I just worked the Palo Unit 1 SGRP as a first time 3.1 senior and was asked to stay on after the outage (just body counted Friday). My pay rate as a local was $25 per hour in outage, $16 out of outage (working 40's). A >7 year senior who worked along side of me until Friday was paid $23 in outage (plus per diem) and $16 out of outage (plus per diem). As a junior R.P. Tech >12 months, I made $18 as a local and I know a new Jr. who made $16 as a local during outage. I find it hard to believe that senior road techs with

years were making $16 during the outage. A junior road tech >12 mos. who stayed with me during Palo's Unit 2 SGRP made $15 or $16 (plus per diem). They can't be paying Jr. and Sr.s the same. Maybe, but hard to believe.
The word is Palo will up the wages with the next outage beginning in April.
By the way, Palo is taking applications externally for house R.P. positions. If I remember correctly, the cut off date is February 17th. Go to Pinnaclewest.com for information.
Unit 1 has vibration in a pipe (?). They tried to install a vortex plate during the SGRP to fix it, but had to take it out. Next they tried weights on the line, but also had to take them out. I believe the plan is now to install snubbers. Thus, if I remember correctly, the plant was only running at about 20 some odd percent last week. Can't bring her up until the vibration is fixed or managed in some way.