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« on: Oct 10, 2006, 11:46 »
 :D I interviewed for a position at Sequoyah  six weeks ago and after speaking with one of the individuals that interviewed me my paperwork has been sent to HR for approval. How long does it take to get through HR before getting an offer??? Any insight will help.


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Re: TVA Hiring prsocess is killing me!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: Oct 10, 2006, 12:31 »
I've hired for TVA and I've been hired by TVA in the last 2 years.

1: Your hiring info went to HR in what is called a Yellow Folder.

2: The plant HR will review your yellow folder to ensure it's correct. It will then be approved by the Site VP.

3: From there it will go to Corporate HR. They'll review it and compare it to others who were interviewed and others who were offered the same job. If certain criteria aren't meant they may send it back to the plant for reconsideration. I'm not a liberty to say what these criteria are.

4: It then  goes to the Senior VP for all the Nuke Sites. He may the have questions, if he does your folder will be routed back to the plant, then to the Department that is hiring you. Once the questions are answered it gets rerouted as in steps 1-3. If he's then happy he'll sign it.

5: It then goes to the Big Daddy Nuke. If he has questions it goes back through steps 1-4. Once he's happy you'll be in.

6: From that point it usually takes about 3 to 5 days to make the actual offer.

TVA just ended our fiscal year so most likely during the last part of the year the process went slow as they probably weren't gonna bring you in before Oct 1st anyway.

We only bring people in the first and third Monday of the month.

The Senior VP and the Head Nuke are busy people, I doubt they have time to review yellow folders everyday, especially with the new fiscal year which was coming up. They were also having meetings with the various plants about INPO Visits.

Once the paperwork leaves the plant there;s really no way to find out where it's at, for the most plant calling the plant won't help they simply won't know, and unless you have someone to champion your paperwork (ie a friend) they won't have the time to find out.

TVA is a HUGE company, the position you interviewed for isn't currently filled, the plants are still operating just fine at 100% power so the company isn't stressed to get you in. If we lose a candidate because of the time then they have alternates pre identified or we'll just post the job again, there are plenty of qualified people in the Valley who would love to work for us. I don't mean that to sound cold, that's just the reality of the situation. Most of the training programs are somewhat lengthy so whether you get here now or 5 weeks from now isn't going to to be a huge thing. I'll give you some worst cases and some best cases.

Just because they interviewed you and you have a yellow folder doesn't even mean the job was authorized for hiring. TVAN interviews first, THEN gets permission for fill the opening. I know that's backwards but that's how we do it.

The QUICKEST I've seen it done is around 8-10 weeks. I'm not saying it ca n't be done sooner but in this case we were hiring SROs who HAD to be here by a certain date in order to meet NRC criteria to officially start a class. Given these are the only positions in Nuke Power that have this criteria this gives you the lower bound. This is with a department who dedicated two people to ensure all the i's were dotted and the t's crossed and to follow the paperwork through start to finish. By 8-10 weeks that was for the FIRST of the guys we hired. We also made a business case in advance to get them. This eliminated a lot of questions down the road.

The current class of NLOs too approximately 8 to 10 weeks.

I'm an SRO, when I interviewed I had to be interviewed by a lot of the same people who are involved in the process as Shift Managers have to be interviewed by a few of the higher ups. It took 11 weeks for my offer. It took 5 months and 12 months for two other SMs in my class.

So as you can see it's lengthy nd at times convoluted. On the bright side once you're in you'll be working with a great group of people I absolutely love the people I work with and regardless of the department i've found them all to be pretty good.

A question: Do you live within 60 miles of Sequoyah? Are you a veteran?

Now a quick Admonishment: Did you bother to use the search function here? I answered this question before in vivid detail and as I've said many times, a good nuke, regardless of creed should have the ability to research and find the answers they seek. (I'm getting ready to get a Karma point from Hydro Dave, then lose two from those who think I'm harsh when I post this comment :) )


« Last Edit: Oct 10, 2006, 12:37 by Broadzilla »


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Re: TVA Hiring prsocess is killing me!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: Oct 10, 2006, 01:10 »
Thanks just curious is the process the same for maintenance positions?


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Re: TVA Hiring prsocess is killing me!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: Oct 10, 2006, 01:20 »
Thanks just curious is the process the same for maintenance positions?

ALL positions. Again are you a veteran, do you live within 60 miles of Sequoyah, and is it a union position?


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Re: TVA Hiring prsocess is killing me!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: Oct 10, 2006, 04:31 »
Mike that answer was dripping with lace dooilies and almost brought a tear to my eye. :o :'( I hope this is not the start of a new you  :-*
The answer itself was of course well laid out an eve a NUB nonqual should be able to follow it and also understand the full context!! (there some one has to hopld the line  >:(

 8) 8) :P
Being adept at being adaptable I look forward to every new challenge!


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Re: TVA Hiring prsocess is killing me!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: Oct 10, 2006, 04:53 »
I'm certainly getting soft in my old age!


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Re: TVA Hiring prsocess is killing me!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: Oct 10, 2006, 05:27 »

 (I'm getting ready to get a Karma point from Hydro Dave, then lose two from those who think I'm harsh when I post this comment :) )


It's just your past performance you have to live down! & so why didn't you just link back to your original answer instead of writing a whole new response to this question if you have covered it before???


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Re: TVA Hiring prsocess is killing me!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: Oct 10, 2006, 06:06 »
LOL because I'm not the one obligated to do the research!! And I'm too lazy.


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« Reply #8 on: Oct 10, 2006, 11:18 »
Talk about TVA.
"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge."

  -Bertrand Russell

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« Reply #9 on: Oct 13, 2006, 08:20 »
I have been to all three plants,

Watts Bar- Beutiful area

Sequoyah- Well run outages

Browns Ferry- HP boot camp

and that is all I got to say about that.

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« Reply #10 on: Oct 15, 2006, 12:23 »
For me, from submitting my resume, to accepting a job offer and starting to work was 3 weeks. But that is the exception. I know people that have been trying to get hired for up to 5 years. 2 questions have come up, well 3, Are you a veteran? If so do you have a disability? These are two big perks for getting hired in. For most TVA sites, they prefer to hire locally. So do you live with in 60 miles? I know 2 people who were from out of the area who applied to TVA, had previous experience at a similar plant, and were turned down, and local people were given the job.
Next, if it is a maintanance job, are you a member of the union. Most of those jobs are selected from union members before non union. Otherwise, there will be some eyebrows raised, and some paperwork filed.
Good luck to you. And hopefully, you will be selected for the job you want.


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« Reply #11 on: Oct 15, 2006, 06:46 »
I was a Disabled Veteran Shift Manager so I had all the right cards to play.

Again it depends on the Department who is following the paperwork, and how badly they need you.



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