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Turkey Point

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Author Topic: Turkey Point  (Read 239650 times)

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Offline Rennhack

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Turkey Point
« on: Nov 30, 2002, 07:34 »
Don't forget to vote.  Keep your comments civil.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #1 on: Dec 01, 2002, 07:52 »
The old days were great, but that was when FPL was a company that gave personnel a career.
Today, there are many reasons to avoid all FPL nuke plants (including Seabrook) whether you want to be in-house or a contractor.
If you are in-house, you are subject to the following:
1. The management team are ruthless bastards and their bonuses are number one.  They don't care about you, your family or the ties that you make in an area (friends, schools, churches).  Although they profess a learning organization, you will learn your lesson with discipline, time off and termination.  If you want confirmation on this, ask the previous FPL in-plant management personnel who bought into this get rid of them mentality only to find themselves the person walked off-site or sent to INPO on the next set of down-sizing.
P.S.  Bargaining Unit members, don't feel so smug, you are subject to roles on a moments notice.
2.The area in which most people live that work at Turkey Point is a hazard to life.  Dade County has high taxes, the Homestead, Cutler Ridge, Forida City areas are extremely high in crime, including violent crime.  Isn't that a warm environment to raise your family.
3.The money is the same at FPL as it is in the rest of the industry, so find yourself a job in a plant where you will enjoy your work.  Ask the others in the industry where the managers are part of a TEAM.

If you are a contract or time-bond employee, you are subject to the following:
1. Outage help, the day you arrive, the managers are already looking for an opportunity to terminate your contract and save a dollar.
2. The temp housing is high priced and you take your life in your hands every time you go to the parking lot of the motel.  The car you left in the parking lot of the motel and your possessions in the rooms aren't in good shape either.  They have even had cars at Turkey Point's parking lot vandalized.

Offline Rennhack

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #2 on: Dec 06, 2002, 01:32 »
Don't forget to go to the "Rate a site" section and vote for them.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #3 on: Jan 03, 2003, 06:02 »
JumpingfoxFarm did not miss a note.
I hear they (Turkey Point) are having trouble staffing for their upcoming outage. FPL used to be able to offer PSL work to enhance the Turkey deal. Technicians would endure the rocky road at Turkey for a chance to go to PSL. Not anymore. Neither place is high on wish list. Bartlett can squeeze, but only so much. Unless you have individual circumstances making the FPL duo attractive, most will stay clear.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #4 on: Jan 03, 2003, 06:10 »
:o Working at Turkey is unique. It is in the middle of nothing. Gas stations have bullet proof glass and all is self serve. In the evening hours, the convenience stores will pass your items out through the special bank drawer. It is a melting pot of people. It is almost as if you are in a totally different country. Plenty of rough, nothing to lose types. You must be on guard at all times! FPL is not big on holding to their word. They make promises and then laugh as your performing WBC. They have certainly shifted priorities. Business has no room for people considerations. They are so wrong!

Offline AMU

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #5 on: Jan 04, 2003, 12:00 »
'83-'85, DNI/CE, was fun to work there at that time.  The Keys were fun.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #6 on: Jan 04, 2003, 11:23 »
I've been told that with FPL's acquisition of Seabrook, 190 folks at that plant are to be down-sized. (From the numbers I've heard, that's about 20%).

The managers that started this have taken their millions and left FPL, but the slash and burn mentality continues.

I wonder what would happen if the employees (both rank and file and management) staged a general strike?  That won't happen though, since you can't get any two nukes to agree that poop stinks.

A small bit of solace to the affected employees.  There are company's in this industry that appreciate the work that you do and that care about the workers.  


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #7 on: Jan 05, 2003, 04:58 »
Sad day for those who meet the Grim Reaper.

"Come with me please"


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #8 on: Jan 05, 2003, 08:54 »
(n)You are not the only one who shares this opinion. They are having trouble staffing for the upcoming outage. There are quite a few locals that enjoy the Turkey/PSL combo but they are less and less. Returnee rate way down!


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #9 on: Jan 13, 2003, 08:18 »
I worked on the Y2K program and had great cooperation from the in-house folks.  Wouldn’t mind going back.
FP&L has the best food  service of any of the many sites I’ve been at.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #10 on: Jan 15, 2003, 07:31 »
Started pulling vacation relief and processing waste water there as a temp.  2 years & 10 return assignments later, TP remains my UTMOST FAVORITE workplace on the planet!  Only wish I could get back there.

Regardless of how hot, humid, tedious or frustrating the workday might have been, I never minded the long & often delayed return drive to the bunkhouse, because I knew that a sunset dinner, frozen cocktails and diverse conversation awaited me on the water in Key Largo.  What a difference getting off of the mainland made!  And as if that weren't enough, the weekends were beyond compare with an abundance of sun, surf, sand and sights that simply staggered the imagination.;D  And to think that I once thought Mardi Gras on Burbon Street was top drawer!

Kudos to Jim, Mel & all the Chemistry gang for all the return invites and stellar times they made possible. 8)


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #11 on: Jan 16, 2003, 11:02 »
I haven't been to turkey in over 20 years, from the sound of things it was a good call!


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #12 on: Jan 20, 2003, 10:46 »
Rumor is that a couple of new licensed operators were fired for making a human performance errors.
Can anyone confirm or disspell??

Heard that the operators are scared.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #13 on: Jan 20, 2003, 11:51 »

Offline Jill

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #14 on: Jan 23, 2003, 04:03 »

Bummer!  I loved that place, it is still the best place I have worked, then again, it was '90 and '91.  I lived in the keys and loved it that I could take 20 steps out my door at be standing in the water!  Paradise!  T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops were acceptable - ANYWHERE! (Yes, even the Quay for lunch!)
Someday I play on going back, maybe just for the fun factor!  Work is work when you are there, you just got to make the best of it when you are off!  (P.S. I had the best supervisor to work for, she is the best I have worked for so far - Thanks Julie, you're great!)

Offline Jill

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #15 on: Jan 23, 2003, 04:05 »
By the way, Kimbro, it still looks good and will ALWAYS look good on you!   ;)


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #16 on: Jan 24, 2003, 06:27 »
Rumor is that a couple of new licensed operators were fired for making a human performance errors.
Can anyone confirm or disspell??

Heard that the operators are scared.[/quote

Yes, rumor confirmed! Do not know details. 2 operators hammered!


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #17 on: Jan 24, 2003, 06:30 »
:)Any of you confirmed to go to PTN for upcoming outage. Going to be very short. I hear PTN is actually buying nozzle dams.....Should be interesting.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #18 on: Jan 29, 2003, 06:34 »
why would management fire two licensed operators for making a human performance error? I had heard that they were having a hard time staffing up for operations. They were really scraping the bottom of the barrell when they recently took back an ex operator that tried to sue FPL.(unsuccessful)This can't be true, somebody please clarify. ???  


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #19 on: Jan 29, 2003, 06:43 »
I recently read an article which stated that Turkey Point was one of the plants to avoid. I heard that the management there are backstabbers and so is the Union Leadership. A couple of operators got fired and the union did nothing for them. What gives. :'(  


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #20 on: Jan 30, 2003, 06:53 »
I agree Mike, work at the point was fun in the early 80s for the house people also. Palm Drive International Speedway & beer on the corner, good fishing back in the canals, great partys at the Red Barn. Good memories are to be cherished, hang on to them, they are few and far between in this business now.  :)


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #21 on: Jan 30, 2003, 05:12 »
Ladies and Gents this isnt passworded and its for site info only...use IM or start a thread elsewhere...thank you


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #22 on: Jan 30, 2003, 06:27 »
Yes, site management continues to shoot itself in the foot. But the good thing is they don't recognize that they even have feet.  :o What are 3 licensed Operators, when TP is in paradise, just train some more. Everyone wants to come here, don't they?  ;) At least FPL has stopped the bleeding, who from TP wants to go to Lucie?


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #23 on: Jan 30, 2003, 06:31 »
I understand the reason why you are bothered by what you read,but what some people listen to and want to believe without first hand knowledge is meaningless...They are going by nothing more than hear say,which is they're loss...(like the old saying goes,believe half of what you see and none of what you hear...)
 I as well like to reflect on the good(old) memories,and refuse to let other peoples opinions affect those memories.I miss you old friend,drop me a line sometime....Peace!!!


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #24 on: Feb 09, 2003, 06:13 »
Cant say much about the operators because I just dont know the story. I would not want to push incorrect information. I did hear that some operations personnel were disciplined severely for something or other.  :-[ The site Vice President at PTN has passed away. He was not very old. Live life to the fullest because you just dont know when your time is up.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #25 on: Feb 09, 2003, 06:18 »
The PTN outage is scheduled for 12 days and many hotels are full due to car racing and baseball activity. Tough to make a move to the south Florida for such a short outage. I think PSL is planning to piggy back the contract. Better than nothing, I guess.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #26 on: Feb 10, 2003, 06:26 »
:)Any of you confirmed to go to PTN for upcoming outage. Going to be very short. I hear PTN is actually buying nozzle dams.....Should be interesting.

TP's 3-S/G's reportedly do not have nozzle "adapter rings" installed, so ND's haven't had anything to grab onto to hold them in place during cavity flood-up.  [smiley=jarswim.gif] Hence, ND's haven't been used previously.  Rumor has it however, that FTI/ANP is providing some new fangled system that's more akin to an inflatable pipe plug.

Haven't seen it myself, but have a couple of Bud's who're gonna be there for the party, so will have 2nd-hand data in short order.  Ordinarily, ND's are secured in place mechanically and hydraulically sealed using inflatable seals between the ND structure and the nozzle/nozzle ring ID.

Unusual thing is that rather than bring in an entire 12-14 man installation crew of long-time ND-pros as they normally do for a situation like this, only about half will be well known and recognized Vet-jumpers to handle this novel application.  Still waiting to hear who the remainder of the ND crew, as well as what their experience-base might be.   8)


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #27 on: Feb 11, 2003, 08:49 »
 Going to TP for the first time after 18yrs in the business,im bringing the bike,kayak and flyrods in case i have 3 bad days in a row.hope to see jay and say greetings and salutations.Thanks for the info.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #28 on: Feb 12, 2003, 11:18 »
Their outage is scheduled for 14 days. It will be push push push but nothing out of the ordinary. I still do not know if I want to go or not. Good Luck.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #29 on: Feb 13, 2003, 09:08 »
I think you should go. I am going and do hope for best. Looking forward to a mexican meal with a bucket of Corona at ElToro Taco!


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #30 on: Feb 14, 2003, 03:05 »
All of those reminisers writing about haning out in the Keys and eating tacos.
Do it all  quickly.  They are planning for getting contractors off-site before they arrive on-site.

Ready Kilowatt says, "Personnel are our greatest asset!"
"Whenever we need to raise the dividend we lay off 50."


