The man was a carpenter. He was working in the RCIC room, which is a Contaminated Area. He had a medical event (heart attack, stroke, seizure) while exiting the scaffold platform, on the ladder traversing down to the floor. He fell into a protruding scaffold pole, which contacted the back of his head and he hit the floor after that. CPR was administered and was showing good signs, but when they transported him to the RCA exit, they had to use the AED. That was not working, so they started to pump his chest as they were wheeling him out. After that, we heard he expired at the hospital.
He was in his early 40's, leaving a wife and 2 kids. He was a great guy and great coworker. Remember folks, life is not permanent. Kiss and hug your loved ones every day and say "I love you" as much as you can.