..$$ is the only reason to go to an outage...Let it ride....why else would you leave home, work 12 hours with people you dont know, and dont care about;...I was a house tech at Farley in the 80's, I am sure it has changed many times, the house techs at Farley are by far the most intelligent bunch I have ever worked with, most are ex-navy, or degreed,some are ex- RAT's that were working this business when you were still eating with a spoon, I know Rick Gordie was there when they pulled the rods on the sun, they are all trained in all aspects of Radiation Protection...you seem to forget you are in the Bible belt, explain what you mean about getting fired for talking about a shirt, with a Christian logo..I suspect there was more to it than that..most of you seem to be biased, or prejudiced about the south, and southern plants...stay the heck out then..I read a bumper sticker a long time ago...it said..."WEDONTCAREHOWYOUDOITUPNORTH"..AND WE STILL DONT....so dont whine about the money, the southern drawl, the Christians, the house techs...they didnt twist your arm and make you go there.....and you know what else, they could care less if you come back....I always heard if you cant say something nice, dont say anything at all..and thats all I have to say..what about it Spanky?...Red