantee to the USEC Piketon, Ohio Project. Hundreds of workers are being laid off tomorrow, 07-30-09. Please save our jobs and our future.
Washington, D.C. – Today Congresswoman Jean Schmidt, whose district includes the Department of Energy’s Piketon facility, sent President Obama a letter imploring him to keep his word and overturn the Department of Energy’s decision to deny USEC a loan guarantee for the construction of the American Centrifuge Plant. The action by the Department of Energy will cost approximately 5,700 workers their jobs and end the prospect of another 2,300 jobs that had been planned this year.
“Mr. President, you wrote Governor Strickland on September 2, 2008 and said that the
current workforce in Piketon and the surrounding areas 'will play a critical role in our
national domestic energy supply through private sector and government initiatives.' In
that letter to Governor Strickland, you further added, 'Under my administration, energy
programs that promote safe and environmentally sound technologies and are domestically
produced, such as the enrichment facility in Ohio, will have my full support. I will work
with the Department of Energy to help make loan guarantees available for this and other
advanced-energy programs that reduce carbon emissions and break the tie to high cost,
foreign energy sources,'” Schmidt stated in her letter to President Obama.
Late last evening the White House organized a hastily-arranged conference call with
legislators to announce that the Department of Energy would not issue a loan guarantee
for the American Centrifuge Plant as it is authorized to do by Congress. This morning
USEC announced it was “demobilizing” the project.
“I encourage everyone from the Governor to every resident of our community to call the
White House at 202.456.1414 and ask the President, in the strongest possible terms, to
reconsider. He is our only hope at this point,” Schmidt concluded.