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Author Topic: Brookhaven  (Read 6111 times)

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« on: Apr 20, 2004, 12:26 »
Hi Jassen,

Glad that you are coming. I lived in Loveland, CO. for awhile and loved the Mountainous scenery and thought that Estes Park was fabulous especially when I saw the first Big Horned Sheep heard!

I am hoping to go Elk hunting some day by horse or mule train. Breckenridge was some fine skiing too!

The on-site housing is a great way to test the waters and the price is great for a one room situation on site that must be coordinated with Pat Burke on Dennis Ryan.

The BNL site is like a college campus and a Military Base. It is like a small town (Upton) alike other DOE Labs.

Today the surf is up at 2 to 4' Off-Shore glass and many surfers have come out of the woodwork since we our into our spring weather mode.

Remember that Long Island has two major arteries that are the: Long Island Expressway (LIE) and the Southern State/Sunrise Highway (27). If there is a jam you may consider traversing from one artery to the other via one of the many connecting veins that runs north to south. The LIE and Sunrise Highway runs parallel in an east to west direction.

Of importance, is the fact that you are not allowed on a Parkway with the truck or trailer because of low bridges and other safety concerns. Parkways here are TABU for truckers! I saw one get stuck and my buddy saw a trailer explode.

When you enter NYC from the West you want to try and come in via 287, 95 and then over the Throgs Neck Bridge to the Cross Island Parkway, LIE Eastern Long Island exit to exit 68 (46 William Floyd Parkway) North and the Lab will be up the Floyd 1.5 miles on the Right. If you see route 25, then you went too far.

I manage the local surf shop and if you are interested will get you up on one! You may visit our site at:

Call me at: 561-596-7866 for assistance while traveling.

Surf Shop: 631-281-0008 Evenings / Weekends

BNL: 631-344-3572 M to F

I'd like to welcome you to Long Island because you have come at the right time for great Stripe Bass and Fluke Fishing, Surfing, Bikini Watching (Please Don't Have a Whale of a Time Here), Hiking, Boating, Canoeing and great Concerts at nearby Jones Beach!

We will have our first annual Luau at the shop and another July 17. 2004 at the 6th Annual Rell Sunn Surf Memorial Benefit in the Village of Montauk!

Take your time, stretch as much as possible and get here in one peice. Don't forget to call me if you need to since I have made that same road trip many a time!


Moke   8)


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