Facility & Company Information > Berkeley
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL)
If anyone has lodging information for this facility, please post it here.
Don't forget to vote. Keep your comments civil.
Berkeley is a great place to work. Great scenery. The Berkeley Bowl is the tops, Napa Valley is close by. HOWEVER, the management leaves alot to be desired. The manager never wants to leave HER desk and go to the field to check up on things. She has signed off on surveys for a year which has many violations that she should know about. There are areas that have been surveyed for years that aren't used or even there anymore. The other people are great. Some have REAL EXPERIENCE and some are DOE BRED. It is an easy job, where all that is required is that your assignments are completed. You can come and go as you want. Shopping, personal business, etc. Just do your job and everything is OK. Too bad it is probably the most expensive place in the country. Overall I give it an "A"
Camella Black:
If anyone has a favorite hang out, place to shop, or local information for this area please post it here.
Berkley is misspelled - Berkeley.
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