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #31 on: Feb 14, 2003, 04:37 »
Im suppose to be there on the 24th for the first time, but after reading this ......I'M Sa Sa SKEERT.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #32 on: Feb 23, 2003, 05:22 »
Heard that the Site has cancelled its' plan to employ pipe plugs within the S/G nozzles after all; so much for simultaneous S/G ECT inspections and refuel.  Considering this, can the outage still be only 12-14 days long?


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #33 on: Feb 23, 2003, 01:46 »
The outage is now schedule for 18 days after the nozzle plugs failed the mock-up test.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #34 on: Feb 24, 2003, 10:20 »
Hey Lycheeman: I hear PSL is sending a few technicians to help out PTN BUT they can't stay long because PSL has an outage of their own to get ready for. 18 days is not too bad for an outage.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #35 on: Feb 25, 2003, 08:14 »
I worked with CE at TP back in 82-85 (or close to that time, it's still kinda fuzzy).  I remember the ice cream man, the lines in the men's room, and the frenzied pace that everyone worked at.  Our "quiet time" was spent at the Turkey Point Inn shooting beer cans with uzi's, MAC 10's, or just your average pistol from your glove compartment.  Oh yeah, I forgot.... Getting stuck in the air lock when some jerk would slam the  door or strip the gears.  Ahhh, what good times...


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #36 on: Mar 04, 2003, 05:48 »
Many things have changed since then. The Turkey Point Inn is now an elementary school. A race track and baseball field keep the hotels full. Many, Many new faces but still an OK place to work with some old friends.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #37 on: Mar 19, 2003, 06:40 »
Just finished the PTN outage and going to Lucie on 4/7. Haven't been at PTN since 90-91. Was nice to see old friends but Homestead still is the pits.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #38 on: May 03, 2003, 03:15 »
Wow whats up with the 3 mile hike to the gate?


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #39 on: Aug 31, 2003, 04:38 »
Let's see....Homestead....bring a UZI(30 round clip), speak spanish and razor/straw.  The plant.....soon as your done with training, FORGET EVERYTHING YOU LEARNED.  The Rx Bldg Coord's run the show.  They look at you as a speed bump and don't slow down.  Just sit back, keep your mouth shut and smile.  Oh....try to get on the "Mung-Pile", there's no place better.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #40 on: Oct 26, 2003, 03:20 »
Heard that the latest class testing for an NRC license to operate the plant had 8 out of 8 failures.
Want Ad: "Looking for an Initial Licensed Operator Training Supervisor.  We need someone to fire."
If this is true, this is about the 8th ILO Training Supervisor in recent history.
Did the plant or the NRC write this exam?


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #41 on: Oct 26, 2003, 06:09 »
Lucie sent (7) techs & (5) supervisors down to assist
T.P. due to staffing problems and they wanted more! Don't
think Seabrook sent any since they have their own shutdown
going on. Word is that they're 80 or so hrs behind, but
they'll make that up when 'MegaWatt' fever sets in. Haven't
heard much from the folks down there except that they're
VERY busy. Up at Lucie, just like JumpingFox said, a couple
of weeks ago 20 or 25 more people got 'Re-aligned' out the
door! FPL management continues its 'Improvement' program!!


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #42 on: Oct 26, 2003, 10:08 »
Never worked Turkey but spent a few outages at Lucie, not bad there except that everything being said is true!  For years I heard what a paradise St. Lucie was but when I finally got there I was not impressed.  With FP&L's aquisition of Seabrook also comes their present and past MGT.  Last outage a couple of Seabrooks sup's came down to run the show in CTMT, NOT FUN!!!!  If it wouldn't have been for Brian Sexton, there would have been a mutiny.  Turkey Point North or Seabrook South, it's all the same.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #43 on: Oct 26, 2003, 03:12 »
Turkey having manpower problems....Imagine that!  Lets see...This is one of those places that tells you how tight their budget is, before the outage starts.  This is around the same time they tell you they are twenty techs short and you are expected to make up the difference!  This is also the place that usually starts laying techs off, the second week of the ouatge!  Sounds pretty appealing to me. Where do I sign up?


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #44 on: Apr 07, 2004, 08:55 »
I have read what is said about TP all over the boards :D.  Is anyone working there now or worked there lately?  Kind of concerned about FP&L/TP and the Florida City area.  Good place to get experience? 


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #45 on: Apr 07, 2004, 07:08 »
I have read what is said about TP all over the boards :D.  Is anyone working there now or worked there lately?  Kind of concerned about FP&L/TP and the Florida City area.  Good place to get experience? 


I worked there from 1996 to 2002. When you say experience, could you be more specific. After all, finding out your car isn't in the mall parking lot anymore is an experience. :o

Florida City has some areas that are set up nice for retirees, but no public schools I wanted my kids to attend. The plant reports about 13% annual attrition in staffing positions which hire off the street (average for many years, some have been about 25%). To put this in perspective, turnover per year is like boomer turnover per deployment back in the canoe club!

Because of the high turnover, it is a GREAT place to get experience. When the second licensed class after mine came through, I was the second most experienced licensed operator on my shift and provided much of the OJT for that class. In comparison, I went to St. Lucie for an outage and only 1 person in the entire Work Control Center was in their assigned position on nights for the first time in an outage! In certain circumstances, that would be ten times the experience!

I have friends at Turkey Point, and I don't want them to suffer because someone comes in for 18 months and leaves them even more short-handed. On the other hand, the Assistant Ops Supervisor (currently the Site VP) interviewed me and told me plainly it was understandable if someone came there with intentions of going to St. Lucie in ten years.

You will have to commute at least ten miles one way, but some choose to commute from Key Largo (and more distant Monroe County Keys) for 40 miles one way or Broward County for 55 miles one way. Quite a few choose Kendall, because it isn't Homestead and is only about 25 miles away. I remember in my interview being shown the 10-mile and 50-mile Emergency Planning Zone Maps and getting guidance on where to live and where not to live.

It isn't a surprise to Turkey Point management that they have to struggle with the area & perceptions of the area. Many employees, however, love the lifestyle of waterfront living in Key Largo and the Margaritaville atmosphere it provides. I don't fish, drink, or boat, and I also didn't stay. Tell my friends Hi if you go down there.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #46 on: Apr 08, 2004, 05:13 »
If anyone has a favorite hang out, place to shop, or local information for this area please post it here.

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #47 on: Apr 14, 2004, 11:52 »
Tony's (Krome Ave. in Homestead) has great subs and southern cooking, with sweet tea for those who are REALLY from the South!

Sonny's BBQ (part of the chain) is in front of Wal-mart Turnpike end on US 1. This is as good as any in the chain!

Shopping: didn't I say there is a Wal-mart? DUH!
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #48 on: May 18, 2004, 03:57 »
I haven't seen this one on the board lately, PSL either!  I know they were on a mass hiring frenzy AGAIN, ( Techs & Supervisors )!  Just wondering if they have hired their new round of soon the be X-Techs?   


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #49 on: Jun 05, 2004, 03:52 »
Heard through the grape vine that HP's may be in demand AGAIN, in the FP&L system.  St Lucie, ( Paradise North ), opened three, which means some will flee, from Turkey, ( Paradise South ).  So Boys and Girls get those Resumes, Second Chance Vest and Glock's out of the closet! 


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #50 on: Jun 14, 2004, 06:26 »
Look's like it's all is True! 

FP&L is reaching onto the Commodities shelf once again for Techs, for Paradise South!  Use them and Lose them.  They don't even pay for Technician's relocation anymore!  Shows the value they place on Tech's!  Imagin that, a trip to Hell at your own Expense! 

Key Words, " Liquidable, Rental, Temporary, 911 ", Remember Them! 

Been there, done it, have the Insurance Claims to prove it!   

Reminds me of a phrase from a movie, but with a little modification, " Think you hate it now, wait till you work here!"

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #51 on: Oct 20, 2004, 01:34 »
There is a Pizza place that I used to love down there. My favorite was the ETOS (pronounced eat ohs) which had everything. I think that may be the name of the Pizza place as well.  ;D

Make sure your spouse joins you for a slice, since slivered garlic is one of the toppings. If not, maybe the smell will be gone before the outage is over!
 ;) ;)
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #52 on: Nov 06, 2004, 08:16 »
Anybody have any information on how this one played out?  Rumor is, this one played out like a repeat of history!  Advertized as an eight weeker and they started pushing Techs out the door after three.  True or Not?



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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #53 on: Nov 08, 2004, 05:25 »
Anybody have any information on how this one played out?  Rumor is, this one played out like a repeat of history!  Advertized as an eight weeker and they started pushing Techs out the door after three.  True or Not?


Yeah, man..... rumor is correct, went down for a 53 day'r, expectin' 40, being a non returnee (first lay-off).  Got 30 instead.
It happens..... :)

Plant person's were good to work with, like everywhere, I'm sure some have disputes.  Ate healthy, the caf served some fine food.

I'd go back.... unfortunately can't make Lucie.....

Maybe spring. ;D

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #54 on: Feb 17, 2005, 09:15 »
FP&L is reaching onto the Commodities shelf once again for Techs, for Paradise South!  Use them and Lose them.  They don't even pay for Technician's relocation anymore!  Shows the value they place on Tech's!  Imagin that, a trip to Hell at your own Expense! 

I am in the present NLO class and they paid to relocate everyone of us. So not sure where you are getting your information. 

Homestead still sucks as much as ever!

Offline Roll Tide

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #55 on: Feb 17, 2005, 11:25 »
They only hire in June if they are desperate. They can convince almost anyone the area is beautiful in December; why else would all of those out of state (and province) tags be in the area?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #56 on: Apr 13, 2005, 04:51 »
Moving to turkey point area in May.  Where is a good place to stay for the summer with my husband and dog?

Rad Sponge

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #57 on: May 18, 2005, 02:04 »
OK all you Turkey Haters, I got a call today from a TP recruiter inviting me down for interviews and testing.

My wife and I (no kids) are from Boca Raton and all our family is in S. Florida.

She talked to me about an accelerated (her words) SRO program for guys with degrees and experience (Mine is of course Navy so WT please don't bite my head off, I know I'm a nub again LOL).

I guess I'll go, she says the class is expecting to start in July-ish.

R/ Sponge


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #58 on: May 18, 2005, 02:16 »

        What's your point??? Anyway good luck,you'll need it...

Rad Sponge

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #59 on: May 18, 2005, 05:25 »
What's luck have to do with anything?

Offline coolbreeze20650

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #60 on: May 19, 2005, 07:49 »
The area and the plant are what you make of it.  Remember, it's just a JOB, you don't have to love it.  Just make good enough money to spend your free time doing what you like to do.  When you are catching a sun burn and fish on Christmas Day, remember, it's just a JOB.  When most of your clothes are T-shirts and shorts, remember, it's just a job.  I spent 14 years there and miss the weather and the good people at the site. 

