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Speed Traps in or around power plants
« on: Feb 23, 2007, 09:20 »
....I am at Duane Arnold....Palo, Iowa,,between the site and Cedar rapids, Ia.....,speed limit goes from 45mph-25mph in 100yds,,,no intermediate,,at the only caution light in town,,,sits a 1997 brown Chevrolet Impala, with yellow lights on top, and a radar gun, at 3a.m...make sure you come to a complete stop.........I have seen numerous cars stopped by this be careful...its not a fat, southern sherrif , smokin a cigar with mirror sunglasses, eating a dohnut...but, "ITS A SPEED TRAP" the middle of mowhere Iowa,,,,I have seen others have you?

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Re: Speed Traps in or around power plants
« Reply #1 on: Feb 23, 2007, 09:25 »
In Ludiwici, Georgia. They at least hide there.
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Re: Speed Traps in or around power plants
« Reply #2 on: Feb 23, 2007, 10:00 »
well, at da beav, there wuz a local shippingport cop who'd pull ya over for speeding, window tints, extra lights on yer vehicle, etc.  his prime times fer patrolling were about an hour befour 'n after shift changes.  he usta make lots of dough fer the town.  don't know iffen he's still there or not.  i usat warn udder commuters when i saw him active, by using da cb.  he wuz known to yell at me about it, also using da cb.  of coors, i usta tell him (most politely) that he wuz breaking up two bad fer me to unnerstand him 'n he oughta get a better antenna that that cheap az radio shack peace of crap.  then, i'd nebber unnerstand wotinell he wuz screeming after that.   ;D
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Re: Speed Traps in or around power plants
« Reply #3 on: Feb 24, 2007, 09:15 »
For Point Beach it would be the whole city of Two Rivers. I've witnessed a plain clothes cop, on foot, with no police vehicle in sight, hiding behind a mailbox, with a radargun in one hand and a walkie talkie in the other. A way down the street at the edge of town, four squad cars have four drivers stopped.

Management has been known to request county cops to focus extra speed enforcement during outage and write more tickets for workers on their way to work.

For the Kewaunee Plant, during outage shift changes you can count on a state trooper sitting in the driveway of the "School Forest" just south of the plant. The county cop will be rolling up and down Hwy 42 north of the plant. He likes to use instant on radar, I think that's what it's called. He waits until the last moment then zaps you with the radar. Your speed is locked on before you know what happened. A radar detector can't warn you in time unless you can detect him zapping the cars ahead of you. Most of the other cops in the area just sit with the radar on constantly and can easily be detected long before you see them.

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Re: Speed Traps in or around power plants
« Reply #4 on: Feb 25, 2007, 04:57 »
For those of you coming to Port St. Lucie for the spring outage they have a construction zone set up north of the plant on A1A.  The PSL county police are really taking advantage of the situation to fill the county coffers.  It is about 8 miles long and 35 miles per hour which is next to impossible to do for anyone who is used to doing 55 in this zone.

The construction zone south of the plant runs about one mile and doesn't seem to be as heavily enforced.
« Last Edit: Feb 28, 2007, 11:02 by starving_dog »
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Offline Mike McFarlin

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Re: Speed Traps in or around power plants
« Reply #5 on: Feb 25, 2007, 09:54 »
well, at da beav, there wuz a local shippingport cop who'd pull ya over for speeding, window tints, extra lights on yer vehicle, etc.  his prime times fer patrolling were about an hour befour 'n after shift changes.  he usta make lots of dough fer the town.  don't know iffen he's still there or not.  i usat warn udder commuters when i saw him active, by using da cb.  he wuz known to yell at me about it, also using da cb.  of coors, i usta tell him (most politely) that he wuz breaking up two bad fer me to unnerstand him 'n he oughta get a better antenna that that cheap az radio shack peace of crap.  then, i'd nebber unnerstand wotinell he wuz screeming after that.   ;D
Same cop is still on duty there, especially during outages!
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Re: Speed Traps in or around power plants
« Reply #6 on: Feb 26, 2007, 08:29 »
Years ago there was a Lower Alloways Creek Township (no kidding) cop on the access road to Salem that stopped me two outages in a row... I had to spell 'Alfa Romeo' for him both times. I understand they still go trolling there.
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Re: Speed Traps in or around power plants
« Reply #7 on: Feb 27, 2007, 07:44 »
LMAO @ 'Alfa Romeo'   ;D
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Re: Speed Traps in or around power plants
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2007, 05:02 »
Vermont Yankee was bad back in 2005.... I even got pulled over after slamming on my brakes with a cop tailgating me..

After being yelled at as to my sudden stop I asked "Didn't you see that cat in the road?   You want me to kill someone's pet?"

I have not been touched since.


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