You can get a furnished place with a kitchenette called The Little Cabin Inn Middlehope, NY 914-561-9685, near Fishkill for about $250/week. About 30 miles away. -Caters to the Nuclear Contractors.
Watergate Inn is $250/week for a motel room about 3 miles from the plant.
For a quiet, furnished apt, with off street parking in Peekskill, right off Hwy 9 five minutes from site, contact Jack Lindroos at 914-739-1178 or Anya Reid at 914-736-3245 625.00/month, 300.00 deposit. They are great people to do business with. The apartments are within three miles of the IP sites and in a better part of Peekskill, right next to the Motor Inn.
Also, try on the web. They list apartments and motels in the area.
On route 5, near the flashing yellow traffic light near the Tops market is a farmer living in a house made up to look like a castle. He has a petting zoo out back. Well, he has two apartment buildings, is a quality landlord, reasonable rates, and about 15 min's from plant.
1 BR furnished - 914-737-6049 $825/mo
1 BR unfurnished - 914-296-9879 $675/mo
Check the bulletin boards at training, do not use a real-estate broker as the fees are to high, go north to Fishkill for an apartment, there is also an apt complex just north of the site near a well know local old hotel that is supposed to be good.
Bethel Springvale Nursing Home rents rooms out for $250.00 per week. Another suggestion is to commute from Harriman, NY. Harriman is about an hour away but you can find some cheaper places to live.
The campground at Sprout Brook is not there anymore. There is one in Fishkill, Snow Valley. It's not too bad.$350.00 a month plus utilities. It isn't listed in Woodalls, it doesn't rate that high. I stayed there for 7 months in 98. It has spots open all year. Sorry I don't have the number, you may find on net or by calling information.
You can try the classifieds in the Poughkeepsie Journal ( for housing in
the mid-hudson area. Expect to pay $1500.00/mo, 2 mo. deposit and sign a 1 year lease. If you can afford it you can try the Westchester Journal news ( I warn you, the first few 3bdr houses for rent this morning are within 15-20 miles of the plant and rent for $4000.00+/mo. But hey, you will be in the neighborhood the Clintons have chose to live. Due to SGRP at IP2 and major facility construction in Fishkill NY (GAP distribution center) housing around IP2 (affordable) will be found in New Jersey or Albany (find someone to carpool with). The roach motels within 60 miles are asking $300-450 per week. The national chains (Holiday inn, Residence inn etc) are holding at 100-150.00 per day.
Little Cabin Inn in Middlehope N.Y. will have fully furnished cabins & a two bedroom house (which is furnished)available in the very near future. Short Term or Long Term. Weekly rates includes dish's
linen's cable t.v. and maid service. Call now!!!!(914)561-9685 you snooze you loose. They cater to roadies.