Whether he's the genuine Dr. Gollnick or not, the guy who posts under that name is signing his posts as Daniel Gollnick, Ph.D.
He is hawking Basic Radiation Protection Technology, which was authored by Dr. Daniel Gollnick (and is known among the HP/RP community simply as "Gollnick").
If he's not the real thing, he's doing one helluva job impersonating the real thing -- which is why I voted against Dan Gollnick in the poll. I fugure anybody who would allow himself to be misrepresented in such a grand fashion is just too much of a dope to be in any hall of fame no matter how many volumes of knowledge he has published. On the other hand, if he is in fact the actual Daniel Gollnick, Ph.D. I've just gotta say that I'm disappointed.