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Author Topic: Palo Verde  (Read 308009 times)

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Offline Camella Black

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Well this sure goes waaaayyy beyond raising the rent or your prices when you hear "I'm here for the outage".

I spent 30 minutes trying to find someone to email concerning this and just decided I'd write a letter to the editor of the paper and see what happens. (Update later). I did discover that John McCain is the Senator.

I think they should have people at the borders handing out flyers (like they did this week in Florida) telling you that if you come in the state to work you can be fined for not changing your plate immediately (get real people).

Better yet, maybe the facility (since they said they approved) should be forced to include this information in any future contracts and include the price of a new tag or fine for each contractor in the price they are going to pay the company (can't see that happing).

Can you imagine the insurance nightmare here? I don't understand how the state can even get away with this and I can see LAW SUIT in the future.

Last word ... I wonder if this fine or new tag would qualify as a work related expense???
« Last Edit: Oct 12, 2005, 12:59 by Camella Black »

Offline HydroDave63

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An excerpt of the linked article includes:

"...State law defines a resident as a person employed in Arizona or someone who remains here for seven months or more in a calendar year. Temporary workers are given a three-month grace period. But once that time is up, residents should get their plates changed or risk going to court..."

It sounds there like anyone there less than three months should be able to beat it in court, although it is annoying that anyone should have to go to court over this in the first place. Does anyone have recent experience with going to an AZ traffic court over this issue? Would like to hear from anyone who has gone all the way through this process.

Offline hollywoodparke

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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #102 on: Oct 12, 2005, 11:29 »
The problem with going to court to fight the ticket is that the court date will usually be after the outage is over and you are at your next job. So now you are forced to pay the fine just because you can't be there or not pay the fine and risk a bench warrant which becomes a security issue. They ran the story on the local tv news and made it sound like they were going after all kinds of people but the only citations that the article talked about was the people at Palo. They have done this in the past also to Palo workers.
I also talked to the APS spokesman Jim Mcdodnald about this and he had the attitude that we pay well at Palo so you can afford to pay registration and that he didn't feel that he would lose any workers over this. I told him that he was wrong on both issues.
« Last Edit: Oct 12, 2005, 11:33 by hollywoodparke »


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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #103 on: Oct 12, 2005, 11:42 »
Lets say that I do make good money and could afford to pay the registration, who wants to wait in line at the DMV every couple of months?  What if I rent a car with out of state plates?


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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #104 on: Oct 12, 2005, 10:25 »
Mr. Hollywood,
I totally agree with your stance, I think it is crap that they single out the workers at Palo but say they are ticketing all people who come into the state.  I haven't seen those bastards at the RV park ticketing the SnoBirds that come into the state for months at a time.  Also Mr. McDonald needs to pay us a little more than that to assume that we can afford to license a rig that is going to cost 500 to use for 3 months



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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #105 on: Oct 13, 2005, 04:57 »
Used to be an awesome place to work.  Now, low pay, low per-diem, high cost of living.  Most of the  guys running the show (HP/RP) are ex-road techs. Unfortunately, apparently, they've forgotten where
they come from.  Not to say they're bad guys, they've just lost touch with reallity.  They all came in when the cost of living was low and you could rent an apartment for $300 a month, the outages lasted for years, and you could really sock the money away.  Unfortunatley, that's not the case anymore.

Offline felchie

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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #106 on: Oct 14, 2005, 11:05 »
I hear all 3 units are down now, good luck finding workers.....

Offline RRhoads

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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #107 on: Oct 15, 2005, 07:58 »
unit 3 will be back online again...they were just down a week ago!
unit 2....RCP lube oil lift pump probs....gotta fix it!
unit 1....Day 8 of outage & Rx Head still on....flooded the 114' while adding H2O to x-fer canal yesterday(thanx ops)....we are prob 4 days behind...
X-mas in Phx Sux!!!!
No techs to find....i think we went in 8-9 short....that alone tells you who GREAT this place is!!! :P
« Last Edit: Oct 15, 2005, 08:00 by RRhoads »


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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #108 on: Oct 15, 2005, 08:44 »
unit 3 will be back online again...they were just down a week ago!
unit 2....RCP lube oil lift pump probs....gotta fix it!
unit 1....Day 8 of outage & Rx Head still on....flooded the 114' while adding H2O to x-fer canal yesterday(thanx ops)....we are prob 4 days behind...
X-mas in Phx Sux!!!!
No techs to find....i think we went in 8-9 short....that alone tells you who GREAT this place is!!! :P

2 and 3 are down for an ECCS Design Issue. They entered 3.0.3 over it. ECCS DEsign Issues are not usually solved over night. The issues you just listed are minor compared to the one they reported to the NRC. It might be awhile.