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #61 on: May 19, 2005, 10:45 »
Good luck with the housing.  I bought a house in 1989 for $101,000.  The same house today is going for $250,000 and I know what damage it sustained during Hurricane Andrew.  The other day another ex-TPer and I sat down and checked out real estate on the internet for Cutler Ridge.  My friend also left after the hurricane and at the time sold his house for around $90,000.  Today, the same type of house (ranch-1300 square feet) is going for over $200,000.  The people I know at Turkey Point say that housing prices have skyrocketed with no end in sight. If you are willing to make a long commute, you should do okay.

There are a lot of good people working at the Point.  There are also a lot of good people who used to work at the Point.  I spent six years in Homestead and with the exception of having the front door of my house kicked in, my car stolen, my house blown down by Andrew, road-raged by a drunk who blocked the street and kicked my car door while my pregnant wife was in the car, I  had a good time.  Sans Hurricanes, the weather was great.  I miss South Florida every time I shovel snow. 


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #62 on: May 19, 2005, 05:02 »
OK all you Turkey Haters, I got a call today from a TP recruiter inviting me down for interviews and testing.

My wife and I (no kids) are from Boca Raton and all our family is in S. Florida.

She talked to me about an accelerated (her words) SRO program for guys with degrees and experience (Mine is of course Navy so WT please don't bite my head off, I know I'm a nub again LOL).

I guess I'll go, she says the class is expecting to start in July-ish.

R/ Sponge

Good luck!! With your attitude you'll do very well. Congratulations on getting the Position. Keep your eyes and ears open and remember you can learn something from everyone you'll meet in this industry.

My problem isn't with Navy Nukes. Hell I'm a Navy Nuke. My problem is when a wet behind the ears Navy Nuke thinks he/she is something special that the real nuke plants haven't seen before!

If you need any help or advice just ask.

And remember, any job is what you make of it. Much of what you see posted is opinion and some of it outright whining. Just take everything with a grain of salt and do what I do when I think, "I can't believe they're actually paying me to do this when people in the world are actually WORKING for a lot less money!" Hell everytime I operate the plant I think how it's like my father gave me the keys to his  multi billion dollar Lincoln. :)

Again if you need any advice or  help just ask.



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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #63 on: Jan 12, 2006, 05:37 »
What's the status of Turkey Point now?  Seems to have a big turnover rate for I&C Supervisors and other personnel.  I keep getting called about interviews, but it just seems like they sure do alot of In-House hiring compared to other sites.  I am looking to make a move south to get out of New England (cold weather & taxes), Florida is one area I am thinking about.  My concern about Turkey Point is the livining conditions in the area.  I do not want to move to a project.  And on the other hand driving 40 miles to work would not bother me either, if that is what it takes.  If anyone can give an update that would be great.



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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #64 on: Jan 13, 2006, 04:44 »
Here's my take on it. Supervisors (and other salaried jobs) are working most weekends for free;and the union crowd is forced as well, but getting paid;due to severe shortage of personnel.
A lot of decent people work there, but the pressure of outages turns some into raving lunatics.
There is some good new housing nearby,(plan on spending 200k+), and driving 40 miles is an option, but it may take you almost 2 hours during rush hour(on the Turnpike). The public schools are not good. Driving anywhere is death defying due to complete disreguard of traffic rules by everyone.
No income tax, but property taxes, windstorm and auto insurance are very high. During hurricanes, you're expected to be at work, period.
The good part; great winters, lots of things to do(if you're not at work), and you'll make some money..


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #65 on: Jan 14, 2006, 10:32 »
Thanks for the reply,  I will be going down on Wed. for an interview.  Going with an open mind,  I am not pressured to have to take anything I am not comfortable with.  I have no children so Schools are not an issue.  Hurricanes I grew up in New Orleans, so it comes with the territory.

We'll see how it goes.

thanks again

Here's my take on it. Supervisors (and other salaried jobs) are working most weekends for free;and the union crowd is forced as well, but getting paid;due to severe shortage of personnel.
A lot of decent people work there, but the pressure of outages turns some into raving lunatics.
There is some good new housing nearby,(plan on spending 200k+), and driving 40 miles is an option, but it may take you almost 2 hours during rush hour(on the Turnpike). The public schools are not good. Driving anywhere is death defying due to complete disreguard of traffic rules by everyone.
No income tax, but property taxes, windstorm and auto insurance are very high. During hurricanes, you're expected to be at work, period.
The good part; great winters, lots of things to do(if you're not at work), and you'll make some money..

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #66 on: Apr 04, 2006, 09:44 »
1/8" hole drilled in piping investigated as potential sabotage, according to Miami Herald report. That would either be sabotage or really poor work controls. Knowing who the work controls manager was........  :o

Any local input?
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #67 on: Apr 04, 2006, 05:26 »
I few outages ago Fermi had a contract electrician who performed terible work. Mostly it was confined to the BOP but we still had to investigate for sabotage on our MOVs. The end result was the guy was a bad electrician.

What sort of pipe had the hole drilled into it?

Oh and hey dude, what shift are you working for the upcoming outage?

« Last Edit: Apr 04, 2006, 05:27 by Broadzilla »

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #68 on: Apr 05, 2006, 07:21 »
I hate to speculate what the piping was based on a Miami Herald article. I heard that all the original reporting is done for the El Nuevo Herald, and translated later!  :o

The spousal unit has decreed that this outage shall be days.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #69 on: Apr 05, 2006, 10:30 »
The Sun-Sentinel is even farther out to lunch. They imply in their article that the response to the hole was a plant shutdown.,0,1439954.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines

I wish I were there. I could see it live on Channel 7 Death News ("If it bleeds, it leads!") and still not have a clue what they are talking about!
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #70 on: Apr 05, 2006, 06:12 »
Wow sponge, you inspire me.  I am getting out in soon and have been talking to FPL looking for work.  I would love to go straight into SRO, but it sounds unlikely.  What about taking a position in maintenance while waiting for next SRO class, does that usually work out well?  any thought?  I have 12 yrs in the navy and a BS in nuclear engineering. I know there are a lot of people whe don't like instant SRO's.  But it sounds like they don't mind people with the "right" attitude....check your ego at the door so's to speak.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #71 on: Apr 05, 2006, 06:32 »
I thunk FPL was hiring Instants out of the Navy right now. Have to sent a PM to M1Ark?

They still have a bid posted at

« Last Edit: Apr 05, 2006, 06:36 by Broadzilla »


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #72 on: Apr 07, 2006, 08:09 »
how is the investigation going into potential sabotage? heard they were pulling people access , anyone know whats going on down there??


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #73 on: Apr 07, 2006, 10:04 »
A little birdie told me that they are "awaitin at the gates justa get in".  Seems there are a few FBI types down there asking questions.  I was alos told that I am going down there to expect to retake the MMPI.... nuff said :o


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #74 on: Apr 08, 2006, 11:04 »
yea, similar to what i heard. my little birdie also says that anyone who had access there can expect thier access to other plants to be in jeapordy until investigation is complete.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #75 on: Apr 10, 2006, 11:27 »
$100,000 reward for info? That should get some answers. I would hate to have enemies down there!
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #76 on: Apr 11, 2006, 08:11 »
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #77 on: Apr 11, 2006, 03:22 »
If anyone has information that will assist in this investigation, they are urged to call the FBI at 305-944-9101. The reward will be based on the value of the information, according to FPL.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #78 on: Apr 11, 2006, 05:36 »
ohh yea, not gonna be fun.  never know it may be some brain dead individual drilling the wrong pipe...

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #79 on: Apr 14, 2006, 02:19 »
Great people and fun area. Some might disagree but I like the warm winters.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #80 on: Apr 22, 2006, 08:19 »
I didn't see an actual quote from the Diaz, but here is a quote from the article:

NRC Chairman Nils Diaz said that he thinks the hole, found earlier this month in a primary coolant pipe, was most likely made by a disgruntled worker Florida Power and Light employee or a contractor hired to do work during the plant shutdown.

This is very ugly. The news made a big deal that surveillance cameras did not record; that won't continue...
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #81 on: Apr 24, 2006, 04:21 »
I recently got a letter from FPL asking if I had any info on the hole drilled in the pipe incedent.I imagine anyone who was at their last outage got the same letter.There was a hotline number for FPL and the FBI.I also understand,from talking to co-workers that worked the outage that they are having a great deal of trouble getting access at other sites now.Some who already had a badge at other sites have had the're access recinded and were told it was due to their being at Turkey Point and the ongoing investigation.What's next?
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #82 on: Apr 24, 2006, 05:56 »
I'm at Farley and we had about 10 workers come in from Turkey Point, they have to be escorted at all times. 

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #83 on: Apr 24, 2006, 07:23 »
from an outsider perspective as someone not in commercial nuclear power it is amazing that this hasn't been bloodier already.  This is supposition on my part, but had this happened in the navy anywhere it would have been a major incident and then some.  NIS probing bodily orifi etc.
Everyone can make mistakes and then some, even the brightest people are still people, but at this point how can anyone not "know" anything.  someone is not coming forward for one of 2 reasons, fear or they did it deliberate.
I usually tell nubs, that its not the first mistake you make that gets you in trouble but what you do when you or someone realizes a mistake was made that counts.  honesty can cover a lot of stupidity.

I am surprised that we haven't heard about this in the navy nuclear community yet but it wouldn't surprise me to discover administrative controls on metal working (drills, grinders, welding apparatus etc.) appearing in future maintenance periods.
the potential devestation if something like this had happened on a ship or sub would have been horrible.  granted the hole as i understand it wasn't found until the pipe was refilled and that just wouldn't happen on a sub or ship because we dont drain primary piping like that as a routine matter.
either way, it makes me shudder.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #84 on: Apr 25, 2006, 05:56 »
  Not the worker.  He has been told shut-up in public or lose his job.  Further more... the worker is cast into doubt.  Not the employer.  The worker!  And, he can not defend himself.  SOUNDS LIKE THE AIRLINES TO ME!

It is amazing to me as well that no news is coming out from all the people at Turkey Point. I can yip all I want; I wasn't there at the time! But I haven't received a single word from the people there.

I do not have the inside knowledge of airlines, but my friends that have worked both commercial nuclear and commercial aviation claim many similarities.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #85 on: Apr 25, 2006, 06:18 »
Who said I didn't work in both industries? I didn't joing the Navy until I was almost 24. I spent 3 years as an Aircraft mechanic..... My cousin Keith has been a pilot since the mid 70s, his son since the early 80s. My brother worked in avionics for Delta. I have more than a passing knowledge of how the FAA works.

I never claimed to be an expert on the FAA, HOWEVER I do take great exception when it is said the FBI is involved to merely court of affect public opinion. It's not the way it works. FPL would just a soon the FBI not have to be involved. The bottom line is it wasn't their decision to make. No one is trying to spin anything. It's not the way it works in this industry.



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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #86 on: Apr 26, 2006, 04:44 »
Hey don't sweat it, and don't apologize! It's not necessary!


