I believe Bprogressive and I are in the same boat, we've both passed the POSS and MASS tests that were administered by Southern Co..
I have a good bit of heavy/commercial construction experience (pipefitting, electrical, steel fabrication/erection, ect, ect), I'm just about to finish a B.S. degree this summer, and I have one class this semester for my A.S. in Nuclear Power Technology at Bismarck State.
Granted, I don't have any commercial or navy nuke experience, but I'm confident that I have a solid core of related mechanical experience, work ethic, and drive to be successful when I finally get the call.
The position, as I understand it, wasn't for ops or maintenance, but was an entry level position that could lead to those opportunities in the future. As someone without navy nuke experience, that would much rather be on the operations side than in a traditional engineering role, I thought this job would be an ideal way to get my foot in the door to work my way into an NLO opportunity.