I remember the first wave, and the second wave, and the third wave, etc. I worked at the BCLDP from May '92 to July '96, saw a lot of things there... good, bad and ugly! Started with Holmey and DDH, gave up the diem and stayed on with ARC when the contract was awarded to one company, rolled over to Bartlett when the checks started bouncing in '96. Never should have left, but glad I did. If ever there was a project you could write a book about, this one would be it. By the way Jimbo, the third company there in the per-diem days was RPM. How's that for a name out of the past? Anyway, a lot of great techs worked there who are no longer with us, go to the fallen friends section on this web site. The Columbus, Ohio area had the best food for being in the middle of the country and Woody Hayes was a god to those people! Unlike a lot of sites I've worked since, this place was all rent-a-techs who liked to get together with each other and have a good time. How 'bout Fairweathers or Olentangy Inn on Fridays after work? Or, the campsite parties at the Trapper John campground on the Little Darby river. But, 12 years was a good run for some of those people there, and trust me, there won't be another one like it! If any one knows, I'd like to know the names of techs who went down with the ship!!!!
Todd W.