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #87 on: Apr 26, 2006, 06:44 »

And, to many this is going to hurt more (like the employees) until it is resolved.

My understanding is that the people that worked the PTN outage were not allowed to work the outage at my plant. I do know that none of them are here.....

FP&L employees are having to put up with a lot right now, but the travelling outage workers are the ones struggling to feed their families until the fall....
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #88 on: Apr 26, 2006, 07:50 »
As a note for ALL folks posting here. PLEASE be respectful of everyone's opinions and comments. Do not allow yourselves to get into being intolerant of one another. Each of us here brings a unique view to every situation, don't make some surly moderator smite some postings ;)

Your friendly neighborhood moderator,

If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

Forum rules..

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #89 on: Apr 28, 2006, 05:02 »
Parts of this thread have probably crossed the line over what is acceptable on the open forum. I will be splitting some of the most charged / sensational comments (with their replies) into a separate thread on PolySci.

If you want to be involved in the discussion further, may I suggest PolySci. PolySci is a premium feature; Goldmembers only.

If you are not currently a Goldmember, Rennhack says there are slots available.
« Last Edit: Apr 28, 2006, 05:11 by Roll Tide »
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #90 on: Aug 22, 2006, 02:50 »
spanky ,

great people  ,fun area? are you kidding?

when where you there last ?1981? it has changed.

low morale w/ house hp/s. union verses mgmt conflict.

high crime rate and expensive lodging (non cockroach type).

if you want warm winters go to palo,stp or san onofre.



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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #91 on: Aug 25, 2006, 08:01 »
Turkey Point is in the news again (at least on the NRC's site)

Power Reactor     Event Number: 42795
Region: 2 State: FL
Unit: [3] [4] [ ]
RX Type: [3] W-3-LP,[4] W-3-LP
HQ OPS Officer: BILL GOTT    Notification Date: 08/23/2006
Notification Time: 11:23 [ET]
Event Date: 08/23/2006
Event Time: 09:40 [EDT]
Last Update Date: 08/23/2006
Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY

Event Text

"On 08/23/06 at 0940, Turkey Point Nuclear Station was informed of a possible news release concerning the activities of a non-supervisor initial operator student. The initiating activities in question occurred prior to the employment of the individual at Florida Power and Light and have resulted in the recent off site arrest of the student on felony charges. Plant access was suspended immediately upon supervisor notification pending further investigation."

Florida Power and Light and Turkey Point were not mentioned in the initial news release.

The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

Anyone have additional info? I could speculate about charges based on previous experience, but would prefer not to.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #92 on: Aug 25, 2006, 09:17 »
I guess we'll have to wait until it comes on Fox news to get the straight scoop.

Being adept at being adaptable I look forward to every new challenge!


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #93 on: Aug 29, 2006, 08:52 »
  Turkey Point is very bad. The house hp supervision is awful.  Yes, it is warm weather but other places are also and you have better working conditions. 

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #94 on: Aug 30, 2006, 01:14 »
I haven't been there in a while but I still have some dear friends there, so PTP will always be a favorite of mine.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #95 on: Oct 26, 2006, 12:16 »
After 8 years straight, I oughts know.  I've been to Burger Kings with better management. There was always a big turnover and and they must have picked the first guy that just got fired from his last job due to in-competency. Un-believeable sometimes.

The 'old gaurd' when I arrived was really cool folks. Living in Key Largo made up for the bs at the plant. There's NO WAY I would live north of the Monroe County line. There are many small aprtments for rent IF you look hard and talk to locals. They don't advertise due to legal issues.

FP&L as a whole can't seem to function well. At both sites, they can't keep good people and they are having the toughest time attracting them. They could turn things around if they tried. I just don't think they're trying. My opinion.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #96 on: Oct 30, 2006, 10:39 »
Is the missle still at US 1 and Krome Ave. or was it misplaced also?
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #97 on: Oct 31, 2006, 10:22 »

I think the company reported this to the NRC to get the FBI to help them arrest this guy.  It's always helpful for the company to spin a situation into a frenzy for political gain.

Please don't get that whole thing started again...ok? ;)

Let's all just respect each others opinions and keep everything on a nice even keel.

your friendly neighborhood moderator  8)

If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #98 on: Nov 06, 2006, 03:42 »
I am in the present NLO class and they paid to relocate everyone of us. So not sure where you are getting your information. 

I think this is the difference between contract techs and permanent hires.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #99 on: Nov 09, 2006, 08:47 »
Turkey Point is in the news again (at least on the NRC's site)

Power Reactor     Event Number: 42795
Region: 2 State: FL
Unit: [3] [4] [ ]
RX Type: [3] W-3-LP,[4] W-3-LP
HQ OPS Officer: BILL GOTT    Notification Date: 08/23/2006
Notification Time: 11:23 [ET]
Event Date: 08/23/2006
Event Time: 09:40 [EDT]
Last Update Date: 08/23/2006
Emergency Class: NON EMERGENCY

Event Text

"On 08/23/06 at 0940, Turkey Point Nuclear Station was informed of a possible news release concerning the activities of a non-supervisor initial operator student. The initiating activities in question occurred prior to the employment of the individual at Florida Power and Light and have resulted in the recent off site arrest of the student on felony charges. Plant access was suspended immediately upon supervisor notification pending further investigation."

Florida Power and Light and Turkey Point were not mentioned in the initial news release.

The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

Anyone have additional info? I could speculate about charges based on previous experience, but would prefer not to.

He was in the latest NLO class. He was formerly a high school teacher and was arrested for having sex with a 16 yo female student.

We also had a Unit Sup get a DUI while visiting INPO in Atlanta.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #100 on: Nov 09, 2006, 08:53 »
My understanding is that the people that worked the PTN outage were not allowed to work the outage at my plant. I do know that none of them are here.....

FP&L employees are having to put up with a lot right now, but the travelling outage workers are the ones struggling to feed their families until the fall....

Anyone that was in the can during the outage had to take the MMPI again and then talk to a psychologist afterwood.  Then we had a one on one interview with the FBI.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #101 on: Nov 24, 2006, 02:36 »
I heard Turkey Point had a role in CSI Miami this week. Glad they didn't educate us on specifics on what could have been done with that truckload of explosives. Good thing Horatio had that magic bullet that detonates an entire truck.

I cringe whenever a Nuke plant is on a TV show. The opportunities for mis-educating the public in one TV show could set public relationtions back years.

If you really want to read about it:
« Last Edit: Nov 24, 2006, 02:37 by Roll Tide »
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #102 on: Feb 14, 2007, 03:21 »
I am happy to see FP&L posting vacancies on Nukeworker. Finally! Glad to see they are ready to hire the best available talent.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #103 on: Apr 14, 2007, 06:29 »
Put me in coach... I'm ready to play (for pay)


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #104 on: Jul 23, 2007, 03:21 »
Asking once again about places to stay at Turkey Point the ones here are not available, Anyone have any suggestions please let me know. Maybe this isnt to bad of a plant, this will be my first time down that way............Thanks


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #105 on: Jul 23, 2007, 05:36 »
My suggestion: if you have any contacts in plant, call and find out what's on the bulletin boards in the Admin bldg. Usually the locals rent out rooms, since temp housing can be an issue here.. even if you rent a room in a local motel for a week, ask around when you get in plant. Try not to stay in Florida City longer than you have to. The plant's fine to work at, it's outside that kinda puts people off...... good luck..


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #106 on: Jul 23, 2007, 07:46 »
Turkey was ok to work at I had a nice time there.
I didn' t like going to the metal building to dress out,then walk outside to get to the aux building dressed out,to get in the CAN. If it rained then it really sucked.
It takes about 20-30mins to go from the trailer-dress out-to the can.

Do not stay in Homested unless you are partial to SODOMY and CAR THEFT.

though outside the plant  6 miles ,there is venetia gardens 1 & 2 they were nice and pretty safe to stay at if you can find a condo in there.

good luck
« Last Edit: Jul 23, 2007, 07:51 by RadBastard »


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #107 on: Aug 07, 2007, 08:31 »
Wow just got from Turkey Point just as fast as I got to the place. Be warned this whole town as a whole was a dump, talk about over priced and full of what ever it is you call those people. I found a place only after searching and going to different places for like 3 hours or so. The place I found brand new 3 bedrooms/kingsize beds/3 baths, man nice until Monday after getting back from the crap hole they call a nuclear plant. My neighbor knocks on my door in a panic telling me her house was robbed and only to found out 2 others as well and upon checking my back door it appears that I was next in line until someone came home and they ran I suppose. Yep 9 hours and 30 to get to T.P. (Homestead) and 8 to get back. And to top it off I was hiring in as FPL temp employee and was told that my time to get paid would start after I got cleared (WHAT A JOKE). So like I said 8 hours later and 500 bucks down I am back home and safe.  ;D Dennis

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #108 on: Aug 07, 2007, 09:04 »
after all i've heard from friends I trust who have been there, turkey is a plant i will TRY to avoid.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #109 on: Aug 29, 2007, 09:08 »
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #110 on: Sep 14, 2007, 02:36 »
So if you combine my post with Troja's, you see it is a choice: death or taxes (tolls)  ;D

The Keys are beautiful. If you are considering living there, rent a place for a month to see if you can stand the commute first.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #111 on: Sep 17, 2007, 09:53 »
I may have a perm. job at Turkey Point, having never been there what are the pros and cons from the people who have been there?


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #112 on: Sep 17, 2007, 09:57 »

Turkey Point MAY be the most talked about plant here. Granted virtually all the posts are under the misleading header of Turkey Point but you should be able to find them.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #113 on: Sep 17, 2007, 10:32 »
Tell your spouse you want to spend a week there for vacation. Then write a book.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #114 on: Sep 19, 2007, 02:21 »
Does anybody know what ever happened with the "hole" investigation?


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #115 on: Sep 20, 2007, 05:41 »
There's always a perminent position available at Turkey Point!

Pro's of Turkey Point:  Ah......................Hum.. ....................I'm Thinking..................... ..... :-\

It's only 402 mile to the Georgia Border!

That's about it, RG!

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #116 on: Nov 13, 2007, 02:17 »
Case closed; no charges for 1/8" hole drilled during 2006 outage. Officially declared vandalism, not sabotage.

A tiny hole in a pipe at a nuclear power plant led to a big investigation over sabotage fears, but authorities have closed the case as an unsolved act of vandalism, the FBI said Monday.

"No one is being charged unless more evidence becomes available," FBI spokeswoman Judy Orihuela said.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #117 on: Nov 13, 2007, 04:41 »
Maybe FPL should issue an appologie to everyone who's life/career they've disrupted? After all the BS people had to endure....Bastards.
Call Before You Dig!


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #118 on: Nov 13, 2007, 05:28 »
welcome to nuclear .....  why do u think they call it NUCLEAR?


