Message from the Cooper RPMBefore RFO-21 we were very adamant about wearing greens in the RCA. There have been very few exceptions made to your request, and you have had most of the say-so on these exceptions. However, when I walk around the plant, the people who have been the most out of line with the normal attire are the Chem and RPTs. We have set a standard for wearing greens into the RCA, now let's set the standard for what we will allow for use; starting with ourselves. Please ensure that all RP; house, USA, and Barltett start wearing the standard greens that we supply. Keep in mind that we are setting a standard that supports the impression of professionalism. We do a professional job and making changes like this promotes that image to others.
However, when I walk around the plant, people, RP and Chemistry included, are wearing many different combinations of the standard issue greens and greens from outside CNS (i.e. flowered tops, purple sets, Hawaiian styles, etc.) We have set a standard for wearing greens into the RCA, now let's set the standard for what we will allow for use. Please enforce the use of the standard CNS issued greens in the field and communicate this to the workers. Keep in mind that we are setting a standard that supports the impression of professionalism. We do a professional job at CNS and making changes, like standardizing the use of greens, promotes that image to others
They only issued me three sets of Scrubs, and there are no locker or shower facilities on site. How professional is it to wear stinky/dirty Scrubs while I'm working 6-12s