I was an operator at Turkey Point at that time. I was even in the Pzr cubicle during that outage. We had to talk to the FBI, retake the MMPI and talk to a psycologiest. I didn’t think it was very disrupting considering what could have possibly happened had we not found that hole. Plus it was all on the clock...
I was the refueling floor tech on nights when it happened and I agree... it could have been much worse, even though I left site before it was discovered. Talked to the FBI and the shrink before they let me into St. Lucie.
FBI: You work in containment during the outage?
Me: Yes. Every night.
FBI: You go in the Pressurizer housing?
Me: Yes. Every night.
FBI: You ever in there alone?
Me: Yes. Every night.
FBI: You ever work with power tools in your job?
Me: Hell no. I am an HP. They don't let me play with anything electrical or anything sharp.
FBI agents both laugh.
That was about it. A few 'you know anybody that would want to do this?' type questions. The shrink was late for his plane out of town so that conversation went really smoothly. A little extra paperwork and I am back in the plant (well, St. Lucie.) No problems since.