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #119 on: Nov 13, 2007, 08:05 »

Sounds like things haven't changed much over the last 16 years!  No gun fire, gang wars in the parking lot, your car was still there in the morning?  Maybe it did change!   :-\

Fueldryer, WTF (Way to Funny),  when the new logo changed, about 1990, FP&L translated to "#*cking People & Loving It"!

Couldn't help myself, RG!

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #120 on: Nov 14, 2007, 08:39 »
Maybe FPL should issue an appologie to everyone who's life/career they've disrupted? After all the BS people had to endure....Bastards.

I am not trying to make excuses for anyone (or any company) but FPL didn't have a lot of choice in the matter. Once the NRC got involved (they had to) and brought in the FBI (also no choice) it was out of FPL's hands what hoops people had to jump through to get their clearances back. I got lucky and worked my next outage at St. Lucie. My 'problems' were limited to one week and some pain-in-the-butt paperwork and everything was back to normal with no additional problems. I understand that others were less fortunate, but blame the feds if you have to blame somebody. Better yet, blame the idiot that drilled the hole. Vandalism or sabotage (I am not sure why it matters) it was the act that caused the trouble, not the utility.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #121 on: Nov 14, 2007, 12:55 »
Vandalism or sabotage (I am not sure why it matters)

Vandalism: some idiot with a 1/8" diameter drill bit and an atttitude drilled through the PZR surge line in an attempt to cost the utility $$$ (and perhaps extend their own employment with the outage).
Sabotage: some informed person with intimate knowledge of the plant found a way to drill an undetected 1/8" hole in a manner that would lead to core meltdown and the end of the Nuclear Rennaissance (before it gets started on other than paper).

We would be back to 9/12/2002 security levels (or higher) throughout nuclear if it was sabotage.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #122 on: Nov 14, 2007, 02:47 »
Vandalism: some idiot with a 1/8" diameter drill bit and an atttitude drilled through the PZR surge line in an attempt to cost the utility $$$ (and perhaps extend their own employment with the outage).
Sabotage: some informed person with intimate knowledge of the plant found a way to drill an undetected 1/8" hole in a manner that would lead to core meltdown and the end of the Nuclear Rennaissance (before it gets started on other than paper).

We would be back to 9/12/2002 security levels (or higher) throughout nuclear if it was sabotage.

I didn't say I was confused over the definitions, I said I was not sure why it mattered what they called it. Someone caused damage to the plant and that warranted investigation. It was obvious that the damage was not going to cause a nuclear disaster and that the purpose was to  extend the outage and cost the utility money.  An informed person with intimate knowledge of the plant would know that an eighth inch hole drilled anywhere would not lead to a meltdown (at least without being detected and stopped before becoming a problem) so why would it take so long to make that determination?

In the original sabotage, a disgruntled dutch worker threw their wooden shoe (sabot) into the machinery of the factory in order to damage the factory and cost the factory owner money. I fail to see the difference here.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #123 on: Nov 14, 2007, 06:17 »
Maybe FPL should issue an appologie to everyone who's life/career they've disrupted? After all the BS people had to endure....Bastards.

I was an operator at Turkey Point at that time. I was even in the Pzr cubicle during that outage. We had to talk to the FBI, retake the MMPI and talk to a psycologiest. I didn’t think it was very disrupting considering what could have possibly happened had we not found that hole. Plus it was all on the clock...

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #124 on: Nov 14, 2007, 06:52 »
I was an operator at Turkey Point at that time. I was even in the Pzr cubicle during that outage. We had to talk to the FBI, retake the MMPI and talk to a psycologiest. I didn’t think it was very disrupting considering what could have possibly happened had we not found that hole. Plus it was all on the clock...

I was the refueling floor tech on nights when it happened and I agree... it could have been much worse, even though I left site before it was discovered. Talked to the FBI and the shrink before they let me into St. Lucie.

FBI: You work in containment during the outage?
Me: Yes. Every night.
FBI: You go in the Pressurizer housing?
Me: Yes. Every night.
FBI: You ever in there alone?
Me: Yes. Every night.
FBI: You ever work with power tools in your job?
Me: Hell no. I am an HP. They don't let me play with anything electrical or anything sharp.
FBI agents both laugh.

That was about it. A few 'you know anybody that would want to do this?' type questions. The shrink was late for his plane out of town so that conversation went really smoothly. A little extra paperwork and I am back in the plant (well, St. Lucie.) No problems since.
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"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to understand that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
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I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #125 on: Nov 14, 2007, 07:59 »
I was an operator at Turkey Point at that time. I was even in the Pzr cubicle during that outage. We had to talk to the FBI, retake the MMPI and talk to a psycologiest. I didn’t think it was very disrupting considering what could have possibly happened had we not found that hole. Plus it was all on the clock...
Well, I'm glad it was that easy for you..
Call Before You Dig!


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #126 on: Dec 05, 2007, 04:35 »
I am a former electrical/shutdown reactor operator from the Silversides and would like to get into Turkey Point.  I realize a long time has went by but willing to make it work.  Application and resume have been submitted.  Any help and suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks,  J.T.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #127 on: Dec 05, 2007, 08:40 »
I worked there from July 2004 til Jan 2007 as a non-licensed operator. What did you apply for? NLO or SRO position? I don't know if you know but SRO in the commerical world is Senior Reactor Operator. If you applied as an NLO you will have to take the POSS. It is an ASVAB sort of test. Once you pass that they will do your interview. When I applied they also took all the interviewees out to dinner.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #128 on: Dec 06, 2007, 07:12 »
I am not familiar with the non licensed operator term.  SRO to me meant Shutdown reactor operator in the military.  Did you have an expediter or a contact because I am winging it without neither.  I haven't had even an acknowledgment other than a e-reciept for the original application which was rudimentary.  It would be nice to have a name and a phone number to see if I have a chance.
Thanks for your reply.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #129 on: Feb 26, 2008, 03:29 »
just saw on msnbc the turkey point had a dual unit trip. Anyone got any info


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #130 on: Feb 26, 2008, 03:40 »
I don't work at the plant; so, take this with a grain.

Yesterday, one of the buildings was photographed with dark smoke pouring out.  There were not any press releases on that count, but this morning there was only normal operations.

(According to MSNBC) A few hours ago, three nonNukes went offline with the Turkey Point Station.  There have yet to be any major releases of information from corporates or Homeland Security. 

Seems power is coming back up right now.  Remember what I said about the grain of salt?

I am sure one of the regulars will update us as soon as the corporates allow dispersals.

"CNN reported that eight power plants in South Florida in the Miami area were out of service."

"NEW YORK, Feb 26 (Reuters) - Both 693-megawatt units of FPL Group Inc's (FPL.N: Quote, Profile, Research) Turkey Point power plant in Florida shut [down] due to the loss of off-site power, a spokeswoman for the plant said Tuesday."

This seems to be a major grid problem, not a nuke problem.  The sited shutdown was a safety measure. 

The failure was caused by defective equipment in a (west) Miami-Dade substation.  This last bit of information was reported by MSNBC without reference.

All power should be restored by 17:30 EST (MSNBC).

I am still not sure what the smoke was from at Turkey Point yesterday; seems inconsequential now.
« Last Edit: Feb 26, 2008, 04:17 by StevenPeck »

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #131 on: Feb 26, 2008, 04:33 »
That's just typical of the media. On msnbc they report of a major blackout in South Florida and they concentrate on both nuke units at Turkey Point shutting down.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #132 on: Feb 27, 2008, 12:41 »
There was an equipment failure at a substation located away from the plant, causing a loss of off-site power. Both units tripped as designed. The smoke was apparently caused by a hard fault to ground at Unit 5 which is a combined-cycle gas plant at the same site as the 2 nuclear units (and two other gas units). Turkey point was NOT the cause of the problem, it was a victim.

Both of the units are still down.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #133 on: May 20, 2008, 06:44 »
Wow, TP seems like a car wreck.  Has anyone got experience with the engineering side of things at FPL/TP?  They contacted me to PM the pwr uprate on the stm turbine FPL is planning in Fall 2010.  I rejected a very generous (contract) offer but they went all in with a better offer.  I can do car wrecks for the right price, I guess.  Can't say I didn't know what was coming.
Time to get my pastel jackets and torquois t-shirts out with my raybands.  I bet I can find my boat docks around somewhere.
See right through the red, white and blue disguise
With lecture I puncture the structure of lies
Installed in our minds and attempting
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We've got to take it back, Take the power back


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #134 on: May 21, 2008, 04:05 »
Loffy Muffin,

Can't say I didn't know what was coming.

In respect to the area..................Wanna Bet?

RG.................. :-X


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #135 on: May 21, 2008, 08:51 »
I remember someone at the plant told me they have a gun in their car's glove box,one in the trunk,one ankle holstered, one in the kitchen,one by their bed and one in a plastic bag in the shower.
Never leave home without one.Fond memories.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #136 on: May 21, 2008, 08:56 »
I remember someone at the plant told me they have a gun in their car's glove box,one in the trunk,one ankle holstered, one in the kitchen,one by their bed and one in a plastic bag in the shower.
Never leave home without one.Fond memories.
I was an operator from 2004 - 2006 and most of the people coming to work had guns in their cars.

I could handle the plant but the area just sucked too much. If your wife is not happy then you are not happy. PLus add on the cost of housing!

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #137 on: May 21, 2008, 12:59 »
There is an old saying on wall street regarding people in their quest for wealth:
"People rarely get what the want, but always get what they deserve."

Probably applicable to endeavors other then stock selection and investments. 

the power up rate is actually 2009 fall outage, 18 months away.
Lock and load. 
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To hold us back
We've got to take it back, Take the power back

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #138 on: Jun 19, 2008, 02:14 »
A rumor was circulating the other day that TP is offering 250K salaries for SROs because they are hurting for operators. Is there any truth to this rumor?

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #139 on: Jun 19, 2008, 03:11 »
A rumor was circulating the other day that TP is offering 250K salaries for SROs because they are hurting for operators. Is there any truth to this rumor?

Can't verify the amount of money, but the need for SROs is true. There are two initial licensing classes going on as I speak (one up stairs and one down the hall.) If I was a gambling man (I am) I would bet on there being another one as soon as one of these graduates.

FPL does pay premiums for people to work here becasue of the cost of the area and attrition rate... depending on your field, the premium can be pretty good... but there is a reason for that.


I work for FPL as a Temp which basically means I am a contractor working directly for the company. I like working here but have not relocated here. I am renting (own a house somewhere else) so I am not responsible for local insurance, community association fees, or property taxes. Obviously I fell well enough compensated to stay... at least temporarily. If I am offered a more permanent arrangement there will be a lot of negotiating going on.