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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #109 on: Oct 15, 2005, 09:25 »
The latest is the calculations for the ECCS design are being completed by an outside firm.  The problem we have Millstone just completed an OD for and was virually word for word to ours.  They believe the calcs will come back Monday sometime.  We should be able to start up after that.


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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #110 on: Oct 15, 2005, 09:52 »
The latest is the calculations for the ECCS design are being completed by an outside firm.  The problem we have Millstone just completed an OD for and was virually word for word to ours.  They believe the calcs will come back Monday sometime.  We should be able to start up after that.

That is if you can get the NRC to accept it. I'm wondering if this effects St Lucie too.

ECCS Issues are HARD to shake!! I feel for you guys.


Offline RRhoads

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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #111 on: Oct 15, 2005, 10:20 »
thought there was some temp issue associated with the RWST????
Conn. ain't as hot as the phx desert.


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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #112 on: Oct 15, 2005, 11:26 »
thought there was some temp issue associated with the RWST????
Conn. ain't as hot as the phx desert.

Nope, it was a gas stripping issue while on the RWST which somehow effected the NPSH available when the ECCS transfers to the Recirc Mode.

(For you BWR Sailors this is roughly when HPCI transfers to the suppression pool except it occurs at the RHR level.)



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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #113 on: Oct 16, 2005, 09:21 »
Actually the CE FSAR calculations covered the issue.  They had a Plant Review Board last night and are going to the NRC for permission to start up today.  They didn't have enough time to evaluate the FSAR fo the questions asked so we went to 3.03.

ronald r como

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palo verde
« Reply #114 on: Oct 18, 2005, 09:32 »
any truth to the rumor i heard about the pay rate of $16.00 for a senior hp tech? and they staffed it?

Offline RRhoads

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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #115 on: Oct 19, 2005, 07:58 »
that is a non-outage RP tech wage...there are people who stay in between outages or come in too early...most local but some roadtechs.
wage is still low for outage...23 & 80 is maxed out outage SR RP tech returnee.
No they did NOT staff the outage w/ all the techs they wanted...somewhere around -9...
« Last Edit: Oct 19, 2005, 07:59 by RRhoads »


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Re: Palo Verde
« Reply #116 on: Oct 19, 2005, 08:04 »
      $16 hr was the rate for a <3 year SR non-returnee at the U2 SGRP.  $17 hr is the non-outage rate for a > 7 year SR non-outage. I had a friend work U2 SGRP and they were < 3 year SR. and did not ask what the pay rate was. Found out though


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Re: Palo Verde AO Jobs
« Reply #117 on: Nov 15, 2005, 03:53 »
Is this a union position and are the reactor operators union at Palo Verde?  How long does it take to go to license class from initial hire?


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Re: Palo Verde AO Jobs
« Reply #118 on: Nov 15, 2005, 08:39 »
Not a Union position.  Only our security guards are union.  I would say anywhere from 3 to 5 years from hire date.  It really depends on the person and the size of the class.  The upcoming class only had 8 volunteers for 7 position.  We will also be losing 30% to 50% of our License guys in the next 5 to 7 years.


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Re: Palo Verde AO Jobs
« Reply #119 on: Nov 15, 2005, 08:42 »
Why are so few bidding into license class?  Probably not an easy answer.


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Re: Palo Verde AO Jobs
« Reply #120 on: Nov 15, 2005, 10:19 »
Are they taking ex Navy nukes ONLY, again? (or manager's kids?)


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Re: Palo Verde AO Jobs
« Reply #121 on: Nov 15, 2005, 11:14 »
Tell us how you really feel Doctor?


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Re: Palo Verde AO Jobs
« Reply #122 on: Nov 16, 2005, 02:02 »
"Tell us how you really feel Doctor?"

Don't get me started there, Dr. Phil.  You know exactly how I feel about it.  They go from one extreme to the next with their hiring.  One time, they'll only hire the kids of APS employees and when
that gives them not the desirable results they were hoping to acheive, they go to next extreme and only hire ex-nukes with degrees, (for an entry level job, "Aux operator trainee" mind you).  There's no middle ground with these guys.  Tell brother Theo hello for me.


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Re: Palo Verde AO Jobs
« Reply #123 on: Nov 16, 2005, 03:15 »
As far as bidding the RO jobs it is a multitude of things.  Pay, Fishbowl, Bulls%$& etc.

Atomic Punk I have no clue what they will be doing this time. I'll let you know if I hear anything.


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Re: Palo Verde AO Jobs
« Reply #124 on: Nov 29, 2005, 12:23 »

When is the start date for this class and how many are they hiring?


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