Facility & Company Information > Vogtle
Vogtle (Alvin W Vogtle)
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I went to Vogtle in September of 1988 for the first refuel of unit 1. Unit 2 was still under construction. I didn't leave there until around June 1992. It was a great place to work and the people were wonderful. Kerry Brown, Jim Dixon, Ken Petrofski, Steve Burris, Curtis Peters, Rick Riley, Jerry Lucott, Gloria,Brad,Tweed, Wayne, Humpey, Jimmy, Steve (McCloud), Art, Mike, Dave (Rochester), Jeff, Nelson Rayburn, Burnis Coleman........The list goes on and on and I can't think of a bad thing to say about a single one of them. For those of you who don't know me....That's sayin' a lot. Who knows.....Maybe someday I'll have that red clay under my feet again.....Maybe....just maybe......This time I'd stay.
You swung through a few times while I was there. You were one of the brightest young road scholars I ever ran across in my travels. I'm glad to see you're doing well.
I was there in 1990 and 1991. I like everything there was about Vogtle...the house techs, the hours, the work conditions, Joey Crider, the deconners, and especially the south and the state of Ga...being from GA.
HAIRDUDE-Yes those were the days.
I WAS a house puke there until yesterday. As a Christmas present SNC fired me after almost 14 years. One of our "shared" read (house techs from Hatch or Farley) personnel claimed I created a hostile work environment. Down with the hammer, up with the knee and out the gate.
But I digress, much has changed. The house guys(at least the ex contract)try to treat the contractors well. More and more of the old breed is leaving and being replaced by folks who know everything they were taught in SkcooL. ;D
tarbox - no it has gotten worse, not better.
Camella Black:
If anyone has a favorite hang out, place to shop, or local information for this area please post it here.
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