End of Disclaimer

The cost of living here is high partially because insurance (home and car) is outrageous and you need hurricaine insurance as well, and property taxes are through the roof. That being said there are literally thousands of houses for sale here and you have a good chance of finding a 'highly motivated' seller. Some houses have been for sale for longer than 18 months. There are many stories of people offering almost stupid lowball offers and having them accepted. There are loads of foreclosures. Builders have lowered the cost of new houses to very low levels (like small condos in gated communities for under 100K) in some cases. So, if you want to work here there are bargains to be had. Many of the communities are gated and very safe. Of course the implication of that is that some are neither. Within an hour drive are two large metropolitan areas (Miami and Fort Lauderdale) with anything you could ask for. Thirty minutes south are the Florida Keys which are less awesome than 30 years ago, but still qualify as a bit of paradise if you like that kind of stuff.

In other words, there are a lot of good and bad points. You have to decide how the scales tip for you.
"I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician."

                                  -Marty Feldman

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #140 on: Jun 19, 2008, 04:52 »
If anyone has any Turkey Point HR/OPS contacts, please PM Me with them.



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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #141 on: Jun 20, 2008, 05:26 »
TP is alright for single guys...I would not want to take a family down here unless I had to. 
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #142 on: Jun 22, 2008, 09:59 »

You paint such a pretty picture of TP.  If I were a young guy like you I would probably be moving into one of those bargain condos.  (Cutler Ridge or Homestead).  On the serious side have a great summer and watch your back.

                                                             Old HP

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #143 on: Jun 23, 2008, 11:40 »

You paint such a pretty picture of TP.  If I were a young guy like you I would probably be moving into one of those bargain condos.  (Cutler Ridge or Homestead).  On the serious side have a great summer and watch your back.

                                                             Old HP

I certainly wasn't trying to paint a pretty picture. There is indeed a lot of crime and as Loffy Muffin pointed out here I would not want to raise kids here unless I had plans on living at the edge of aceptable commuting distance or could send them to private schools (and even then I would have serious doubts.) But for someone without young children, it isn't too bad. Like everywhere else, it isn't as bad as some say or as good as others say.
"I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician."

                                  -Marty Feldman

"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to understand that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
                                  -Ronald Reagan

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

                                  - Voltaire


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #144 on: Jun 23, 2008, 08:58 »
I also heard the rumor about high salaries at TP ($180k during qualification) but not sure about the accuracy.  Would it be reasonable to commute from Coral Gables?


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #145 on: Jun 24, 2008, 10:14 »
When I lived there it was about a 50 min ride to the plant, on Old Cutler Road, on a reverse commute..I can't imagine the traffic's gotten any better. That road's packed bumper to bumper heading into Miami in the AM, back South in the PM. But it's doable if you can afford the Gables.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #146 on: Jun 24, 2008, 10:36 »
turkey point at 180K is about on par with say, tva Bferry at 100-120k.   but, you'll have more options in TP.  You are on the downward slope of a massive housing bust here in Sfla.  Sobe condos are going for 25 cents on the dollar. 

coral gables?  You like living large.  well, paying large.  living average.  count on 5-6K/month for an ok house.

plenty to rent in the "ok" range of 1200-2000 in redlands/homestead.

Southbeach has oceanfront condos, large and new, 3000. 

I drove from south beach monday in 1 hour.  coral will be about 40-50 minutes in my estimation.

I don't know what they pay down here for operators, but the plant is barely hanging on.  Maintenance is in total reaction mode and ops is in three section I think (normal is 5, maybe).  I haven't sat in on the maintenance meetings, but my boss has.  this is second hand info.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #147 on: Jun 25, 2008, 07:36 »
Well there must be some truth to the rumors considering how many of us on this board have heard them, just that the exact number isn't confirmed as I have heard from two independent sources that it was 300K. Now, one source said that was for SMs the other said SRO. Regardless of how much and for whom, I think we can safely assume that they are indeed throwing some money around. :)

« Last Edit: Jun 25, 2008, 07:37 by JustinHEMI »

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #148 on: Jun 25, 2008, 08:59 »
They are not throwing money around, they are just trying to catch up to the market rate premium needed.  I would take a 50K cut to work at JunoBeach and told FPL I would rather take JB at 50K less.  They offered TP.  This place is barely hanging on.  3 shifts?  They should have been "throwing money around" 3-4 years ago to avoid the hard spot they are in now.  This is the freakin everglades, man.  Flat, hot, swamp.  Expensive swamp land at the that.  Great for reptiles.

Maybe TP is just the first plant to experience a massive shortage of personal.  I hear Oconee has 80% of the workforce over 50 with 20-30 years, all ready to retire.  Not everyone is going to want to live in jerkwater SC, regardless on how pretty it is.  Most plants have been giving the old "hometown discount" to the workforce knowing too well they have too much vested to quit.  They have this regional flavor that might not neccessarily attact people that don't have community ties. 

But, If I was some 24YO swab from the USS rustbucket I would not turn my nose up at an opportunity at TP.  There are worst places for single guys. 
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #149 on: Jun 26, 2008, 02:01 »
Turkey Point's been "barely hanging on" for at least the last 5 years. I remember a town hall meeting with the plant manager, when the rank and file asked about the aging work force, attrition rate, and the possiblity of a "bonus" for staying around. The man said, "If you don't like it here, quit. We'll find someone else."
Of course the plant manager's since moved on up. A lot of chickens are coming home to roost.
Yet the plant limps on due to the Herculean efforts of some good people.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #150 on: Jul 09, 2008, 12:15 »
Update on the TP project:  Scheduled to be a 5 year project with removal of most of the secondary system including moisture separators, FW heaters, valves, FW pump upgrades, new Flow path for Turb, generator rewind.  This will be the most comprehensive modification for any plant in the US (per FPL) and will be more difficult than a new contruction. 

Should be plenty of opportunities down here for long term work.  the project is staffed about 25% and should have 130 people or more at 100% staffing.  Schedulers, planners, construction, proj eng, PM, etc openings.  Work week is 4-10's, OT up to 45hrs is optional.  Trip outta here once a week.  I think they are pretty generous with the mullah, I should gross $1.5-2M over 5 years.  The other Project Managers might be pulling more then I am, so I might be on the low end of the scale.  The trip home every month is sweet.  Can go anywhere.  I'm heading to chicago next month and plan on ski trips over winter. 

If the nuke build in this country goes as planned and this project is a success; anyone associated with this highly complex project will be in the kill zone for mullah after the projects completion.  the new builds should be just hitting stride and the people on this project will be seasoned veterans in a field sparely populated with proven professional with recent experience.  The ol supply and demand chart looks like $$$$$$ for people rolling off this project in 2012. 
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #151 on: Jul 10, 2008, 12:38 »
Update on the TP project:  Scheduled to be a 5 year project with removal of most of the secondary system including moisture separators, FW heaters, valves, FW pump upgrades, new Flow path for Turb, generator rewind.  This will be the most comprehensive modification for any plant in the US (per FPL) and will be more difficult than a new contruction.

Sounds like a lot of work, but with it all being BOP-side items, why is it believed to be more difficult than a new construction?

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #152 on: Jul 10, 2008, 06:47 »
Sounds like a lot of work, but with it all being BOP-side items, why is it believed to be more difficult than a new construction?

Because you aren't trying to maintain the unit online for a new construction. They are not shutting down for the 5 year project.
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #153 on: Jul 12, 2008, 10:49 »
The moisture seps are buried under the turbine with the condenser on side, the Rx Cont on the other, and 100 yards of piping at the ends, and swamp land underneath.  The replacement has  to occur in a 55 day window.  I think we will model the BOP in 3D space and simulate the removals so that risk can be appropriately addressed.  Plus, you have miles of cabling on all side that will need to be removed. 

This issue here is risk modeling.  Many unk-unks.  We have 3-4 years to come up contingencies, triggers, responses, and reserves to try to address the risks.  This will be good case study for risk management. 

A new build is just putting components together.  Toshiba uses mods, pre-assemblies that you put together as units.  Hasn't been done here in the US-A, but overseas they are putting them up in 3-4 years per toshiba.  They are assembled in controlled areas and shipped and assembled on site
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #154 on: Aug 23, 2008, 01:36 »
I am a new member of this forum.

I started a PTP in April of 73 and was there for U-4 startup. Had the pleasure of working for some of the most brilliant people around. Bill Waylett, Manny Gonzales, Jim Hardy, John Velotta, and the list goes on.

I went to purchasing in 80, one of my best projects was participating in the CAE simulator project.

Some of my best memories, and night mares were formed at PTP.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #155 on: Aug 27, 2008, 05:43 »
As of Oct 1 I'll be an ex navy nuke. I applied through the FPL website with interest in going to TP back in July, and haven't heard anything. Are they looking for people right now? Is there a better way to submit my resume than the FPL website?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #156 on: Aug 27, 2008, 07:15 »
 8)  Beam, what position are you  applying for??

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #157 on: Oct 01, 2008, 09:12 »
What are the bonuses/salary like for TP for SRO position?  What is the cost of living in a generally decent neighborhood.  I always hear rumors.. but never anything firm about pay/salary and they area.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #158 on: Oct 08, 2008, 08:59 »
Found this on nucpros website

Here's the straight & skinny from a member.
Feedback on the posting for the glamor spot...

The FPL figures for SROs is a tad off.  Here's the straight & skinny:

$50K sign-on bonus to be hired as a SRO candidate
$50K after you get your SRO (18 months of schooling)
$50 after holding your SRO 6 months (24 months into it)
$50K two years after licensing date (48 months into it)
$40K mortgage assistance over 4 years getting $10K/year (effective from day 1)
All living expenses for your first year here (mortgage, utilities, etc.)
Moving expenses (valued at $12.5K)
Wages for SRO range from $110K to $135K per year (Unit supervisor to Shift Manager)

Totals for year:
1- $182.5K
2- $230K
3- $230K
4- $170K
5- $160K
(Note: no overtime considered but there's all you could ask for and alot your forced for.)


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #159 on: Oct 23, 2008, 10:04 »
I also am trying to get info about applying to turkey point.  There are a lot of rumors out there that they are in need of personnel, but I never find anything on their website.  I am ex-navy nuke ET1.  If anyone has any info, please post.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #160 on: Oct 24, 2008, 10:49 »
What are the bonuses/salary like for TP for SRO position?  What is the cost of living in a generally decent neighborhood.  I always hear rumors.. but never anything firm about pay/salary and they area.

Decent neighborhoods? Don't think you'll find them down there.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #161 on: Dec 02, 2008, 09:56 »
Where do I sign?


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #162 on: Dec 03, 2008, 12:40 »
I'm kind of in the same boat as one of the above posts: I keep hearing about all these shortages and openings, but dozens of searches and web site crawling have turned up precious little in the way of job postings. Is there some kind of secret code or key word/phrase? How do these plants hire? I'm a former Navy Nuke, 20 years out of the biz. Maybe you have to know the right people to get the dope on the plants that are hiring?


