EPU horribly staffed? Still have more techs before the outage began than most plants have for their outages, and much better than the Lab side. As far as the debris and dirt before the outage began, this plant started putting in the new systems long before the outage started, and probably long before you came into in processing. Speaking of which, when you have ~4500 people for an outage, and a short time to do it, the individual isn't going to get individual attention every moment of the day. I do agree with the problem of dropped items, but corrections have been made, and the problem, although still present, has dramatically decreased. It says something for a plant with this many people working for this long to have so few injuries. I can say that the lighting is a challenge, but we have changed enough light bulbs to fill a B-25 and then some, not to mention the total light change out on the refuel floor. And lastly, what plant doesn't have water valves that have rust on them from the fact that they are water valves, and some of them haven't been seen since the last shutdown.