In hopes that I may get to move down there, let me ask a few questions.
Where do I look for a house? Are there any areas to stay away from? I am most interested in good schools. I have a 4th grader and a 2 year old. I would sacrifice housing over good school any day. But I have been told that housing down there is cheaper than Birmingham. I checked and there are some decent looking houses in my price range, but I don't know Houston from Rehaboth or whtever...
School. Are they good, decent? Which ones?
Social life. What is there for my city-girl of a wife to do? Fishing and peanuts work for me, but she wants shopping, dining out and stuff...go figure! Are there parks, etc for the kids?
What is training like there for newbies? Is there any kind of mentoring program? If not, just tell the older guys not to stop too suddenly . . . 
Lastly, if I do this thing, I'm doing it all the way. What avenues are open for education for newbie nukes down there? What kind of educational bennies does Southern offer? Although I have a BA, it is nothing engineering or nuke related.
Dothan is a beautiful town, I just got back from a week long trip visiting my son and his future bride and am heading back on Friday. I will ask them to contact you as they live there full time and Julie grew up in Enterprise.
Land can be steep but there are very reasonable housing options, the outskirts of the Garden District is beautiful with the homes being a little older.
Social life: well there's a decent mall, several strip malls and businesses galore; TARGET, WALMART, JC PENNYS, OLD NAVY, LIMITED, BELKS, DILLARDS, LANE BRYANT, THE AVENUE, BED, BATH AND BEYOND, BATH AND BODY WORKS, GYMBOREE, A CHILDRENS PLACE, ETC And your only a couple hours from Destin, FL and the outlet malls and a beautiful beach and vacation spot.
There are tons of parks, a botanical garden, coffee houses (The River Nile is wonderful) and even a small water park.
Some of my favorite places to eat so far are The River Nile (try the homemade soups) and The Blue Plate (Country Fried Steak). I have yet to try these others but was told they are wonderful: Conestooga Steak House, Old Mill Restaraunt, Zacks and Dobbs BBQ (have not eaten there in 30+ years, but its still open and still crowded so it can't be half bad!).
As far as education, I will assume that you are asking about colleges, if not sorry. The colleges nearby include Wallace Community College and Troy.