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #163 on: Dec 04, 2008, 12:31 »

What do you want to do, job-wise, in the Civilian Nuke industry?
« Last Edit: Dec 04, 2008, 12:33 by Lowell »


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Interview for NLO at turkey point
« Reply #164 on: Jan 25, 2009, 10:33 »
 Hi everyone just passed the poss test and have an interview next week at TP for FPL. How long is the training and the pay while in class. Any other information would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Interview for NLO at turkey point
« Reply #165 on: Jan 25, 2009, 11:01 »
Excellent questions to ask at the interview eh?



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Re: Interview for NLO at turkey point
« Reply #166 on: Jan 25, 2009, 02:02 »
Just reading the job posting on you will work 7-3:30PM during training and then rotating 8 hour shifts upon completion of training.

I am going to take a stab in the dark and guess between 21-25.00/hr to start.

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Re: Interview for NLO at turkey point
« Reply #167 on: Jan 25, 2009, 03:14 »
 8) davesally best of luck to you and hope you ask all these questions you are asking from us during that interview!!keep us posted!! Congrats  on POSS test as well good luck!!see ya around the campus!! ;D


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Re: Interview for NLO at turkey point
« Reply #168 on: Jan 25, 2009, 04:52 »
Just reading the job posting on you will work 7-3:30PM during training and then rotating 8 hour shifts upon completion of training.

I am going to take a stab in the dark and guess between 21-25.00/hr to start.

~ $34/hr once fully qualified.  Not sure what the starting pay is.


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Re: Interview for NLO at turkey point
« Reply #169 on: Jan 25, 2009, 05:13 »
Thanks to everyone for your help. I will start writing down all the questions to ask at the interview....dave


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Re: Interview for NLO at turkey point
« Reply #170 on: Jan 25, 2009, 09:50 »
Personally, I wouldn't ask about pay at the interview.



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Re: Interview for NLO at turkey point
« Reply #171 on: Jan 25, 2009, 09:55 »
I did during every interview I've ever had in this industry and I've yet to not be offered a job. Why not ask about pay? It's part of making the decision.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #172 on: Feb 07, 2009, 09:22 »
Did they get the outage staffed?


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #173 on: Feb 12, 2009, 07:30 »
Congrats on passing the POSS! I unfortunately do not have enough information/experience to answer your question... but I would recommend taking an offer if given one. You could easily bump up to an RO or even SRO in 2 years (depending on company and licensing class schedule).

Best of Luck!


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Interviews at Turkey Point
« Reply #174 on: Feb 16, 2009, 12:31 »

Does anyone have any information on when they will be conducting interviews for NLO positions. Passes the POSS test a month back and applied 2 weeks ago but still nothing. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Interviews at Turkey Point
« Reply #175 on: Feb 16, 2009, 02:21 »
I hate to hijack, but when did they close the openings for this?  There is nothing on their website, and I'd love to apply.

Good luck btw!
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #176 on: Mar 19, 2009, 12:32 »

Been invited back for a second interview soon at T.P. for NLO training. Any help on what to expect would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #177 on: Mar 20, 2009, 08:35 »
Look me up when you get here... I am in RP Training.
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                                  -Marty Feldman

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #178 on: Mar 20, 2009, 08:53 »
I see they are hiring for a Sn Chem Tech, any insights into TP Chem?

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #179 on: Mar 21, 2009, 04:04 »
I see they are hiring for a Sn Chem Tech, any insights into TP Chem?

I don't see it on their site for TP.  Do you have other information that they will be posting openings soon?
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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #180 on: Mar 23, 2009, 05:13 »
Thank you.  It seems that I am a failure at life.  I couldn't find it for some reason when I searched, but I had it added to my "job cart" for later.  Maybe it's due to them changing the verbage slightly.  I appreciate the link.   Now I have to rewrite my resume so they won't reject it this time.  lol
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Turkey Point NLO to SRO
« Reply #181 on: Apr 14, 2009, 01:19 »
I passed the POSS (what ever that means, not sure how well I did) and now I am going down there this weekend to interview. I am planing to start class at Turkey Point in June 2009, can anyone tell me about turkey point and their training and also the area. I have read so far about the area was not so good, Homestead is poor and crime ridden yet has a over priced house market?

I do look forward to the beach weather, love the outdoors  8)

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Re: Turkey Point NLO to SRO
« Reply #182 on: Apr 14, 2009, 02:44 »
I passed the POSS (what ever that means, not sure how well I did) and now I am going down there this weekend to interview. I am planing to start class at Turkey Point in June 2009, can anyone tell me about turkey point and their training and also the area. I have read so far about the area was not so good, Homestead is poor and crime ridden yet has a over priced house market?

I do look forward to the beach weather, love the outdoors  8)

The Homestead area is like the start of a Dickens novel (A Tale of Two Cities)... "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."

There is a lot of poverty. There are not a lot of very highly rated schools (an understatement according to a lot of people.) The crime rate is what you would expect for a poor area (bad.) Homestead itself does not have beaches per se because of the way the Keys come up and shelter the area and the abundance of mangrove hammocks and the Everglades (it is practically IN the Everglades.) The housing market is strange because there are a lot of very low priced areas where the neighborhoods are not good and some higher priced areas where the gated communities are. You don't want to live outside of a gated community (IMHO.) The housing prices have been coming down, but a lot of people are reluctant to sell because they stand to lose a lot. There are a significant number of foreclosed houses on the market for cheap.

On the other hand, it is less than 30 minutes from the Keys which ranks up there among the most beautiful places in the country, assuming you like summer... all year long. There are some excellent restaurants within half an hour. You are about 30 or 40 minutes from Miami Beach... no explanation necessary. There is a lot to do if you are into the touristy things; Pennekamp State Park where you can snorkel or scuba dive on beautiful reefs, the Everglades (with the alligator shows and airboat rides,) the Seaquarium for the kids, a reasonable zoo nearby. Of course, Miami has all of the big city stuff, too. There is a decent golf course in Homestead, another nearby in the Redlands and a lot of them within an hour, up to and including Doral, which is open to the public (but a bit pricey.) If you can't find something to amuse you within an hour's drive, you are not looking... that drive includes the Everglades, all of Miami and Ft. Lauderdale, too.

Lots of people commute up to an hour to the plant in order to NOT live in Homestead. That puts a lot of very nice areas in range of what you may or may not call an acceptable drive to work... during outages, that is too much for me.

I have been here over two years as a Temp and am strongly considering taking a permanent job. I have no children so I don't care about the schools and I currently live in a nice (gated) community. The bottom line is that there are good and bad things about Homestead. How you assess the balance is a personal choice.
"I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician."

                                  -Marty Feldman

"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to understand that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
                                  -Ronald Reagan

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #183 on: Apr 15, 2009, 03:03 »
Dude, A simple the immediate area sucks but if you don't mind a drive come on down, would have done it.  Holy cow, you shouldn't be tech'n you should be a tourist guide.  The real bottom line is it's an extension of South Miami.  Enter at your own risk.  Thanks for the laugh.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #184 on: Apr 15, 2009, 03:30 »
Dude, A simple the immediate area sucks but if you don't mind a drive come on down, would have done it.  Holy cow, you shouldn't be tech'n you should be a tourist guide.  The real bottom line is it's an extension of South Miami.  Enter at your own risk.  Thanks for the laugh.

I am happy you are so easily amused. When asked a question I can answer I prefer to give useful information. Your response is entirely up to you. Thanks so much for the critique, I will treasure it always.
« Last Edit: Apr 15, 2009, 03:30 by RDTroja »
"I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician."

                                  -Marty Feldman

"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to understand that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
                                  -Ronald Reagan

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

                                  - Voltaire

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #185 on: Apr 15, 2009, 03:39 »
Thanks so much for the critique, I will treasure it always.

+K to ya....that's funny, don't matter who y'are!  ;D


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #186 on: Apr 15, 2009, 10:17 »
About 45 to 50% of the people fail the POSS. Not 90%


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #187 on: Apr 16, 2009, 12:44 »
Thanks for the information so far, at the interview are looking for the basic tell that you are quailified and desire the job and you are a team woker. I'm only going to dress in slacks and button down shirt, nice but not a suite.

I was looking at houses east of the turn pike in homestead under the air reserve base, some really nice prices - it seems by the looks of the neighborhood not too bad of a place to buy. I may need a room for 3 months first before I buy?

Good to hear only 50% pass, it was easy, not to say I am very smart and/or smarter then the rest.

Thanks all

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #188 on: Apr 16, 2009, 01:49 »
I was looking at houses east of the turn pike in homestead under the air reserve base, some really nice prices - it seems by the looks of the neighborhood not too bad of a place to buy. I may need a room for 3 months first before I buy?

That is the right area to be looking in. The closer you get to Keys Gate Golf Course, the better. As a matter of fact, most of the best communities are part of a complex called Keys Gate (North Gate, Town Gate, Arbor Park, Keys Landing, The Fairways, Palm Isle, The Shores, and a couple of others.)

If you want just a room for a few months there is a new hotel (like Extended Stay) in town in a reasonable neighborhood called Value Place that rents suites by the week for under $400. Check out and look under Miami (Homestead). I haven't been there, but it is very new and looks OK.
"I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician."

                                  -Marty Feldman

"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to understand that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
                                  -Ronald Reagan

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

                                  - Voltaire

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #189 on: Apr 25, 2009, 07:40 »
They hire locally whenever possible because there have been a lot of people that came in, got qualified and left because they didn't like the area as much as they thought they would (or not at all.) They are (were might be better because it has improved) in deep trouble with the NRC for their turnover rate and have been working hard to fix that. When people have a vested interest in the area and know what they are getting into, they are less likely to leave and the attrition numbers improve. The company has spent a lot of money to fix the problem and this is one of the things they have learned. They work with the local community college and have programs for engineering, ops, chemistry and RP, so they get many locals that way.
"I won't eat anything that has intelligent life, but I'd gladly eat a network executive or a politician."

                                  -Marty Feldman

"Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to understand that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."
                                  -Ronald Reagan

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

                                  - Voltaire


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #190 on: May 30, 2009, 11:30 »
I told them I really like the Miami area, anyway, just got a job with Siemens in Orlando.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #191 on: Dec 01, 2009, 06:16 »
You just have to love living and working in south Florida...

At 1328 [EST] on 11/26/09, the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Station Control Room received a call from an individual stating that he was a member of a group of Cuban nationals that had landed in the Turkey Point cooling canals. The individual reported that 33 Cuban nationals total (29 adults and 4 children) were in the cooling canal system. The Turkey Point Nuclear control room notified Turkey Point Nuclear Security, who located and assumed control over the Cuban nationals without incident. Turkey Point Nuclear Security notified local law enforcement agency (Miami-Dade Police), requesting assistance. At 1425 [EST], Miami-Dade Police arrived on site. United States Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) were notified by Miami-Dade Police.

They must have missed Michael Moore's speeches on how good they have it in Cuba.  ;)


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #192 on: Dec 01, 2009, 09:55 »
Were any ANSI 3.1 qualified?

