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Author Topic: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)  (Read 141438 times)

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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #50 on: May 14, 2007, 04:51 »
You are sooo correct Mr Hoppe..... does the Farley outage occur during the peanut feastival???

Offline Vanilla Xtract

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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #51 on: May 17, 2007, 11:59 »
The peanut festival is not until November 2nd. But you can always hang out and wait for it.

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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #52 on: May 17, 2007, 09:43 »
Close enough.
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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #53 on: Jun 28, 2007, 01:03 »
Word came out today that the core techs jobs wouldn't be filled until at least first of next year due to budget concerns.  Orginally they had hoped fill them this fall
breath in, breath out, move on----j buffett

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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #54 on: Jun 29, 2007, 05:22 »
That along with the pay scale for those jobs show how strongly the company feels about hiring "core techs".


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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #55 on: Sep 06, 2007, 10:32 »
New to the boards, great site with lots of info. Starting the pipefitting career soon so I got a few questions; Anyone working at Farley from the Local 52? How is the work down there? What type of work is it? Need any info yall can give me, not real sure what to expect or do when I get down there. Thanks.


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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #56 on: Oct 23, 2007, 07:54 »
Good Day ladies and gents!

I am a complete newbie to the board.  I studied and traied to work on computers so that my job could be sent to India and Mexico...  Recently I started looking around and someone who knew I had been a Machinist Mate on subs told me to check out Southern Nuclear.  Short story long, I am taking the POSS/MASS next week at Farley.  I would really enjoy meeting anyone down there and talking about working at the plant.  I have more questions than this board could hold.


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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #57 on: Oct 23, 2007, 08:23 »
I'll be glad to help.  Paticularly about HP.  Good luck on your application
breath in, breath out, move on----j buffett


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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #58 on: Oct 23, 2007, 05:03 »

I guess I should specify I was an A-Ganger...non-Nuke MM on the boat. 

I read that the POSS/MASS is about as difficult as ASVAB, and I retook that last year, considering re-upping at the time.  I blew it out of the water, so if POSS/MASS is in the same league, I should be fine.

I would ask some questions here, but I don't even know enough to know what to ask.  :D

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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #59 on: Oct 27, 2007, 03:59 »
There is alot of info on and guides on the MASS/POSS on the web I can post you some links to the ones I used if you need them.  The funny thing about that test is if they want you to pass it you will.

Offline PWHoppe

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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #60 on: Oct 27, 2007, 05:18 »

I guess I should specify I was an A-Ganger...non-Nuke MM on the boat. 

I read that the POSS/MASS is about as difficult as ASVAB, and I retook that last year, considering re-upping at the time.  I blew it out of the water, so if POSS/MASS is in the same league, I should be fine.

I would ask some questions here, but I don't even know enough to know what to ask.  :D

Welcome to NukeWorker  ;D

Although not entirely on topic, here is a link to a thread that should help you with the POSS/MASS exam. Good Luck ;),9248.0.html
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #61 on: Oct 28, 2007, 03:49 »
The POSS is more difficult than the ASVAB as you have about 1/6th the time to complete it.


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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #62 on: Oct 29, 2007, 06:58 »
I read that the POSS/MASS is about as difficult as ASVAB

If I gave you that impression, I am sorry. It covers the same material, so ASVAB study guides work well. But as BZ stated, the time is the challenge.
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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #63 on: Oct 30, 2007, 11:15 »
Well, I THINK I did okay, although on one of the graphing charts I think I sprained my eyeballs!

The best part was when I was on the way home, and my head gasket blew.  Yeahhhh...  My car is at in Ozark, AL.  LOL!  If anybody down there needs a decent auto guy, I think his name was Steve Henderson, I think his shop is Ace Auto or something like that.  So, that is my contribution to the Farley board.  I thought putting his number up here would be too close to spam, but he seems like a good guy and his price was lower than other shops I called in the area.

There is a gas station with white oil towers next to it.  Name starts with a 'C' but I can't remember the name.  Anyway, I asked 1 worker if they were on the north or south side of town so I could tell the tow truck.  "Are you coming from the north or south?" was the answer.  I explained that I was not trying to figure out what side of 231 they were on, but whether they were north of Ozark, or south of it.  "I asked you if you were going north or south!"  So I said I was going south, "Then we're north of town."  I said, what if I was traveling north from Dothan..."Oh! Then we'd be south of town."

So, I asked another employee who asked me, "Are you going north or south?"

...I walked down 231 to get a mile marker...


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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #64 on: Oct 31, 2007, 05:43 »
I guess I should specify I was an A-Ganger...non-Nuke MM on the boat. 

Hey  that dont make you a bad person.... worked with many a great "ganger" in my time.  Seem to cross paths with a few every now and then..... welcome to the Dothan area.  Hope you like fishing and peanuts.

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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #65 on: Oct 31, 2007, 07:40 »
If anybody down there needs a decent auto guy, I think his name was Steve Henderson, I think his shop is Ace Auto or something like that.  So, that is my contribution to the Farley board.  I thought putting his number up here would be too close to spam, but he seems like a good guy and his price was lower than other shops I called in the area.

