:(In November of 2008 LANL Procurement personnel made the decision to revamp the way perdiem is being paid to contractors working at Los Alamos. As of Dec. 1, 2008 they will only pay perdiem for housing related costs, validated with receipts, up to but not to exceed $82 per day. Not to include what LANL procurement determines to be excessive. More than basic telephone, more than basic cable TV, house cleaning services, and etc. They will pay for 1 trip/month to home residence as long as the total cost plus housing costs do not exceed an average of $82 per day. For those who rent an apartment they are reducing the M&IE portion ($49/day) to 55% or $26.95 per day for the days not including those when traveling to and from the home of residence. The one trip home includes those trips that people who live in driveable range commute home (mileage to and from once per month). So you may want to consider this for positions at LANL.