Hhhmmmmmmm .... Yellow Cake? This wasn't found say ..... about halfway between the material handling building and the rail yard maintenance house was it? Say ... on the far side of the gravel road about sixty yards before the last rail crossing? Right next to the base of the 100' light? I found that stuff back in about 1999-2000 when they were digging to hook up the electrical ballast for that light when they put it in. A house tech girl with the initials CC and I raised the issue that they should look further for the stuff since we were only about 4 feet deep when we hit it, but the issue never got any more attention. If that is where they found it, sounds like it finally got the attention it needed. Any idea how much it turned out to be?
By the way: I'm the Senior HP Analyst house at Prairie Island these days, but if I could get say .... 15years out of Fernald, I'd go back in a heartbeat ... in the right position.

Ah yes ... Back to the land of Dave and Buster ... best guys to work with ... and Rapid Ray, Foster, Gant,Williams,Risley ..... the list is about a mile long. Back then, we got the job done, the techs knew what they were doing, they took some pride in the project and by God we kicked ass while being taken good care of. We had some 'team building exercises' which made some of Bartlett's Christmas parties of old look tame. The work was a bitch sometimes, but the people made it worth it. I'm sorry I had to leave, but I would have had to wait for several people to die before I would have had an advancement opportunity. I was all degreed up with noplace to go. Then the industry in general started ringing my phone off the hook. It was just a matter of time before the money got big enough to draw me away from the bomb factory which was and is so dear to my heart.
Dave ... give Ashtabula hell. I miss ya. Buster, wherever the hell you are, I miss you too. Thanx for letting me hide my new crotch rocket in your garage until I broke the news of its purchase to my old lady. Ray, God bless ya. You'll be glad to know that my youngest boy ended up a preacher too. He's married and lives in Sheboygan, WI now. Leslie ..... Wow. 'nuf said there. Terry, Capano, railyard gang, Milewski, Goetz, Pat, Pat Jr. .........ALL of the old guard: I miss you too. May our respective roads cross again.
Until then, I am saddened by the posts I have seen about Fernald. It was my home for years. I had friends there who are no longer with us. Fernald was their last gig and they were happy to be there. I hate to think what has happened to change everyone's slant on the place. I wish there was something I could do.
Floyd Flanigan (Holy Moly! Did I just give away HAIRDUDE's secret identity?!)