Actually, I don't think that would be a problem.

And it sounds like you already know how to deal with certain crafts; you will do great at a Nuke plant!
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #66 on: Oct 31, 2007, 08:24 »
Got my results...passed the test.   ;D

I LOVE fishing and peanuts.

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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #67 on: Oct 31, 2007, 08:42 »
Got my results...passed the test.   ;D

I LOVE fishing and peanuts.

Congratulations, Good Luck with the rest of the process. What about boiled peanuts?
If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many days will it take a grasshopper with a rubber foot to kick a hole in a tin can?

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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #68 on: Oct 31, 2007, 12:11 »
I am a fan of boiled peanuts too.  Matter o' factly, when we go to the beach we stop just south of Dothan and buy a bag near the place where we turn toward Marianna.

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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #69 on: Nov 02, 2007, 09:15 »
Has the issues with the NRC lately affected the outage duration at Farley?

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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #70 on: Nov 02, 2007, 12:44 »
we are somewhat behind schedule for this outage but that isn't unusual.  Maybe another week or so left .  We did lose some time to increased inspection of 4160v breakers
breath in, breath out, move on----j buffett


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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #71 on: Nov 02, 2007, 11:05 »
we are somewhat behind schedule for this outage but that isn't unusual.  Maybe another week or so left .  We did lose some time to increased inspection of 4160v breakers

You guys need some extra help down there???? I could always bring my roller skates

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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #72 on: Nov 03, 2007, 04:43 »
I think that we will survive this outage but they are supposed to staff the core tech positions starting in Jan.  I don't know any details on those in terms of $$$ so I can't comment on that part.
breath in, breath out, move on----j buffett


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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #73 on: Nov 12, 2007, 07:41 »
In hopes that I may get to move down there, let me ask a few questions.

Where do I look for a house?  Are there any areas to stay away from?  I am most interested in good schools.  I have a 4th grader and a 2 year old.  I would sacrifice housing over good school any day.  But I have been told that housing down there is cheaper than Birmingham.  I checked and there are some decent looking houses in my price range, but I don't know Houston from Rehaboth or whtever...

School.  Are they good, decent? Which ones?

Social life.  What is there for my city-girl of a wife to do? Fishing and peanuts work for me, but she wants shopping, dining out and stuff...go figure!   Are there parks, etc for the kids?

What is training like there for newbies?  Is there any kind of mentoring program?  If not, just tell the older guys not to stop too suddenly . . .  :P

Lastly, if I do this thing, I'm doing it all the way.  What avenues are open for education for newbie nukes down there?  What kind of educational bennies does Southern offer?  Although I have a BA, it is nothing engineering or nuke related. 


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Re: Farley (Joseph M. Farley)
« Reply #74 on: Nov 14, 2007, 10:17 »
In hopes that I may get to move down there, let me ask a few questions.

Where do I look for a house?  Are there any areas to stay away from?  I am most interested in good schools.  I have a 4th grader and a 2 year old.  I would sacrifice housing over good school any day.  But I have been told that housing down there is cheaper than Birmingham.  I checked and there are some decent looking houses in my price range, but I don't know Houston from Rehaboth or whtever...

School.  Are they good, decent? Which ones?

Social life.  What is there for my city-girl of a wife to do? Fishing and peanuts work for me, but she wants shopping, dining out and stuff...go figure!   Are there parks, etc for the kids?

What is training like there for newbies?  Is there any kind of mentoring program?  If not, just tell the older guys not to stop too suddenly . . .  :P

Lastly, if I do this thing, I'm doing it all the way.  What avenues are open for education for newbie nukes down there?  What kind of educational bennies does Southern offer?  Although I have a BA, it is nothing engineering or nuke related. 


Dothan is a beautiful town, I just got back from a week long trip visiting my son and his future bride and am heading back on Friday. I will ask them to contact you as they live there full time and Julie grew up in Enterprise.

Land can be steep but there are very reasonable housing options, the outskirts of the Garden District is beautiful with the homes being a little older.

Social life: well there's a decent mall, several strip malls and businesses galore; TARGET, WALMART, JC PENNYS, OLD NAVY, LIMITED, BELKS, DILLARDS, LANE BRYANT, THE AVENUE, BED, BATH AND BEYOND, BATH AND BODY WORKS, GYMBOREE, A CHILDRENS PLACE, ETC And your only a couple hours from Destin, FL and the outlet malls and a beautiful beach and vacation spot.

There are tons of parks, a botanical garden, coffee houses (The River Nile is wonderful) and even a small water park.

Some of my favorite places to eat so far are The River Nile (try the homemade soups) and The Blue Plate (Country Fried Steak). I have yet to try these others but was told they are wonderful: Conestooga Steak House, Old Mill Restaraunt, Zacks and Dobbs BBQ (have not eaten there in  30+ years, but its still open and still crowded so it can't be half bad!).

As far as education, I will assume that you are asking about colleges, if not sorry. The colleges nearby include Wallace Community College and Troy.


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