Offline Old HP

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #193 on: Dec 01, 2009, 10:10 »
Come on now Steve..   You know they all were 3.1s. We have been hearing for years that there are boat loads of qualified  techs out there. This was just the first boat.

Offline Eric_Bartlett

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #194 on: Jul 30, 2010, 04:47 »
Just because there are a lot of rumors flying around out there I figured it was about time that I chimed in and gave ya my 2 cents whether you want it or not.   Certain companies have been recruiting SHP techs for Turkey Point stating that they either have a back-up contract or are about to receive one.  Certain web sites are out right stating that other companies either are recruiting for or already have a back-up contract in place.  I just wanted to set the record straight, Turkey Point is staffed.  None of the companies advertising "Outage work for SHP's in the South East" will be placing HP techs there, nor were they ever slated to do so.  If you fell for the propaganda machine don't worry about it, allot of people have fallen for the lies, half-truths, and misleading statements coming from various companies and entities out there.  I for one will continue to post the truth as I know it, y'all can take it or leave it, as always its your choice.  

Enjoy the rest of your summer and may you all have a prosperous Fall Season,
« Last Edit: Aug 01, 2010, 08:17 by Eric_Bartlett »
The opinions & views expressed by me are mine and mine alone and may not reflect those of the company.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #195 on: Jul 31, 2010, 05:33 »
"Outage work for SHP's in the South East" will be placing HP techs there, nor were they ever slated to do so.  If you fell for the propaganda machine don't worry about it, allot of people have fallen for the lies, half-truths, and misleading statements coming from various wanna-be companies and entities out there.

Eric thats a very rude comment, trust me Eric I have worked for your company, and yes I have been lied to, I really don't care cause I'll probably never work for The big Blue machine again, but Eric be truthful with the techs. that don't get me wrong some day when i crawl out of my fridge box I might call ya..Tell Jerry I said hi..


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #196 on: Jul 31, 2010, 11:53 »
I don't think Eric is being rude.  He is being blunt.   There is a difference.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #197 on: Aug 01, 2010, 08:27 »

Eric thats a very rude comment, trust me Eric I have worked for your company, and yes I have been lied to, I really don't care cause I'll probably never work for The big Blue machine again, but Eric be truthful with the techs. that don't get me wrong some day when i crawl out of my fridge box I might call ya..Tell Jerry I said hi..


Kevin - thanks for grounding me, you are right, after reading my post a couple of times I can agree, I did come off as a bit rude, so I modified it.  It was wrong of me to state that the companies that have been putting out misleading info were "wanna-be's".  They are established, legitimate companies both owned by individuals that I had always considered friends, so I do apologize for that statement.  The rest, well as I said, take it or leave it, its your choice.

take it easy

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #198 on: Aug 01, 2010, 10:17 »
i was just confirmed buy tech USA friday. sorry hit the wrong , I geuss no one lese here has done that, Rp is not my field any more but if nothing comes up I will take the slot.
there are a lot of back up contracts out there if you are willing to risk waiting for them.
I geuss Fl could be 3rd world. but 40 An hour and 150  DAY IS Not bad plus time and half
« Last Edit: Aug 02, 2010, 12:51 by duke99301 »

Sun Dog

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #199 on: Aug 01, 2010, 04:38 »
i was just confirmed but tech USA friday



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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #200 on: Aug 02, 2010, 03:57 »
Their a premium provider of trained professionals for third world country's.... ::)


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #201 on: Aug 02, 2010, 07:19 »
i was just confirmed but tech USA friday

Good Luck.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #202 on: Aug 02, 2010, 01:10 »
i was just confirmed buy tech USA friday. sorry hit the wrong , I geuss no one lese here has done that, Rp is not my field any more but if nothing comes up I will take the slot.
there are a lot of back up contracts out there if you are willing to risk waiting for them.
I geuss Fl could be 3rd world. but 40 An hour and 150  DAY IS Not bad plus time and half


Mark - are you saying Tech USA confirmed you in for an HP slot at Turkey? or are you going in as something else or somewhere else?  Just trying to clarify your post.

The opinions & views expressed by me are mine and mine alone and may not reflect those of the company.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #203 on: Aug 02, 2010, 01:22 »
i was just confirmed buy tech USA friday. sorry hit the wrong , I geuss no one lese here has done that, Rp is not my field any more but if nothing comes up I will take the slot.
there are a lot of back up contracts out there if you are willing to risk waiting for them.
I geuss Fl could be 3rd world. but 40 An hour and 150  DAY IS Not bad plus time and half
Did you take the slot as spell checker because I knew someone looking for that assignment?

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #204 on: Jan 11, 2011, 11:26 »
I have been contacted by Turkey Point for Nuclear Plant Operator and am more than likely going to be called for an interview as my application status in my profile says so. Does anyone have any information about that plant, bad or good? I have read the thread and it is rather old so things may have changed between now and then.

I appreciate any information,advice and/or help that can be offered regarding me getting into this plant.

Offline HydroDave63

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #205 on: Jan 11, 2011, 06:36 »
Brush up on your Spanish and get a carry permit.

Awww, c'mon, that thread was so old and antiquated, I'm sure things have changed since then ;)

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #206 on: Jan 11, 2011, 08:27 »
Gracias Senors, hablo espanol......and I am armed to the teeth. I will seek a conceal carry license, I have always wanted one anyway.

I was hoping to get some info about the plant itself and the type of folks working there.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #207 on: Jan 11, 2011, 09:18 »
You did.

Attitude - Totally  -K!
Humor is a wonderful way to prevent hardening of the attitudes! unknown
The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. Regan

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #208 on: Jan 11, 2011, 10:10 »
Man, that doesn't paint a very pretty picture then.  :D

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #209 on: Jan 11, 2011, 10:44 »
Man, that doesn't paint a very pretty picture then.  :D

I was talking about SD's attitude.  Last time I dealt with TP it was great!
Humor is a wonderful way to prevent hardening of the attitudes! unknown
The government is like a baby's alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other. Regan

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #210 on: Jan 11, 2011, 10:46 »
I don't think you need a conceal carry license in Homestead, everybody is armed to the teeth, even the baggers at Publix grocery store carry a 9. As far as the plant/area goes, well learn to dodge gators on the access road, drive 120mph on the turnpike since US 1 is a good place to get shot when stopped at a light, speak spanish ( check), live 45 minutes away from the plant. The plant is old, but fun to work. The most people there are really nice and friendly, but like every plant, there is a few who are disgruntle.

Take the job if it is offered, you may be able to transfer to St. Lucie when the opportunity arises, that seems to be the modus operandi for alot of folks there. And buy Desert Eagle 50 cal and a used cop car to take to first!

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #211 on: Jan 12, 2011, 09:31 »
Thank you OldHP and Incline that is what I was looking for.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #212 on: Jan 12, 2011, 11:51 »
I don't think you need a conceal carry license in Homestead, everybody is armed to the teeth, even the baggers at Publix grocery store carry a 9. As far as the plant/area goes, well learn to dodge gators on the access road, drive 120mph on the turnpike since US 1 is a good place to get shot when stopped at a light, speak spanish ( check), live 45 minutes away from the plant. The plant is old, but fun to work. The most people there are really nice and friendly, but like every plant, there is a few who are disgruntle.

Take the job if it is offered, you may be able to transfer to St. Lucie when the opportunity arises, that seems to be the modus operandi for alot of folks there. And buy Desert Eagle 50 cal and a used cop car to take to first!

   I did one outage there in 83 I would have thought it would have improved by now. I got a hair cut just after I arrived in Homestead while paying the bill I was asked if I was new and if I had a gun. When I replied that I was and no I did not have a gun he pulled out three from under the register and asked if I wanted to buy one. I did have a good time down there despite that, the Everglades, the Keys, etc. make up for a lot its just not "Kansas".

Offline ronl2687

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Turkey Point Spring Outage
« Reply #213 on: Oct 09, 2011, 08:42 »
Has anyone heard if this outage has been reduced in days. fron the 120 on the schedule.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #214 on: Oct 25, 2011, 11:28 »
Id like to get into turkey point for their 120 day outage but I heard that they rarely accept "outsiders" and a lot of their employees are returnees. Does anyone know if this is true? Ive been decon for the past 2 years with some jr hp time in (8 months) and I'm finally ready to hit the road and start traveling.

 Any tips on how to get into this plant? I have no connections to Turkey point so I'm relying solely on my work experience. any road techs out there who could shed some light on this? Thanks in advance :)

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #215 on: Oct 26, 2011, 06:57 »
Bartlett has the contract so you can contact them. Sharon Casey is the outage coordinator for them and she's good to work with/for.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #216 on: Oct 31, 2011, 08:34 »
I'm looking for a place to rent near turkey point. 3 bedrooms and 2 baths minimum. Monthly rental and I'm looking at 6 months or more being down there. Want a safe and secure neighborhood. Any info would be appreciated, trying to rent a place rather than pull my 5th wheel down there. Thanks, Mike


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #217 on: Nov 01, 2011, 08:01 »
I want to get in on this outage, but I am a newbie with no experience.  I wanna get in on Decon.  Does anyone know if they will be bringing in first timers?  What is Sharon Casey's phone number?

jeff moore

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #218 on: Jan 11, 2012, 01:58 »
I'm looking for a place to rent near turkey point. 3 bedrooms and 2 baths minimum. Monthly rental and I'm looking at 6 months or more being down there. Want a safe and secure neighborhood. Any info would be appreciated, trying to rent a place rather than pull my 5th wheel down there. Thanks, Mike

I just got the call to start down there Mon for the Feb outage.
Does any one have any info on Lodging? I don't even know if I will be getting per diem so cost is an issue but I dont want to stay in a s... hole.


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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #219 on: Jan 12, 2012, 11:52 »
Jeff, you've got to do a better job of looking out for yourself...
When you 'get the call' to go somewhere always ask about pay, per diem, and travel. I'm pretty sure they'll give you what's due, they're not in the business of ripping you off.

 As far as lodging, try the Value Place, or the Floridian in Florida City. Ask for the FPL rate, but keep in mind it's the expensive season down there. If it's cheap, it'll most likely be a sh***hole, so don't get your hopes up.

When you get to training, ask around and see where everyone else is staying and go to that motel.
Good Luck.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #220 on: Aug 07, 2012, 03:36 »
Day 169 of the never ending EPU outage.
"Duty is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less." General Robert E. Lee, C.S.A.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #221 on: Sep 19, 2012, 12:18 »
Spanky how goes it? Your going to need a bigger travel trailer to carry all that TP money! : ) When does the next outage start?

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #222 on: Sep 19, 2012, 03:49 »
November 5th.
"Duty is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less." General Robert E. Lee, C.S.A.

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Re: Turkey Point
« Reply #223 on: Sep 26, 2012, 09:37 »
I'm headed down to Turkey point in a few weeks, going for the long haul EPU outage.


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